For the last time on this fanfiction story:

Disclaimer: I disclaim owning anything remotely cool like NCIS or Bones. That belongs to Hart Hanson and Don Bellisario. And hopefully they will use their owning powers to bring about a crossover of Bones and NCIS in REAL life, although that would never happen because Bones is produced by Fox and NCIS by CBS...Unfortunately.

Yes, this is indeed, the last chapter. I know! I'm so sad too. But I do have an NCIS fanfic in the works. I put up the first chapter already to see if anyone would like it and was amazed to get nineteen reviews. But I wanted to put you guys out of your misery first and see the end of Finding The Words. It isn't well edited and it might not answer all your questions, but it is truly the end of my journey into the world of Bones and NCIS, clocking in at 96 pages.

NOTE: I made a few edited changes after noticing that some people were really confused. It should be easier to figure out who's with who now. And I added a discription thing at the end if you're still confused.


"Much prettier than Iraq." Nikki commented as they descended off the airplane with a small grin. A pretty woman came over and put a lei over her and McGee, saying something in gibberish. Nikki removed her at once, returning it to the woman with an explanation about the dangers of pollen.

McGee nodded and accepted the lei awkwardly, "Right, so let's just get that taxi and go over to the hospital." He peeled his jacket off, suddenly very aware of how warm and balmy the Caribbean weather was.

"Okay." Nikki said, wistfully looking toward a stray beach as she put her mask on. McGee looked at her in surprise, but didn't ask. Everyone in the office knew she had a thing about germs by now after all.


Tony was stuck inside the bar, in the middle of pool with Ramones and Perry. He'd scaled the whole damn thing earlier that afternoon and couldn't find anything out of sorts. And the chatter he picked up while there was inconspicuous, but Tony supposed that was because Axle wouldn't start talking about arms distribution and drugs in front of a complete outsider.

"T-Dizz, it's your turn." Chicky called out, handing him a beer, "You fellas check out that pretty brunette in the corner?" He added casually, taking a swig of his beer. He was met with appreciative whistles and Tony glanced to look at her himself. She was laughing and flirting with her date, a college boy by the looks of his polo shirt. They both looked just barely legal.

A few raunchy jokes ensued and Tony kept in character, though he felt disgusted to be with men eying such a little girl. She didn't look much more than seventeen.

"T-Dizz, you want to be one of us?" Chicky asked quietly, leaning against the pool table. And Chicky knew what he meant.

"It's a tempting offer,"

"Take it, DiNozzo." Gibbs commanded quietly over the phone

"But uh," Tony grinned, "Why not?"

Perry leaned over to Tony, eyes narrowed. He after all, knew something about Tony that the others did not. However he also knew that the CIA wanted Tony in. And Tony wanted to know who Perry's partner was.

Perry's phone rang from its place on the table. Tony noticed that the screen read Frankie H and tossed it over to Perry,

"Frankie H is calling for you." Tony said, drawing his cue. Perry took the cell and left to go outside of the bar."

"Follow him, Tony." Chalmers commanded and Tony wished he could smack the CIA guy for stating the obvious so much.

He made his excuses to Chicky, who was still admiring the teenager who was getting tipsy with her boyfriend.

Perry wasn't talking when Tony came outside, a cigarette in his hand. He didn't want to smoke it though, because his lungs were already in bad shape, so he hoped he wouldn't have to.

Perry hung up and glanced over at Tony, "Look, if you screw up this investigation, I will personally kick your ass. We're this close to arresting five of the top guys here."

"Why are you in contact with a known hit-man?" Tony asked casually, "In fact, our evidence points to him as the killer."

"Hanford does work with Axle. I just happen to connect him to different members who are requesting his expertise." Perry drew a breath, "One of these guys requested him one day and told him to eliminate Jared Booth. I can't tell you who, because I don't know names."

Tony nods, "You ask him anything about the boy?"

Perry shook his head, "We don't exactly stand around and discuss the weather, let alone missing boys, Agent. They're par for his kind of course."

"Who wanted Hanford this time?"

Perry drew a breath, "While I will report that information to my superiors at CIA, that information is classified to you, Agent."

He nodded briefly before walking back in. Tony scowled and kicked the rocks, annoyed at not having found a lead yet. He came back in, much more contained. Chicky was drunker than before, singing something on top of a table while Ramones provided backup.

He glanced over to the corner and saw that the two teenagers left. That was good, as Tony didn't like them around such dangerous people.


Frankie Hanford shoots Rebecca full of ammonia between the toes. He casually walks out, still wearing his deceptive nurse smocks and throws the needle away in a random bin. Someone will realize what happened but not until Autopsy. By then, he'll be on another job.


"She just suddenly took a turn for the worst." The doctor explained, shaking his head, "At first, Rebecca was very stable, but around fifteen minutes ago, she woke up screaming and incoherent. We put her out with a sedative, but her brain activity is very jumbled right now, her heartbeat is just barely operating and she is not fit for air-travel.

McGee nodded, "She came in with a coma, right?"

The doctor nodded, "We did tox screen, CAT Scan, blood tests, and that all turned out fine. However, this reaction is highly unusual. We've had to move her into the ICU and she is not fit fo-" He broke off when a nurse hurried his way, saying something McGee didn't understand.

The doctor's face fell and he muttered something that sounded like a bad word. Glancing at the two Americans, he smiled sadly,

"I am sorry to report that your friend just died. I'll arrange to have her remains airlifted to Washington."

"NCIS Navy Yard," McGee says, "Agent Jardine will give you the address."

McGee groans, pulling out his phone while Nikki followed the doctor to take care of paperwork. He knew Gibbs would not like this.


Parker can barely open his eyes. He is splashed awake and Pericles is in front of him, with a bowl of grits. He starts feeding Parker as if the eight year old is a baby. Parker swallows, too exhausted.

