Title: Library Fantasies

Words: 355

Rating: PG-13/R

Warnings: Semi-crude boy thoughts ahead

Author notes: Yet again, a pairing that I don't usually write. However, this was a challenge over at LJ's SortingHatDrabs commumity, and I couldn't resist the chance to try.


Long brown hair that curls at the end and falls over her shoulders.

Plump, pink lips that suck at the end of her quill, her tongue innocently tracing the tip and making his wish her tongue were running along his skin.

Intent green eyes that dance from page to page as she pours over another History of Magic text; honestly, how she makes that subject so erotic is a complete mystery to him. Yet anytime Binns opens his ruddy mouth and says something along the lines of 'During the Goblin Rebellion of 1612...,' his mind drifts to her.

Granger. No, not Granger. Hermione.

The Mudblood he shouldn't want, but can't wanting more than any other woman. And there were other women. Daphne had never been shy with her advances, the blonde Hufflepuff-Heather? No, Hannah- was rather orally fixated, and there'd been several memorable encounters with Mandy Brocklehurst in the Restricted Section. None of them, though, could get his mind off of her.

It isn't right. She's a Mudblood, unfit to even walk the same halls as a Nott. He should despise her for no other reason than that.

Yet he can't help himself. He's half a mind to bend her over the study table and take her right there, in the view of all.

Madame Pince would probably ban him from the library, though, and no shag was worth that.

So he was resulted to skulking after her in the hallways, hidden by the ever-present suits of armor and hoping she never noticed how he was nearly always near; even in the Great Hall, he took the seat with the best view of the Gryffindor table. (That made him wonder if she was really worth it; watching Ron Weasley eat was like an exercise in torture).

Her eyes glanced up and met his for a split second, and in that second his imagination ran rampant with possible scenarios; maybe she'd smile at him, or even pat the chair next to hers. Or maybe she'd just take off her blouse and expose those fantastic breasts her school robes hid.

What? A man could dream.


Well, that was it. I hope you enjoyed it! Comments are love!