"Oh God I feel like shit." I rolled over and found my basket again and there went the rest of my stomach lining.

"Oh that was just gross." Glancing up and saw Emmett standing in my door with a grimace on his face.

"Yeah well, I am not looking for appearances right now." I rolled over onto my back and grabbed the now warm washcloth and threw it at the door. "Will you get that cold again?"

Emmett walked over and picked up the cloth that I didn't have to strength to throw all the way and walked out laughing and muttering under his breath. I swore I heard the word pussy and bitch somewhere in there. I am really too tired to even care at this point.

Lying there I could just feel my legs and arms actually throb from pain. If I was able to open my eyes again I am sure I would see steam coming off my head, because it is so hot.

I felt better knowing for now Bella was going to be taking care of me. As horrible as I felt, I still didn't like her going out and doing the grocery shopping for us. I would have really liked just having her call and order food to be brought to us, but I didn't have the strength to tell her. But soon enough she is going to be too big to do anything as simple as shopping so I guess I will give her the pleasure of shopping.

"Here you go homeboy." Emmett strolled over to the bed and dropped heaven, or what felt as good as heaven, onto my head.

"Thanks." I looked over and he put a bottle of Gatorade on the table beside my bed. "What that for?" I didn't even want to put something in my body that could possibly come up just as easily as it went down.

"I called your dad, he said you need to sip that so you don't get anymore dehydrated." He said with a shrug.

"Oh, thanks." I rolled over and sipped enough to get the rank taste out of my mouth.

"So I came over to tell you that Rose and I went to the doctors today." Emmett said with the biggest smile on his face.

"Really? So did Bella and I." I could just see it now, Emmett with a little mini him, all muscle and football, or all Rosalie, shopping and hair. I didn't really know who to feel bad for.

"So what are you guys having?"

"Well don't tell B this, I don't know if Rose is going to tell her soon or not but I can't hold it in anymore." I almost start laughing when I look over and he is bouncing like he used to when we were kids.

"Ok why don't you call Jazz and tell him to come over and we can all say it." He nodded and called him. Luckily he was next door at their new house and he could slip away because Alice was hanging up the baby's clothes, and that could take awhile.

"He is coming in a few minutes." He said still bouncing.

"Dude you need to chill." I was actually feeling kind of better. My body hurt but my stomach wasn't as nauseous. I think I might just have a touch of the flu or just exhausted from moving in.

"Alright I am here, let's get this over with, I think I might have like an hour before Alice resurfaces and realizes I left." Jasper walked in laughing. "Oh dude you don't look so good."

"Well fuckface, I think I might have a 24 hour flu or something." I said throwing the now hot towel at him. "Let's just get this over with. I know that Alice had her appointment today too, so at the same time let's just say whether we have to have to buy footballs or dolls."I looked at the guys and they were nodding.







We looked at each other in horror.


I didn't know what to think about this. We were all having little baby girls. I can already see Emmett, Jasper and I sitting on the front porch when it is their first dates, gun in hand giving that hopeless young guy the look of death.

I am so happy that our little girls are going to be around each other and able to have friends for life like all of us did. But then I look at Emmett's blank look on his face and realize that I hope their little girl has Rosalie's intelligence, because if not she would be screwed. Jasper and Alice's little girl is going to be either really quiet and laid back, or short and a fucking jumping bean. I am not worried a bit about Jelly Bean. I mean if she looks like me she would have some serious issues with my stupid fucking hair, but other than that if she is anything like Bella we are going to be fine.

"Well what are you guys thinking about?" Jasper whispered, he's probably thinking the same as me.

"Well I am thinking that if this little girl is anything like Alice, I am going to have to buy a lot of dead bolts. Plus some bars for the windows. An alarm system. A big dog. The list goes on and on." Jazz said with a completely straight face.

"Dude, do you have any paper? I need to take some notes?" Emmett said getting up looking through some of the boxes that were sitting along the wall. "I know if my little girl is anything like Rose, and attracts the same kind of guys like I am, I am sending her to a big all girls school for the rest of her life!"

I am just laying there because I can't move, even if I wanted to, thinking the same thing. Everything that I was thinking just came out of Jasper and Em. "Yeah Emmett the paper is in the box in the office across the hall." I said laughing.

When Emmett walked down the hall, we hear the front door slam and Bella scream. I flew out of bed and ran down the steps to see Emmett right in front of me and Jasper coming up from behind me.

"Bella?" freaking out I look in the living room. "Bella? Where are you?" I turn around when I hear the garbage disposal turn on in the kitchen. When I run in there I see her slumped over and crying. "Bella? Baby whats wrong? Are you feeling okay? Is it the baby?"

Sobs are ripping through her, and I am freaking the fuck out. She is crying so hard that I don't know what to do. It is killing me to see her like this, and I don't know what's wrong.

My legs are starting to feel like Jell-O and I cant stand up any more, or I am going to be sick. I sit down next to her and pull her into my lap and rock. When I look up at Jazz and Emmett looking for some kind of hint to what to do.