The small knife burns against his back pocket like a talisman.


Gibbs slams down a newspaper in front of Chalmers and Kort. They glance at it and freeze.

"What's this?" Kort asks, though he knows full well what it is.

"Missing girl. Sixteen years old with dark brown hair and green eyes." Gibbs drawls, "Doesn't that sound familiar to you fellows?"

"The picture looks similar." Chalmers ventured, "But that's circumstantial."

"They have that girl, Chalmers." Kort growled, rubbing his head, "They do, after all, run one of the biggest child prostitute rings in the country. However, they aren't in the practice of kidnapping boys."

"You going to bust them for this?" Gibbs asked

"Can't. Technically there's no evidence except for Tony's ear-feed." Kort explained lightly, "But the boyfriend will lead the police here and that in turn will become turned over to the FBI, because Axles is spread out past state lines."

Gibbs phone rings and he picks up to talk to McGee. Fifteen seconds later, he chucks the phone against a fence, his anger boiling.


Booth is asleep next to Ziva while she flicks through Sniper Monthly, thinking about Tony.

"Booth?" Camille shakes him and he half jumps, and looks at her. She chuckles,

"Hey, Dr. Brennan is asking for you again."

Booth smiles crookedly and glances at Ziva who smiles,

"I will watch you from here, Seeley." She pats him on the knee and he stands up, and glances again about Camille, a half-hopeful expression on his face.

She shakes her head

"However, the man that Angela sketched has come back positive as Frankie Hanford, the hit-man." Camille explains, "Abby and Hodgins have confirmed that he killed your brother."

Booth nods, blinking, "He's on the extended FBI Most Wanted List."

"Actually, he just hit number ten." Camille corrects him, awkward, "Interpol reports that he landed in the Bahamas and flew out before they could catch him."

Booth glances back, "Rebecca-"

"I'm so sorry, Seeley." Camille whispered, her eyes big, "She's being sent to Navy Yard for Autopsy."

Booth sits back down, feeling like he can't walk. His head swims as he thinks about his son. Now Rebecca is gone without his having realized it. He won't let that happen to Parker. Not Parker.

A cool hand reaches over and embraces him. Ziva whispers loving words in Hebrew that comfort him in an odd way. He struggles to keep his composure, but instead breaks down again, despite the fact that he already cried last night.

Ziva sings quietly to him, just as her mother did to her whenever something bad happened in her life.

"Hi'yom, Hi'yom, ha'zeh mamash" She sang quietly, thinking of how her mother would always have the radio on and sing along with every single song that came up. She and Tali loved to dance and sing along. Especially to this one: Today, Today.

It spoke of today being a day where, perhaps, good things might happen. She knew that Booth didn't understand it, but the Hebrew would have a soothing effect on him. It always did on her, after all.

It seemed to work on Booth. His crying ebbed as she continued to quietly sing to him, embracing him by the side.

Leaning away, she handed him a tissue and a sad smile,

He nods at her.

"Thank you," Wiping away at his tears, he stands up and walks over to where Bones is. Ziva smiles and watches him leave, thinking about her today, Tony.


"Ready to tell me what I know, Parker?" Pericles asked, leaning over to Parker, eyes sharp

"Is my mother safe?" Parker croaked, his eyes wincing at the sudden infiltration of light. He felt like a giant cloud was over his head and every part of his body was beaten down with weights.

"She wants you to tell me what I want to know, so that she can see you again." Pericles explains, "You saw how worried she was, Parker."

Parker took a few shallow breaths, his head swimming. Pericles shoved another spoonful of grits into Parker's mouth and the little boy manfully takes it.

He feels his chains being released and looks at Pericles in surprise. Pericles seems satisfied with how weak Parker feels.

"Alright son. I'm going to lock the door on my way out. Eat the rest of this stuff up and I'm coming back to ask you where my property is."

"They aren't property." Parker shoots back and Pericles clenches his fist. However, he is right. Parker can barely get the strength to lift his arm, let alone run out of their room. That and the light is too bright for his eyes. It gives him a headache.

Pericles slams the door behind him and Parker hears the lock click.

Without wasting a second, he tries to force himself to eat in his weary state, needing strength.

He has a plan now.


"Hanford boarded a flight to Venezuela," Yossi Menachem informs his old friend, "I have an old contact in the area if you're looking to take care of him quietly."

Ziva took a breath, "What kind of contact?"

"Usually spends his time tracking Nazis. But he wouldn't mind this type of favor." Yossi promises, "Just give me the word, Ziva."

"I'll have to talk to a few people before I can give you the go-ahead for that, Yossi." Ziva explains quietly, "But I know my boss will want to interrogate Hanford."

After some silence, where Ziva was put on hold, Yossi came back.

"You can expect Hanford at Navy Yard sometime tomorrow."

Ziva smiles, amazed that Yossi was able to deliver, "Matzel tov, Yossi."

He laughs at her good cheer, amused, "Are you back in town for Rosh Hashanah? Your mother's invited my family to dinner."

"No, I have to stay in DC, because I can't leave American soil until my citizenship has been processed," Ziva explained lightly, "But send my love to Sarai and your mother in law."

"Will do. Shalom Ziva," Yossi tells her kindly and Ziva hangs up, shaking her head.

Ziva turns to look at Booth, who is holding Brennan's hand and smiling with her about something. They seem almost happy in spite of the circumstances. She wonders how Tony would react if that was her in the hospital bed.


"T, you need a place for the night?" Chicky asks, "We're all crashing at a Motel 6 down the road."

"Really?" Tony asks, inwardly wincing at the idea, "I'll tag along. You guys are pretty fun, after all," He lied.

"No problem. Just don't tell Perry. He's kinda hard-assed around new people, but you seem like a nice guy, T."

