I don't own icarly or anything else blah blah blah

Warning: Rated T for a reason!!!

Freddie's pov

"SAM!" I run into the groovy smoothie sweaty, panting, and out of breath.

I've been chasing that loud, selfish, lying, hotheaded, obnoxious, horrible excuse for a "girl"… DEMON! for miles. Although I do have to give her credit, she is really fast! When I run into the Groovy Smoothie I see Sam and Carly sitting at the "usual" table. God! The blonde haired freak of nature didn't look tired at all. She looked like she could have just come out of a beauty pageant, not like she just sprinted miles in the unusually blazing Seattle heat. Im not saying she is pretty or anything it's just that, she didn't even break a sweat. The second she saw me from across the she gave me the evilest smile of accomplishment.

I walked up to the table with my "Im so pissed off at Sam" look written all over my face. Not unusual. When Carly turned around she looked at me with a partly shocked and partly discusted look.

"Oh my God! Freddie what happened? You look…awful!"

"Why don't you ask that thing! What happened!" I pointed at the devil herself.

Carly rolled her eyes. "Sam! What did you do?!?"

"Oh relax! I knew they wouldn't do anything to you if they caught you. If they caught me I would have went to jail…again. And they would have been much easier on you if you didn't run!" She gave me a sly smile.

Carly's mouth dropped "Jail!? Caught you?! Who is "they"?! Sam!!!! Freddie?"

I ignored her. "That's still no excuse to tell the cops…Whatever you did was my fault and then take off running!!...wait! what did you do?"

Her smile disappeared and she looked down at her smoothie "It wasn't that big of a deal, me and some buds were just hanging out in Ms. Briggs backyard. We started doing some skating tricks in her drained pool. I wiped out and my skateboard flew and broke her window. Thats when she got home and called the cops because she probably thought we were breaking in. that's all."

"What do you mean that's all? That's not good Sam!" Carly said in her mother voice. Sam just stared at her smoothie.

I had a feeling that wasn't the whole story. But there is no use in questioning Sam, or yelling at her and especially trying to get even. It's probably best to just forget it. I sat in the chair between Carly and Sam totally exhausted. I took a sip of Sam's smoothie as she gave me the death stare. And I knew that was probably my only act of revenge, and it was pretty pathetic yet, if you knew Sam you would know that if you take any kind of food or drink away from her it's like a death wish.

"Get your own Smoothie dweeb!" She smacked me in the back of the head.


Carly rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh. "I got to go, I promised Wendy I would study with her. Please, please don't kill each other, think of icarly ok? Sam?"

"Fine I won't kill the dweeb for icarly's sake!" She smiled.

"Good! See ya later."


After Carly left Sam started laughing and just stared at me.


"You are still sweating like crazy. You are really out of shape" She moved her chair closer until her leg was an inch away from mine. She took a napkin and started wiping the sweat from my forehead. This was normal for Sam. She had no respect for anyone's personal space. But it was still weird…her being that close. She put the napkin down and looked at my stomach."Ya know you really need to work out more" She poked my belly and looked surprised. I smiled. I have been working out. She scooted back over and didn't say anything.

She concentrated on her smoothie while I couldn't help but concentrate on her. Sam has really grown up over the past couple years. Not really mentally and definitely not maturity but… physically. I stared at her long legs only covered with tight jean short shorts. Her legs were crossed with her calves covered with long black boots. My eyes started to wander up her body, at her tight purple tank top that showed her cleavage and part of her black bra. God! Were does she get her cloths baby gap? Can they be any tighter? Wow Sam is… pretty Hott… What? No! Oh God! Stop it Freddie! God no!! I can't believe I'm even thinking of Sam in that way at all! I looked away as fast as I could. She makes my life miserably and I hate her! Ok I don't hate her. She is my friend, i guess. But I still shouldn't have these thoughts about my friend.

"Fredweird? Freddie! Freddie!! Snap out of it! Whats your deal?"

"What? Oh… nothing I'm fine uhh I got to go. I um have an AV club meeting."

"Its Saturday! God! You have went to a new level of dorkyness."

I'm too out of it to say a clever comeback "Whatever, ill see ya later."

"yea yea!See ya nub."

Sam's Pov

"Alex, are you sure about this?" I normally love messin with Ms Briggs but I think this is a little too far.

"Sam it'll be fine. First of all we have done worse things than this, and it's not like it's your first time breaking into a teacher's house. And second of all this was your idea, and you really need the cash. Unless you wanna end up danceing on top of guys for money, you really don't have a chose."

Even though I hated him for saying that out loud he was right. Puckett girls don't have the best reputation. Besides its evil Ms. Briggs, why did I even hesitate? And I have done worse! This is no big deal. I guess what's really bothering me is I promised Carly I wouldn't do stuff like this anymore. But I don't want to have to ask her for money help again. Sometimes I don't know how she puts up with all my crap. She is a way better friend then me.

"Ok Sam and jake, you two go around front and pick the lock and Ill-"Alex said, the same time I just smashed the window open.

"SAM?!?! Why the hell did you do that? You coulda just picked the lock"

"Relax! If we are robbing this Hag clean, then she won't be worried about a broken window you nub, and it saves us time." I climbed through the window and Jake and Alex followed.