"I am calling the girls." Emmett is pulling his hair and taking on his cell to Rose, telling her to get Alice and come over as fast as possible.

"Bella. Bella honey, you need to breathe and tell me what is wrong!" She started doing the ugly hiccup cry, trying to breath. She started to mumble something but I couldn't understand what she was trying to say. "What are you trying to say baby? Tell me what's wrong?"

"B-b-back." That's all I could understand what she said before another sob ripped through her. When I heard the front door slam again I see Rose and Alice running into the kitchen, and sitting on the floor in front of Bella and I.

"What has she said Edward?" Alice looks frazzled.

"All I can understand is her saying is 'back' but nothing else." I am still rocking her on my lap and she is gradually starting to calm down. My hand goes to her back, rubbing circles trying to calm her breathing. When she gets down to a sniffle, I turn her around so she is facing me. "Bella, baby, tell me what's wrong so I can fix it."

When she opens her eyes, they are red rimmed and she has a few lingering tears in her eyes, and it's a punch in the gut not knowing what did it to her. I put my hands on either side of her face, to wipe the tears.

When she opened her mouth what she said only came out a whisper, "He's back."


I didn't know what I was going to do. I saw the rose and I knew he was back. He was the reason for my life going to complete hell. He was the reason why my dad hates me, why my mom left, why I never met Edward until now.


5 years ago.

Today I met the perfect man, but then again I am sixteen so every guy that would talk to me is perfect. I am slightly shy and a little awkward. I haven't really grown into everything yet, my hair is large and in charge, frizzy like I just stuck a knife in a light socket. My tits are large and my waist is small. I am out of proportion. I keep to myself and always have my nose is a book and my only friend is a over hyper pixie.

But today I am at the library and I can't reach a book on the top shelf. Of course it was completely cliché, but he walks over and grabs the book for me and just smiles. "Thanks." I give him a small smile, and look at the ground and walk away.

I am sitting at the table a little bit later reading a book I could probably have said word for word without even opening it, when a cup of coffee is sat in front of me.

"You like 'Pride and Prejudice'?" The god just looks at me and smiles.

From there on we spend hours sitting with thousands of books around us and talk about my favorite things. He makes me laugh and smile more than I have around anyone else. When he reaches over and grabs my hand and rubs back and forth over my fingers, I feel pretty. When it's time for closing I get upset because I think he is going to leave and poof, gone forever. But he walks me outside and asked if I want to have dinner at the diner. But I know that I am not allowed to date unless he meets my father, but he never said it was a date, so we just go.

When we get there, I see Alice in the corner in her cheerleading uniform with the captain of the football team sitting next to her, living on each word. She smiles, but when she sees him, the light in her face flickers a little bit, but comes back as force. It makes me think a little bit because she is always happy for me, but I can actually feel her burning holes in the back of my head from staring. I don't know what her problem is but she didn't come over and say hi, I really wanted her to meet him but she never did. When she did leave she walked right past and smiled and waved. Weird.

We ate, talked, just sat there and got to know each other. When it was time to go he asked if he could have my number. I quickly gave it to him and got in my beast truck and drove away. When I got home ii sat in my room and talked to my mom for hours about him. She was kind of hesitant but quickly got happy for me and wanted to meet him. Around midnight he called me and asked if I wanted to go on a date the next day after school. I knew my dad would freak out because he was 18 and from out of town so he didn't know everything about him. But he was the chief of police so I knew he would do a background check on him the next day.

Alice never called me like she did every night before bed, which was weird. When I asked her about it the next day she just said she fell asleep when she got home, which I knew was a lie. No matter how tired we are we would always just call to say goodnight.

That night he picked me up and we drove to Port Angeles to see a movie and we stopped and ate dinner at a very nice restaurant. But when he took me home my phone started to ring. My dad was calling. I went to answer, the car jerked to the side and he grabbed the phone out of my hands and threw it out the window. I was so shocked I couldn't say anything. He just said he didn't want our time together interrupted. When I just nodded he said we had to stop and get gas. When we stopped he got out filled the tank and told me that he was going to get us some drinks. I thought that maybe the phone didn't go all the way out the window so I looked in the back seat.

What I saw freaked me out. There was a blanket that covered a lot of pictures of me. Some were when I was leaving school, some from the library, some from outside my window. When I started to shake I saw him leaving the inside of the store. I turned around and just sat there. He got in and I didn't say anything to him. He was stalking me. He was watching me.

When we got to my house I didn't look at him. I told him I had a good time, but never turned toward him. I could feel him looking at me. He leaned over and kissed my cheek and I got out. I tried not to run, but I could feel him behind me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around. I could tell he was mad, but when he started going on about how that wasn't a proper goodbye, he started kissing me and I started hitting. My front door opened up and my dad came up to him holding his shot gun. He took off and sped away in his car.