"Oh, I like to think I am." Tony said, smiling as his ears perked at this new information. Was it possible that Parker was not here, but at a Motel 6 that not even the CIA knew.

Because if they did, he'd be hearing Chalmers demanding that he'd stand down and not interfere. At least Tony thought he would hear that.


"Hey," A dark haired man stopped McGee, who nearly jumped. He reached for his badge, but the guy pulled out his own: British SAS.

McGee relaxes, "Agent Timothy McGee, NCIS."

"Good, I have the right guy." He nods coolly, "I've got a few names, but you don't need to know any of them. The official story is that you got a lucky break and caught your man while waiting for your flight to Navy Yard."

"Excuse me?" McGee asked, confused

He jerks his head to where a burly guy in plastic handcuffs is sitting with a pissed off look on his face.

"Frankie Hanford. He's ready to go home and own up to all these nasty crimes of his." The man explains in his accentless voice.

McGee is astonished for a few seconds before staring at the guy again.


He chuckles, "Tell Ziva that I hope this repays my debt to her. If not, I happily remain in it." He nods and walks away, casually whistling as McGee tries to work it out. Failing, he calls Ziva.

She just seems surprised and explains that she does not know who that man is, even after McGee gives a description.

But the handcuffed man is indeed Frankie Hanford. Gibbs is happy to hear that, at the very least.


Perry lies on the floor, dead.

Parker pants, his energy dwindling. He tucks his bloody knife back into his pocket as he inches away from Perry.

He killed the bad man.

He killed a man.

He killed.

He had to. Otherwise, that man would've gotten it out of him and hurt the girls that Jared saved.

Crouching down in the corner, he whispers the psalms he vaguely remembers from church. And there aren't that many. So after that, he just prays for forgiveness as he huddles in his corner.

And after that, he prays for his mother and his father.

The door is wide open and anyone can see that Mat Perry is dead, bleeding from multiple stab wounds in the abdomen and the heart. Just barely discernable is the shape of a little boy in the darkest corner of the room.

Parker hopes that someone will come for him now.


Dan calls Perry again, getting worried.

Frankie was just caught by some authority types, but they didn't pay much attention to Dan. Instead, Dan fled away and began trying to contact Perry. No such luck.

Finally someone picks up. Chicky.

"Danny-man, where are you?" Chicky greets him, his greeting slow and kind, as usual Chicky.

"Just looking for Pericles." Dan says casually, "You know where the guy is?"

"Haven't seen him in a while, but we just picked up a cute little thing. You'd appreciate her, Danny."

"I'm sure." Dan says faintly, worried about Perry. Perry would've called if the kid told him where the girls were.

Unless Perry's trying to screw him over and keep all the money for himself. Feeling a surge of alarm at that, he hangs up on Chicky and begins making arrangements to go back to America. No way in hell was Perry getting all the cash.

No honor among thieves


McGee watches Gibbs with amazement as he gets Hanford to confess to the murder of Jared and Rebecca (he'd actually gotten confused and thought they meant Rebecca at first. However, Gibbs broke him, not letting Hanford see how angry he was becoming).

However, Gibbs can't break him on Parker's location. Hanford truly doesn't know, but claims that Perry has the kid after they went their separate ways from the museum.

Hanford hasn't had any further contact with Perry or anyone else, except for Dan "Damascus" Fremont. He was meeting with Damascus when he got rerouted to Navy Yard.

Perry's location was still unknown. Even his handlers cannot find him.


"I'm scared, Bones." Booth admitted, lying in the bed with Brennan. They were holding hands and she had her head resting on his shoulder. He was strangely comforted by her nearness.

"Me too." She admitted, "How's your faith?"

They were quiet after that, just staring up at the ceiling. Neither could say anything nor did they have anything to say. Rather, they lay on the bed, thinking about Parker.


"Wonder where Perry is." Chicky commented, frowning. "He never misses this."

"What is this exactly?" Tony asked, taking another sip of his beer. He hadn't drunk so much as in the last two days since his frat days.

"Debauched fun," Chicky explains cheerfully, "You know that girl from last night?"

Tony's blood went cold. Keeping his voice level, he spoke casually: "I remember her."

"Perry picked her up. She's going to be a nice one for selling." Chicky said cheerfully

Tony stared at Chicky, "Oh yeah? You guys deal a lot with these girls?"

Chicky shrugged, "Our group dabbles in all sorts. Mostly guns and girls these days though,"

His eyes glint and Tony restrains the urge to punch him. Instead, he grins again,

"She here?" He asks, knowing that Gibbs will raid the place if Chicky answers in the positive.

"Nah." Chicky shook his head, "We stash our wares somewhere else, T-Dizz. But if you're interested in a rental, Perry shouldn't mind."

"I'm sure he won't." Tony says with gritted teeth, "How much are you offering?"

"Good job, DiNozzo." Gibbs mutters, "I'll take care of the money for you."


Hanford can't believe he's done something as stupid as confess to two murders. The steely interrogator all but spat out his prison sentence and Hanford is already plotting how to escape.

Damn motorcycle. He should've wiped it down more thoroughly, but Perry called and offered him more money for another job. And he stupidly thought they caught him feeding Rebecca the poison.

Sure enough, the autopsy discovered ammonia in her body, which led to her hyperammonemia and eventual death. Damn diamonds. He got his start working for diamonds and now he was going to rot in prison for want of them.

How the guy had gotten Jared's death out of Hanford, he still quite didn't know. One minute, he had his shoes, then they did. Naturally, they'd test for the fungus and it'd come up positive. Having a rare fungi like that, Hanford knew he was dying in prison.

At least he'd made it on the FBI Most Wanted list. It'd been annoying after a while, only being eleven or twelve.


