AN: Hey guys...I edited my old chapters to take out the old author's notes and stuff, but everything is the same! Just doing a bit of polishing...and still working on the sequel to this that is a long time coming. I need my muse back, it's run away. Nevertheless, this is the last chapter to this- I've been re-reading and I loved every minute of writing it, so I hope you all liked reading it too! :)

The sun shone directly overhead, casting a warm glow over all the greenery that surrounded them. It was the sunniest day of the year so far, and probably the first warm one they had had since the previous August. It was the summer solstice, Edward realized- the longest amount of daylight of the year. They had finally left the dreary, rainy spring behind them and moved on to a considerably more pleasant (and surprisingly sunny) summer.

Jane was laying out in their meadow, in the only slightly damp grass, letting the sun fall across her and reflect the millions of sparkles that danced across her white skin. Edward contented himself with running a finger along her face, tracing her delicate features. He could not help but gaze at the beauty that lay before him. He could easily stare at her for another thousand years and still not be bored.

"What are you doing?" she asked with a tiny giggle, her lips curving into a smile under his touch.

His response was to lean down and capture her lips with his.

Edward could not believe how much he loved kissing Jane. If he could only do one thing for the rest of his eternal existence, he would choose that. Not that he did not thoroughly enjoy the other things they did (and boy, did he), but there was just something so fascinating about kissing her.

It was always different. Sometimes Edward would kiss her gently, their lips barely touching, both of them just enjoying the feel of the other. Other times he would kiss her heatedly, which usually ended up with him throwing her against the wall in a fit of passion, glad for her unbreakable body.

At this moment, though, he was trailing his lips down her neck, listening to her laugh softly as he brushed against a particularly ticklish spot.

"Hey," Jane said, breaking their silence. "I just thought of something."

Edward lifted his head from her neck to look down at her. "Oh?"

She nodded, a suspicious glint in her eye as she bit her lower lip and grinned at him. "I was just thinking about that race we had- remember, in the summer of 1933? We never did figure out who's faster between the two of us."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you suggesting a rematch?" he asked, smirking. "Because I am pretty sure that that can be arranged."

"You read my mind," Jane laughed. "Just know that I am going to crush you."

"Hah!" Edward scoffed, and leapt up so that he was standing. "You wish! Now, what are the terms of the bet this time around?"

She scrunched up her face in concentration, then stood up as well. "Hm. Well if I win, you don't complain about my invisibility for a month."

He groaned. "Fine," he sighed.

Jane grinned widely. "Excellent! Now, what do you want if you win?"

Edward thought about it for a moment before it finally came to him. "Well, I did like that Ferrari we drove in Italy…"

She laughed out loud. "Then I change my mind! If I win, you don't complain about my invisibility for a year!"

He pulled a face. Could he go an entire year? He weighed the options in his mind for a moment. "Fine," he conceded. "It's a deal."

They solemnly shook hands, then took their positions at the makeshift starting line that they had created.

"To the opposite side of the meadow and back," Edward instructed. She nodded in return.

Jane crouched into position beside him. "On your mark, get set…go!"

Both took off like bullets from a gun. Edward glanced at Jane out of the corner of his eye. Damn. He'd forgotten how fast she actually was. By the time he got to the far side of the meadow, he was winning, but only just barely. She was only inches behind him, still on his heels. They got closer and closer to the finish line, Edward finally edging himself into the lead.

Just then, he felt a solid- yet still almost insignificant- weight on his back. It seemed hardly anything, but it was enough to cause him to stop in his tracks and look up at whatever it was.

"Gotcha," Jane giggled from above him, and leaned down to kiss him swiftly on the lips. She immediately jumped off of his back, and sprinted the rest of the short distance to the finish line. "Hah!" she shouted triumphantly. "I win!"

Edward looked at her incredulously. "You did not!" he huffed back. "That wasn't fair, you cheated!"

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh, did I?" she replied. "That's funny, because I seem to remember a similar situation taking place a few years back." Immediately, a familiar scene appeared in her mind.

On your mark, get set…go!"

She was off like a shot, but Edward wasn't far behind her. He caught up quickly, both of them running neck and neck towards the mountain. He reached the mountain a split second after she did, and touched the base of it before running back in the opposite direction. Jane sped up, and Edward followed suit- not exactly eager to lose against her. But he seemed to have underestimated her abilities, because Jane was fast- very fast. In fact, she was about to beat him as they neared their 'finish line'…until Edward reached out his arms, grabbed her around the waist, and tackled her to the ground with a triumphant laugh.

"Hey!" Jane cried indignantly. "That isn't fair, you cheated!"

Edward chuckled. "Sorry," he shrugged, not sorry in the least bit. He offered up a sheepish smile. "Call it a draw?"

Edward laughed. "Alright, I see your point. So why don't we just do what we did then, and call it a draw?"

"Fine," Jane said back in an exaggerated sigh. "I guess we'll never find out who the fastest one is."

"I'm sure we will some day," he replied. "Once we get over this compelling urge to cheat at every race. Who knows, maybe we'll have one of the others referee for us. But it doesn't really matter now, does it? We've got awhile to figure it out."

"Just all of forever," she replied with a grin. She tilted her head upwards, and he leaned down to meet her halfway in a kiss.

"Shall we go?" he asked, heading in the direction of where they'd parked his car when they went to the meadow.

"Definitely," Jane agreed. "Let's head out."

Edward reached for her hand. She took it, and entwined their fingers as they walked towards home.