"Nice Short shorts, you shoulda just worn your underwear, its probably the same size."

"Shut up, Jake, you perv!"

"What? Its not a bad thing you got a nice ass."

"If you value your life at all, you will shut the hell up and stop staring at my ass, you perverted freak."

Wow, I'm running out of threats and insults fast. Jake and Alex are the most annoying people on earth, even more then Benson. They aren't Dweebs, they are just dumb assholes. We have nothing in common except that we all need cash and we aren't afraid to break the rules. They don't go to my school but I told them Briggs was dumb, rich, ugly and mean, so they were in. I met them at a group "juvenile delinquent" treatment center I was forced to go to every week. I guess we were the only ones that didn't "see the light". But I think we were just the only ones who didn't "believe the bullshit".

"Ok Alex you hit the bedroom, Jake can check the living room and I'll check the kitchen."

"What kind of cash are you gonna find in the kitchen?"

"Ya never know, She could hide it in the cookie jar...."

They both looked at me stupidly. "And…..Ham is really expensive, I might as well get some free meat while were here right?"

"Whatever, just get as much as you guys can and you know the rules if we are caught right?"

Jake and I looked at each other and spoke at the same time "Every man for yourselves, then we meet up at the pier if you're not caught or dead." It's a weird friendship, but it works.

"Right. Ok people lets ransack this place!"

We hit Briggs place good! We took everything worth taking (including her meat) and broke everything else. Most People might think it's dumb to do this in the middle of the day on a Saturday but it's actually the best time. No one expects it. I guess I thought to soon because that's when we heard the sirens. I through everything into my backpack and ran as fast as I could down the street into the unusual 100 degree weather. And of all people! I run into Benson!


I didn't have time to answer before the cops pulled up next to us. So I did the only thing I could think of. I tackled Freddie to the floor.

"I caught him! I saw the whole thing! This is the kid! Im the one that called you."

It took the dork a while to finally understand what's happening. "What?? No whatever she's talking about she's lying! She did it! What did you do?"

The cop got out of the car. "Samantha Puckett, nice to see you again." He joked. Crap he knew me! "Now if you'll please get off the boy and cooperate, this will go by much more swoothly." Freddie's face relaxed knowing he was off the hook. I slowly got up checking the officer's uniform, he didn't have a taser on him but he did have a gun. Would he really shoot me? I guess I had to take my chances.

The cop then eyed Freddie. "You I don't recognize, Is this your first hit and run?"

"What?!?!? No I didn't do anything she just ran into me!"

"Don't try and lie your way out, the caller said she saw a boy and a girl." The cop continued to talk about who knows what as Freddie and I had hands are over are head. Freddie gave me a pissed off look. The look would have been intimidating if I didn't know it was Freddie.

I tilted my head toward the backyard behind us, the only thing blocking it off was a small gate even Freddie would have been able to jump if he had the guts. He knew exactly what I was about to do. He shook his head and mouthed something like "No don't do it". I gave him a sly smile and ran like hell. I jumped over the fence and ran through the yard over another fence. I could hear the cop screaming and the sirens turn back on but knowing the cop, he was too lazy to chase me. He let me go more times than this. After about five houses I looked back surprised to see Freddie running a couple of yards behind me. Wow. The kid finally grew some balls. He was pretty fast too, but not as fast as me. I got out my phone and texted Carly to meet me at the Groovy Smoothie. I could really use one cause its so damn hot outside. Its probably like four miles away. No way am I running there. I thought about waiting for Freddie but he is just going to complain about what I did so I texted him to meet us at the groovy Smoothie and I took the bus. Let's see if the straight A, honor roll dweeb is smart enough to figure out that I stopped running.

Freddie finally showed up at the Groovy Smoothie 20 minutes late sweaty and out of breath. I just laughed. He ran all the way here haha…Dumbass. When Carly left, things got awkward. It's usually not awkward between us. I guess its my fault, I got way too close to him. And when I touched his stomach he had awesome abs! I took another look at him. He really has been working out. Wow. He really doesn't look half bad. And his wardrobe is much better. Ugh! This is too weird. I looked down pretending to be interested in my smoothie. When I looked back up the dork looked like he was freaking out and said he had to leave for some AV club meeting. God what a freak! But I was kind of glad the awkwardness was gone. When I left the Groovy Smoothie I got a text from Alex telling me to meet him at the pier if I was ok. Jake got caught. Thank god!

Ok, so that was my first chapter! Should I continue? I have lots more ideas of where I can go from here. Sorry it was such a long chapter but I didn't know how else to start off. Basically what I was trying to do was show how Sam has been getting into a lot more trouble then usual and she is getting better at it. And I also wanted to show how Sam and Freddie are starting to really "notice each other". They both have really "grown up" and they both have secrets. Carly hasn't changed much, still small, cute, and out of trouble, I might use her pov a couple times. The next chapter will be more about Freddie. Please review honestly! Ideas are welcome and needed!!! I don't get my feelings hurt easily and I want a good story. Thanks for reading and stay updated if you think I should continue.