"Ah! Yes!" Abby called out to the lab, Wendell and Hodgins looking at her with curiosity

She grins, "I have a report of Hanford's Damascus entering the United States. Bet you guys he's coming to find Perry and Parker. His flight is set to land at Dulles, and he has his phone on. Tracking him through GPS,"

McGee was already dialing Gibbs, reaching for his keys.

Gibbs yelled at McGee to bring Ziva and follow Dan to Perry. It was getting pretty tense and Abby turned the music up in her lab.

Hodgins let out a laugh himself and hugged Abby. This was it, both of them knew. Laughing, the three lost themselves in Abby's acid-metal rock and danced around like crazy. They would surely find Parker.

None refused to even think about him in any other state besides alive.


Booth saw that McGee was informing Ziva of something. Bones followed his gaze and smiles,

"They have something. You should go, Booth." She squeezes his hand, "I'll be here."

Booth wavers, glancing at her, "You'll be here?"

She nods, "Yes. And I understand the significance of what you told me earlier. But right now, I think Parker needs you more. Remember Donovan Decker?"

Booth nodded, "The kidnapped little boy. Paladin."

"You saved him," Bones beamed, "Just like they're going to save Parker. I know it."

"How?" He asks, gazing at her, suddenly needed solace in her world of complete rationalization. It'd been more than 72 hours at this point and the concept that Parker would end up on an autopsy table was a very real possibility.

Bones gazed at him, "You told me once that you have to have faith. That's what I'm doing for you, Booth. And you know I don't put faith alone in anything…Until now."

Booth nods, shaky, "Thank you, Bones." He wished he could've heard some of her fancy science lingo about how Parker was still alive. But faith was just as good. He could work with that and her faith gave his faith more bolstering. His son was alive. Parker had to be alive.

Booth got up and went over to Ziva and McGee who waver themselves about bringing Booth along. After a few tense seconds, Ziva holds out her hands and Brennan laughs, seeing that she is confiscating Booth's weapon. They leave, Booth turning around to wave at her. She waves back, smiling at him while she tries to keep her faith that Parker is alive.

She can't bear the idea of her Booth mourning not just his brother, but his son as well. It is a concept about as alien as the idea of the Na'avi.


Tony follows Chicky to the warehouse, unable to believe how easy this was. Chicky tells him that there's a row of sealed-off rooms somewhere. Tony can take the girl there for some fun. But just for a half hour.

Tony feels sick thinking about people who do that.

Chicky pauses as the phone rings and answers it. He grins, hearing Damascus,

"Hey buddy. No, I'm showing a client the latest girl…I haven't seen Mattie in a while, actually…Yeah, we're kind of worried, but he'll show up…Oh you're in town? Okay, yeah, meet me at the warehouse…Bye," He looks at Tony apologetically, "Sorry, that was one of the members. He sounds kind of weird, so I'm going to check on him while you check her out."

He unlocks the door and Tony hopes it won't be too long before he is led to the prostitutes. At that point, the raid can start. And then Tony has to start combing rooms for Parker.


Parker hears the noise and screaming. Faint cries of 'FREEZE' are called out, but Parker only holes himself in his little corner further. They're coming for him.

He killed a man and now he's going to jail for it.

Slamming and cries of protest come. There are some gunshots, but they sound like nails hammered into the wall, followed by deathly moans. Tears escape Parker's bloody face as he contemplates his new fate: Hell.

Footfalls descend closer to him and he doesn't dare look up. Someone opens the door wider than its three-quarters placement and fills the room with light. Parker squeezes his eyes shut in the hopes that whoever comes for him, will not notice him. He is, after all, very small.

Footsteps come closer to him and Parker still, does not open his eyes.

"Hey Parker," A soft voice whispers, "Remember me? I'm Tony DiNozzo, from NCIS? Your daddy sent me here to rescue you."

Parker didn't move.

Trust No One

Tony hesitated, unsure of how to handle this. It was clear that Parker had been through hell. But the kid was alive. And killed Perry, from the looks of it. Smart kid.

"Hey, hey, your dad told me about Teddy, okay buddy?" Tony asked quietly, "Teddy." That was Parker's code word after all.

Parker inched his head up and looked in the worried face of Tony DiNozzo. All his hair was gone and he had a strange earring on his ear. But it was a man he could trust. Because his daddy trusted him enough with their word.

Holding his arms limp, he allowed Tony to pick him up and carry him out to his father.

Tony shifted his weight, trying not to dwell on his surroundings. But it was clear that Parker hadn't left the room since the beginning. Clearly he'd been bound to the chair for some time, later killed Perry, and was too afraid to leave. Poor kid was traumatized, but he was alive.

Tony descended the stairs with Parker, feeling a large relief being lifted off his shoulders. Girls were being escorted outside as well, and there were different gang members being arrested. Dan was unhappily sitting in a police car, bound. He started, seeing Parker emerge with Tony. Tony didn't pay much attention to him, but instead, walked over to the ambulance where Ziva and Booth were waiting.

Booth had a large gash on his arm, and his eyes were shut as he winced through the pain of the technician bandaging him. Parker caught sight of him and whimpered,

"Is Daddy okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine." Tony said cheerfully, his eyes locked onto Ziva's relieved ones. Booth opened his eyes that next second and his entire face changed when he saw Parker. Tony strode over to them in two seconds, grinning,

"I think this kid's due for a bath,"

Booth just laughed, unable to believe that this was his son who reached over and embraced his father.

"Why are you hurt, Daddy?" Parker demanded, looking at Booth

Booth smiled happily, "Not anymore. You're here and I'm just so happy, buddy." Booth kissed Parker on the top of his head, feeling warmth and goodness pool his head as his worry departed. Parker embraced him tightly and Booth let him, despite the pain of his gunshot.

