Pairing: Anna/Yoh

Words: 449


She kept repeating this word over and over in her head, its three syllables ricocheting around the walls of her mind like a severely screwed up game of Pong gone wrong.

Screw. She laughed. As in what he's going to be doing to me in approximately two min-- the latter tail of her thought was cut short as he moved his mouth to the pale column of her neck. Christ.

commensal: (noun)

She hadn't bet on this. He was the lazy one. The laid-back one. The calm one. Never would she have imagined that he wanted....wanted whatever this was so badly. And yet there they were, barely separated from the rest of the residents of the Asakura household by a mere sliding door, full on doing everything but the deed they had both thought about endlessly but never had the knowledge or expertise to actually execute it.

commensal: (noun) 1. a participant in a symbiotic relationship in which one benefits while the other is unaffected

Her nails clawed into his arms as he clumsily tried to remove his shirt with one hand, his lips never leaving hers. Unaffected. That's what he had thought of her all these years. Or at least, that's what she had assumed.

commensal: (noun) 1. a participant in a symbiotic relationship in which one benefits while the other is unaffected; 2. a being that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently

Well, to be fair, she had also assumed that she had taught him to be less dependent on others. But how wrong was she. As his rough hands (courtesy of her training regimen) traveled to the small of her back, she realized, like a cold slap across her sweating face, that she was totally and irrevocably dependent on him. Which would explain so much.

commensal: (noun) 1. a participant in a symbiotic relationship in which one benefits while the other is unaffected; 2. a being that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently; 3. an individual occupying the same area as another individual that has markedly different values or customs

So many had thought that they were too dissimilar. That they would've fallen apart chaotically before the wedding even happened. She remembered Pirika's nonchalant Well, some things aren't supposed to go together sometimes. They're just...too different...y'know? which was accompanied by a shrug.

But look at them now.


If that's what they were, then so be it. What mattered was that he was hers and hers alone.

He looked at her, uncertain of what to do. A-Are you

She stared up at him, his face the only thing in her sights right now.

my commensal


A/N: fun little drabble-esque thing to write. so i suppose this will be the chapter 1 of the standard collection of short ficlets every author has here. theme of this collection? commensal! as in snapshots of interactions between two people who are markedly different. mostly going to be AnnaYoh I suppose.

Reviews are love. Also wouldn't mind if you would post some ideas in your reviews! I will dedicate the chapter to whoever posts a good idea. =) Happy days