Okay here is chapter 14
It is kinda short but good.
I also try to do a lime tell me it is good, please! w
Dis: me own nothing
On with the story...
Drago then look at Elisa-Kay and kissed her.
Elisa-Kay gasps into the kiss, which gave opportunity for Drago to slip his tongue into her mouth. Elisa-Kay moans into the kiss and shyly dances with Drago's tongue with her's. A few moments later, they broke apart gasping for air.
"If I hated you, why would I do that?" said Drago huskily pressing his forehead to Elisa-Kay's.
Elisa-Kay couldn't respond, she was still in a daze with the kiss.
Drago just chuckled and went in for another kiss; however it was interrupted by a loud explosion coming from the work site for the lair.
"WHAT THE HELL GUYS! I WAS…" yelled Drago running to the work site to pound on the Ice Crew, but stopped what he was saying when he saw was going on.
Standing there was a tall skiny mucluar man, he was wearing a blue happi (Japanese light jacket) with a strange crest (the white beard pirates' Jolly Roger) it was open reviling his rock hard abs. He wore brown shorts and getas (Japanese sandals). Lastly, he wore an orange cow boy hat. The man's appearance himself was very familiar; he had long shaggy dirty blond hair that was almost to his shoulders, bright blue eyes, and had freckles over his nose and cheeks. He was grinning and was staring at Drago when he arrived.
"Who the hell are you?" demanded Drago.
"Hello! I am sorry if I was interrupting anything. I am looking for someone, but your friends here wanted to play a bit!" said the strange man chuckling. Then Ice came after the man with his fire breath which the man dodged easily. Then Cobra came in with a crow bar and hit the man. However, the man started to glow and become static-like and the bar went through him.
"Dude! What are you!" shouted Cobra in horror.
The man revert to normal, however his lower half became still static and was able to float himself into the air, "I am human, I just ate the Rumble-Rumble Fruit!" laughed the man.
"What is going on?" asked Amanda coming into the clearing with Rave behind her looking a little bit charred.
Elisa-Kay herself came into the clearing as well (after she finally got out of her daze) and look up at the strange man. Elisa-Kay's jaw hit the ground and she went bugged eyed, "ACE?"
Ace turn towards the yell and saw Elisa-Kay, reverting to normal he tackled her.
"ELISA-KAY!" cheerfully shouted Ace hugging her.
Can't Breath!
"Umm…Elisa-Kay do you know him?" asked Amanda sweat dropping at the site of them.
Meanwhile, Drago was growling and his hand was getting ready to fire a fire ball at Ace.
Ace pulling away from Elisa-Kay (however he still had his arm over her shoulders) said, "I'm her older brother!"
More character are coming!