He was relieved that Ziva was a better shot than Dan, or otherwise Parker would end up spending his life with Pops.

"Good job, Tony." Ziva congratulated Tony with a smile

"All in a day's work, right?" Tony said cheerfully, glancing back at Booth and Parker, "It was worth it."

Ziva nods, "At the end of the day, family is always worth it." She sighs, thinking about her own family in Israel. Tony glances and knows that she's thinking about that topic. He just smiles, and gives her a hug.

"Where's Gibbs?"


"Now Booth, if we're really going to do this, I insist that we get rid of these chairs." Angela pointed to the two giant Barcaloungers with a face, "It screams Bachelor."

Booth sighed mournfully, glancing at these chairs, "Bones won't care."

"Exactly. I'm here to facilitate the moving process and make sure that this house doesn't end up looking like a total disaster." Angela explained, "And it will if we keep Ugly and Uglier."

"Their names are Philly and Gretzky."

"They're moving." Angela said with finality and Booth knew he wasn't going to win this argument.

"Well, what are we putting there instead?" Booth asked, scratching his head

"I think a nice coffee table. And a couch. Jack has a great one in his house that I know will be perfect here." Angela mused, "He won't miss it."

Booth chuckled, "Well fine then. But I want the Barcaloungers at his house then. That way I can go visit them."

Angela made a face, but she agreed to the compromise.

"Now, let's look at the yard." She added, "Brennan wants to put in a playhouse for Parker. Swings, slides, all that good stuff."

"You know," Booth glanced at his watch, "I actually have to go pick up Parker from his therapy appointment with Sweets. And then we're meeting Bones to see that movie with The Rock in it. You just make more notes and Bones will follow them to the T."

Angela beamed, "Good." She swept through the house and Booth happily escaped into his new life with his son and his live-in girlfriend.


Ziva opened her door, yawning. She smiled, seeing Tony on the other side,

"Tony, I was sleeping."

"On New Years?" Tony asked, surprised, "Oh, were you doing it on Israeli time? No matter, we can just celebrate again on American time." He pulls out a bottle of champagne and grins, "Five minutes and thirty seconds to midnight."

Ziva laughs, but opens the door for him, "We do not do that on Rosh Hashanah." She smiles wistfully, "But I videochatted with my family earlier. We wished each other a happy new year and they seem to be getting around to the idea of me being American. Even my father,"

"Really?" Tony pulled down two glasses from her cabinet as she opened the champagne bottle, chuckling,

"Yes. I mean, he still thinks I am soft, but he told me he was happy that I would at least be living a long life here. Such a person of my generation is rare over there,"

"Ah." Tony glances at her, "How do you say Happy New Year in Hebrew?"

"L'shanah tova." Ziva supplied for him, smiling, "I will show you the proper customs someday. But I am too tired now."

"Good." Tony grinned, glancing at his watch, "Two minutes, three seconds now."

Ziva laughed, "Tony, we do not mark the midnight on Rosh Hashanah."

"Ah, but we will this year," Tony grinned at her, running a hand through his chopped hair. He still wasn't used to the skull-head trim, but Abby seemed to adore it. So much that McGee got a matching one.

"Okay." Ziva chuckled, smiling at him.

"One minute, twenty seconds." Tony added casually, "You know, Ziva, I forgot the words. How do you say it again?"

"L'shanah tova." She laughed, amused by him

"Oh. That doesn't sound right." Tony shook his head, "Those aren't the right words."

"I assure you, Tony, they are." Ziva chuckled, "You may Google it, if you wish."

"I'll have to find them in here." Tony pulled out a Hebrew dictionary. "Only fifty seconds left too."

Ziva chuckled, taking a sip of her champagne. If she was wide awake, she would've been more annoyed, but she was too happy at Tony's presence to care. It was pleasant to have a friend around, especially when she felt lonely and missed her family. Even if it was Tony, a man that she wasn't always sure about labeling as a friend.

"Oh, here. I found the words." He grins at her, "And just in time. I've got thirty seconds." He held up his glass, "Happy New Year, Ziva. L'shanah tova."

He clinked glasses with Ziva and she looked at him confused,

"But those are the words I told you."

"Yes, but I wanted to add something else," Tony leaned in, "Ani ohev otach."

His smile suddenly cracks and his blue eyes look at her face, scared about how he will take this admission of love.

"Would you prefer Je t'aime?" He joked, his heart hammering, "Or the simpler, 'I love you'?"

Ziva looked at his watch, "I think we are three seconds overdue for the traditional American kiss, Tony."

"Oh no, it's not just a traditional American kiss on New Years, Ziva." Tony told her, his heart still beating fast, like a hummingbird's wings, "There is a kiss, but that kiss promises…well, a real relationship. Dating, maybe sex, but uh, definitely commitment,"

There was a pause between the pair as Ziva digested his explanation. Tony hurried to fill the silence,

"But you know, it doesn-"

"I would like to kiss you then, Tony. Is that still allowed or are we too late?" She asked quietly, glancing at his watch, "We are three seconds past midnight, after all."

Tony smiled broadly and leaned in. She joined him somewhere in the middle, feeling giddy.


Hodgins walked in and flopped on the bed, groaning. Angela looked up from her magazine and turned it aside,

"What's wrong sweetheart?" She asked as he cuddled up next to her, kissing her swollen abdomen.

"Even though she is currently a huge whale, Abby managed to bowl a 250. So now we have to name our daughter Abigail Thumbelina."

Angela chuckled, "What would have happened if you won?"

"They would name their son Jack Angelo." Hodgins sighed, "I have to stop going to these bowling matches. Why don't you stop me?"

"It amuses me." Angela explained, with a grin. He smiled back at her, putting his hand over where their daughter was.