Over the next few days my dad would drive me to school and I would only go up to the library if my mom would escort me. No one could find him and my dad didn't want me to be alone.

Dad said that he did a back ground check, and found he had domestic abuse, several fights, and had a few misdemeanors. I don't blame my dad that he didn't want me to be alone, but I know I didn't want to be alone anyways.

A couple days after everything went on I was sitting in my room when I heard a noise coming from down stairs. I opened my door but my dad yelled to shut and lock my door. I could hear my mom screaming and my dad yelling. I could hear him shouting that he needs to be with me and they couldn't keep us apart. I grab my phone and call my dad's friends from down at the station, telling him it was an emergency. When I hung up I could hear him from outside my door screaming my name.

I see the cop lights coming into out driveway and yell out my window for them to hurry. When I am sitting on my bed screaming for him to leave me alone and go away, but he wouldn't, he just kept screaming that he needs me and he would never leave me.

I could still hear my dad yelling, and something about a gun. I hear a shot go off and I screamed even more. I didn't know what was going on until I heard my mom telling me to open the door. I hear my mom saying that my dad was going to the hospital and so is he. I must have been crying too loud to hear the second shot. I guess my dad, shot first, and then my dad shot him on the way down. The next few days were a blur, in and out of the hospital. I made a mistake one day and got lost in the hospital, and walked past his door. He started screaming for me, saying he was going to kill me and if he couldn't have me then no one could. I started to cry, and running. When I found my mom she was calming me down, telling me he was going to be going to jail for attempted manslaughter. Not to worry about anything. Then next day when I got home from school I had a dozen red roses tied with a piece of black ribbon sitting on my front porch. The note that was attached 'together forever, I will never leave you'. I threw the roses in the trash and decided I was not going to live scared anymore.

When my dad finally came home from the hospital he told me that one of his officer buddies stopped by to see him and to show him some pictures. My dad pushed the pictures of his apartment and there was no walls, no ceiling, no floor, only pictures of me. Some of them where old, taken probably when I was around thirteen or so. Some were just a few days before I met him in the library. All I was thinking was 'why me?'.

When I started back at school, no one noticed I was gone, besides Alice. Everything was the same as always. Besides my dad stopped talking to me and I constantly had night terrors that woke my mom. She finally gave up and left a few months after. I haven't talked to her since.


"They never told me why he was obsessed with me or why he even picked me. Last I knew he was still in jail. I don't know how he found me here after all this time." I told everyone everything that went on. I looked over and saw that Rose was crying and Alice was just staring at the floor. Emmett and Jasper were leaning against the wall in shock and Edward was sitting with a grim look on his face.

"I remember when I heard about that. But I didn't know it was you." Emmett said quietly.

"Yeah, after it happened, I just went into a little bubble. The only person that I would talk to was Alice. I didn't date, but I lashed out. I guess you could say I turned into a bit of a bitch." I said trying to lighten the mood.

Edward grunted and stood up. He still hadn't said anything but I could tell he was mad. "So what brought this on today?" He was pissed I could tell by the bite in his voice.

"When I got home from the store, there was a rose on the door step. I freaked out, so I came in and threw it in the garbage disposal. What was I supp…."

"You could have fucking told me!" His arms were at his sides, fists in tight at his side, holding in his anger.

I sank away from his outburst. I really didn't know what he was going to do. His face and chest was turning red from not hitting something. I know he isn't feeling good also, so I didn't know if the redness is from holding anything in.

"Eddie man, maybe you should go and cool off before you say something you're going to regret in a little bit." Emmett came up from behind and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. He instantly cooled off and walked out of the kitchen.

"Bella, come on honey lets go up stairs and get cleaned up." I nod my head and let Rose help me up.

When we get up stairs, I could hear Edward in the bathroom throwing up. This must have upset him a lot but he was going to have to find out eventually but I didn't want it like this.

"Bella…" shaking my head I walk past Rose and Alice.

"Not yet, I just need to see if Edward is ok."


I can't believe she didn't tell me anything about this. I know we just got on somewhat of a good track again, but I can't help but be pissed. I want to able to protect her and our Jelly Bean, but I can't do it without a little give and take. If there was any man out there that wants to hurt what's mine, I am going to have to talk to her and find out everything she knows. I realize I am not mad at Bella, because I know that we haven't had enough time together to get to know everything, and we were still learning.

I end up making myself sick because of just plain stupid pissed off-isness. I heard the girls walk past my door, obviously taking Bella to my room. I walk into the room and lie on the bed sideways and pass out knowing I will talk to Bella tomorrow.

The next morning.

When I wake up, against my own will, it's because the damn curtains were so thin they held no purpose whatsoever. They might be nice to look at but damn, I was not a morning person.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and noticed for the first time there is a bottle of Gatorade and a note.


When you wake up, drink the Gatorade, you need your vitamins and electrolytes.

I thought this was a lot less messy then the mirror. You won that battle, but I will win the war because I can handle you honey.

Come down stairs and let's eat some breakfast. We will talk.