"At least I beat Sister Rosita," Hodgins added to Angela, comforted by that thought.

"Yes. You have the power to beat a nun but not a pregnant woman in bowling. Congratulations." Angela teased, her eyes twinkling.


"Bones, that's enough pictures." Booth told his wife, "I think we're embarrassing the kids now."

"No, Parker only gets one prom and what if these first few come out badly?" Temperance Booth argued.

"My parents took a lot too." Emily Fornell told them, beaming. She was pretty, with long white-blond hair up in a pretty hairstyle, courtesy of Angela. She had a dark purple dress on, and a matching corsage, "I'm sure you can get copies from them."

Temperance had taken eighty pictures of her handsome stepson putting the corsage on his girlfriend of two years. They were both going off to college soon and Bones wasn't quite sure what she'd do without Parker around. She depended on him for so much now, and she was almost too protective of the young boy in her custody, even now when he was growing into a man with Seeley's shoulders and his mother's natural beauty.

The other kids were older now and they could be more trusted by themselves, she supposed. Christine Rebecca was eight now and Zachary Jared was six. They were great kids with big imaginations and curious minds. On the other hand, they tended to get in trouble fairly easy, so she mentally decided to start looking for nannies. Her children were attracted to trouble like Hodgins to dirt, a trait she blamed on her beloved husband who was beaming at his firstborn son.

"You look handsome, son." Booth fixed Parker's tie and quietly slipped him forty bucks, "Have fun and don't get in any trouble. And your curfew is two AM, remember?"

He winked at Emily, giving her a warm hug, and she laughed, embracing him warmly. Emily had been a part of the family since Parker was a little boy and it seemed natural to see them move into something more. Angela claimed it'd been more painful to watch the tension around her and Parker than when Bones and Booth had been skirting around their same passions. However, Angela could be melodramatic.

"Yeah Dad," Parker grinned, hugging his father. Parker's lanky blond hair was neatly combed and he was about the same height as his father now. He'd lost the baby cherub cheeks, but Booth was comforted to see that at least he still had his mother's hair, as well as her round face and her compassion.

It had taken years for Parker to really move on, and in some ways, he never had. However, he didn't have nightmares anymore. And after Chrissy was born, it seemed to comfort Parker in a way, like that his family was being cemented into place and that cement would never shake. Though he still had trust issues, he was a well adjusted teenager and going into college next year, with beautiful Emily by his side.

"Have fun, kid." Booth said, patting his son on the back, "And you too, Emily." He hugged them both and she laughed, seeing that Bones was taking a picture of their embrace as well. Distangling herself, she managed to slowly guide Parker away. He quickly picked up the hint and put her arm on his elbow, happy to depart.

"Temp, they're leaving now." Booth warned his little wife and of course, she insisted on taking pictures of them leaving, just as she took pictures of Emily arriving with a put out Parker. Seeley just watched his wife fondly, thinking of how much he loved her.

"If you don't watch out, she might follow us to the prom." Emily joked to Parker, giggling and Parker made a face,

"Don't joke about that. She might think it's an invitation." He smiled all the same and went over to Temperance,

"Hey Temp." He grinned easily, "Thank you." The words were simple, but they meant so much and Brennan knew it. Her eyes filling up again, she embraced Parker and he laughed, hugging her back.

Temperance always worried about her position with Parker, and he wasn't always the easiest kid to mother. But they had a good relationship, especially now.

She leaned back into Booth's welcoming embrace, sighing,

"I can't believe he's old enough to go to his prom."

"I can't believe that Chrissy managed to pick the neighbor's lock yesterday to go and free all these hamsters." Booth added casually, raising an eyebrow.

Temperance nodded seriously, "I extrapolated that the lock-picking came from Ziva and the hamster freeing came from Angela. But they didn't seem to appreciate my reasoning, so I just told them about the dangers of having ten hamsters in a tiny cage. I think they appreciated it."

"I'm sure they did." Booth said with a chuckle, kissing his wife again just as he did every day now.

Their remaining children made cries of "Ewww!" but the happy parents didn't pay them much attention.


"It's a beautiful day, Eli." Yafa told her husband, leaning into him with a smile as they walked across one of Tel Aviv's many beaches, "But we have to get home soon. I need to start cooking the brisket and Hadassah's coming by later to make the challah. It is Rosh Hashanah, after all."

"We'll get home soon." Eli promised her, "And I'll help you cook."

"You will not. Your hands only ruin my innocent food." Yafa laughs, readjusting her scarf, "Oh, I wish Ziva would come this year, but I do understand that she's busy with her work schedule,"

"She regrets it too." Eli agreed, hugging her at the side, "But she says that they'll come for Sukkot. All eight days too,"

"Good." Yafa smiles, "I know that my grandbabies will love our sukkah. And I want Tony to help you build it. You know Ziva worries that you don't get along."

"We get along fine as long as we only talk about sports or our family." Eli explained, "Or in this case, surprising Bubbe."

"Mah?" Yafa asked, confused and Eli laughed, pointing over to where a family was waving excitedly at them. She could just make out a man in an ostentatious blue Hawaiian T-shirt hugging the side of her beaming daughter as they walked across the sand. Yafa could recognize Ziva's smile from miles away, and it was a dead giveaway especially now as she looked at her husband and their littlest girl, in Tony's arms.

The two older kids screamed for their grandparents, bringing tears of surprise to Yafa as Ziva looked at her mother with love and pride.

"Bubbe! Zayde!" They shouted, the two running to hug their grandparents and chatter excitedly about their trip. Little Jenny all but climbed on Eli while the oldest, Tal, settled for simply hugging her. He looked heartbreakingly like her Zivaleh as a little girl, with big brown eyes and long lashes that went on for miles.

Ziva walked over to them, a big grin on her face as she stayed embraced to Tony and their two year old, Ariella Kelly. Yafa gasped to see Ariella and Ziva happily handed the cherubic two year old to her granny, and Yafa stared at Ziva, knowing that they were both thinking about how much blue eyed Ariella looked like Tali. Only the skin tone was different, but she had a big open smile and curly brown hair that frizzed just like Tali's.

Yafa smiled to look at them. They looked like a couple happily in love, and she knew that they were. Especially when Tony turned and kissed her on the head and she laughed at him, kissing him in return on the lips.

"Tony wanted to surprise you with the trip." Ziva explained, smiling at her husband, who smiled back at her.

Yafa glanced at Tony who just laughed and walked closer to his, his eyes twinkling.

"L'shanah tova," He told her warmly, his face breaking out into a bigger smile.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek, delighted to have all of her family in her house again. It was a lovely surprise.


"I still can't believe this is happening." Ziva told Booth, delighted, "Who would think, after all?"

"I did." Tony added next to his wife, "I so saw this coming."

"You did not." She protested, "How could you see the idea of our daughter and their son falling in love? Because I certainly did not,"

"Neither did I," Temperance added, "After all, Zack and Jenny didn't really like each other for most of their lives. Remember that awful playdate when they were eight?"

Ziva chuckled, "Oh yes. Jenny tied up Zack and tried to roll him around in the mud puddle."

"Only after he tried to force feed her a worm." Brennan added thoughtfully, "And there was the first day of middle school."

"Right. Zack brought an egg to school and yolked it all over Jenny." Tony said, chuckling despite himself, as it'd been pretty funny until his little girl burst into tears and ranted about how much she hated Zachary Booth. Ziva shot him a look for being unhelpful, just as she did now.

"And she got back at him by pantsing him at that music recital." Booth added, chuckling

"Yes, they've certainly never gotten along." Temperance said, nodding thoughtfully, "Honestly, I would've thought that Zack would end up marrying Jackie McGee. They're best friends after all."

"McGee's twins are cute." Ziva began, "But my baby girl is cuter."

Tony laughed and kissed her for that.


"Oh God, are they really talking about us?" Jenny asked, making a face. Zack laughed and look at her, grinning. His green eyes looked into her blue ones and they ended up making out again. Every time they were together, the pair always had an urge to be together. As kids, they fought it harder than anything.

Jenny had grown into a beautiful young woman, practically the apple of her mother's eye. Her brown hair was lighter however, and she had a reputation as a sore loser, both traits identified with her father, as well as her uncommonly good luck with gambling (this evidence being taken from her recent haul in Vegas at the bachelorette party).

Meanwhile, Zack was on the short side, only a half inch taller than Jenny, and his spikes made him taller still. He had dark brown hair, but she could see that it shone red in the right light. It was like their own little secret, the color of his hair. Not even his mother noticed that, and he was a mama's boy. He grew up basically harassing Jenny and she never gave him an inch, a ball of fire herself.

He knew that was where their attraction lay, mostly. The fire of the passion. It'd gotten them together during a clandestine summer before senior year, and reignited when they came home for Christmas.

But now they were mature, soon to be graduated, college students. Minus the mature part, actually. Because mature kids would be sitting with their parents instead of hiding from them.

"Hey, did we miss the party?" Katie asked, coming up with Jackie. The two had their mother's natural brown hair and big blue eyes. Incredibly close, the McGee twins tended to creep out some people with how attuned they were to each other.

It didn't bother their family friends though, and certainly not Zack or Jenny. Or Katie's boyfriend.

"Katie, wait up!" Al jogged over to her, grinning. "Thought I lost ahold of my girl."

It was amazing how Albert Timothy Hodgins could tell the difference between the identical twins (who'd been known to get up to some serious mischief), but nobody questioned it by this point.

"Congratulations on the engagement," He added with a grin, "My parents are coming by later with the sisters. This party should be fairly packed."

"Right now it's just our parents discussing how amazing it is that we ended up together." Zack said wryly, holding Jenny casually at her waist. She leaned into him, giggling, "Zack's mom just said that she thought Zack would end up with Jackie."

"Ew no." Jackie scrunched her face, "Our parents used to give us baths together after all."

"We all had baths together, Jackie." Jenny pointed out, chuckling

She rolled her eyes, "Exactly. That's why I'm not dating any of you…" She trailed off, seeing someone with wavy black hair and a killer smile walk up.

"Hey, did I miss it?" Tal walked up with his gift, beaming brilliantly, "Or is this the hiding from the parents phase?"

"Correct on the second, big brother." Jenny hugged Tal, happy to see him. He had graduated that year and was harder to find then Waldo sometimes.

She could see Jackie pretending not to notice him but everyone knew that Jacklyn Angela McGee was crazy for Tal Anthony DiNozzo. However, he never noticed that, being the biggest blockhead around.

That and the fact that they were three years apart.

"Where's Parker and Emily?" Tal asked, glancing around, "Or have they had the baby already?"

"No dorkus. They just can't come. The baby is too far along, but I plan to make my brand new niece the flower girl." Jenny explained, admiring her ring again, "And I have no idea, as usual, where Ariella is,"

"She's at a football game with Robby." Al filled in for her, "They're coming late, along with my other siblings, who are all also in high school."

"My sister is at a football game with your brother instead of my engagement party?" Jenny asked, slightly miffed

"Robby's the quarterback, and it's winding down by now." Zack said casually, glancing at his watch, "And it is Ariella's senior year," He added reasonably, "They'll be here soon and we'll all go face the music." He gestured to inside the room.

"Alright." Jenny smiles, "Thank God I can drink."

Zack frowns, looking around for his older sister, "Anyone know where Chrissy is?"

Everyone glances at Tal, Chrissy's ex-boyfriend. They haven't dated in nearly four years, but everyone still expects to see them together. Even when they bring home different dates for various family functions.

Inside, the two sets of parents laugh.

"Honestly, after Tal and Chrissy broke up, I didn't think we'd ever end up related to each other." Tony informs Booth and the words float out to the kids.

Tal winces, but he smiles easily, and accepts the sympathetic looks from everyone else.

"Chrissy's picking them up." Al explains lightly, "Or so Robby told me. She's probably watching the rest of the game with Ariella."

Tal groaned, rubbing his face, "This evening is going to be hard, isn't it?"

He slides down to sit next to Jenny who just pats him on the back.

"Well there's one good thing about this weird union." Tal sighs, shaking his head, "It'll get everyone else over the idea of me and Chrissy. Because now, it's like…incest or something." He made a face.

"Now, now, it's just a matter of finding the right words." Jenny teased, eyes twinkling, "And besides, I love Chrissy but you two were too perfect for each other. You needed someone funner,"

"Funner is not a word." Zack corrected her, which, as usual, annoyed Jenny. This time however, he kissed her on the cheek and that made her less annoyed. Because when he kissed her, it made her feel all tingly and good on the inside. Even now, after three years.

She could finally understand why her parents were always obsessed with kissing each other. Even if they were…old people.

"Ah, I'm just going to take a break from it all." Tal muttered. He handed out a beer to everyone, (as that was what had been in his bag) and grinned toward his sister,

"Cheers to my sister. God knows how she's going to survive this marriage with Zack Booth."

"That's exactly what I said to your father on my wedding day." Ziva called out, walking over to them, "And what are you doing, Tal Anthony? You know most of these kids are underage." She put her hands on her hips and snatched Al Hodgin's beer away from him. He protested, though Katie just laughed. Al, after all, would be twenty-one next week and she had just celebrated her twenty-first birthday two weeks ago.

Everyone groaned, but Ziva just laughed and the other parents came out with her. More people were trickling in around the front yard of the house, and Jenny suddenly felt very aware of the fact that people were smiling at her and Zack.

"Cheers to Jenny and Zack. If they are half as blessed as I've been with my husband, they will lead a very happy life." Ziva smiled warmly at the pair and raised Al's beer, taking a sip before handing it to Tony.

Tony, after a manly swig, clapped his hand on Zack's shoulder and smiled, "Later, you and I are going to have a talk about my daughter, okay buddy?"

Zack nodded, suddenly very uncomfortable. He hoped that he'd make it out of that circumstance alive and still wanting to marry Jenny Yafa DiNozzo.

Seeley walked over to him and Tony, grinning: "Congratulations son. We all thought it'd be Tal and Chrissy, but you and Jenny have a certain charm too."

"Yeah?" Zack asked, smiling

Booth nodded, "Reminds me of the way your mother and I were in the beginning. And we're still together, so that's good luck for you, buddy." He sneaks a look at Temperance as she greets a few family friends, laughing about her good fortune.


"Oh yeah." Tony chuckled, "If she marries you," He glances over at radiant Ziva, who is fussing over Jenny's hairstyle, "It's for life."


Remember to review and tell me how sad you are that this is over and how happy you are that everyone's together. And how weird it is that I put in so much about their life after happily ever after. But I wanted it to be twenty pages and I gave you 21. If I took out everything after Parker is recovered, it would only be ten pages and I didn't want to cheat you guys out.

Oh and if it's not obvious: Yafa and Eli are Ziva's parents. She ends up married to Tony and they have three kids: Tal Anthony, Jenny Yafa, and Ariella Kelly. Booth and Bones move in together and later get married. Parker goes steady with Fornell's daughter, the adorable Emily, and helps his parents out with their two kids: Christine Rebecca and Zachary Jared. Abby and McGee (obviously) end up together and have twin girls: Caitlin and Jaclyn McGee. Angela and Hodgins also end up together and have two boys (that I know of): Albert Timothy Hodgins and Robby Hodgins. I like to think that Angela has more kids, however (I just didn't write them in). Al is the oldest and Robby the youngest.

So in the lives of these kids (age not mattering for now, b/c it's really just an ending, that's all): Tal and Chrissy dated for a year or so before they broke it off because their relationship was too intense for either of them. They're happier now in their own different lives. Jackie McGee has the biggest crush on Tal, however, so maybe she gets a happy ending with him (I don't know). Her twin, Katie, meanwhile, has been in a relationship with Al since forever (high school sweethearts, all that stuff). And Ariella and Robby are both the babies of their families (DiNozzo and Hodgins, respectively) and have been best friends forever. Neither would think of stepping past that line, much to Angela and Ziva's slight disappointment.

However, Jenny and Zack, who have never gotten along suddenly find themselves falling in love to the point of marrying and forever merging their families in a beautiful crossover universe of NCIS/Bones!

And yes, this is truly and actually the end. Review if you love it, hate it, or want to see more.

Momentary rant about the tv shows-

Bones: HOW could they not have Booth and Brennan kiss after that whole discussion about faith??? I was like, OMG kiss him! the whole time and they didn't! Nooo...Instead, they share a smile over tea. *sighs* Oh and I am so annoyed that they re-introduced Jared with that Indian girl because it means that I went totally non-canon now. And I hate going non-canon. Oh and Booth needs to be shirtless more.

NCIS: Jetlag made me disgustingly happy. Keep it up guys, but I want more Tiva. Even if it is USTiva. That's better than No Tive. But wth is going on with Gibbs and M Allison Hart??? She is so not good for him. And they're getting together instead of TIVA??? WHY?

And if you really like my stuff, I've got Blank up right now. It's only NCIS however, featuring Tony and Ziva. I have no plans to do anything with Bones at the present moment.

And yes, I will miss you all too on this Xover Thread.