Disclaimer: I do not, nor will I ever own Harry Potter.

Warnings: Some sexual themes, but really mostly innocent banter; Insane-childlike Harry, Non-Canon, OOCness. Also I have a weird sense of Humor, you may like it or not…I really could care less.

Things That Harry Potter Has Been Forbidden To Do

Dean POV:

It is common knowledge here at Hogwarts that Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, is completely and utterly off his rocker. Don't get me wrong, he's really smart, scary smart, when he wants to be . But certain things just don't seem to occur to him.

Many students here have their theories about why he is the way he is. My theory, he was born that way. I mean I did some research on his parents. Bloody bonkers they were, not as much as Harry, but still…Bonkers.

Harry's father, James Potter, after all, had done some pretty spectacular and dangerous pranks. And Harry's mother, had been able to catch James and practically murder him…several times.

I'm not even sure Harry realizes what he is doing half the time, but, like I said…Harry is a genius. The first time I realized something was not right was when I first met him…well, I didn't meet him, but I saw him.

1. Harry Potter is not allowed on a boat.

A small, green-eyed boy sat on the boat, looking down into the black water. A shadow flashed and he leaned closer.

The boy grinned, 'Wonder what it is?'

"Harry, don't lean over too far…" A snobby looking girl with brown eyes, and wild, curly hair called.

The said boy looked up, and smiled at her, mischievous innocence in his eyes, "Ok, Hermione."

'She didn't say I couldn't jump in…'

She looked away not seeing the mischievousness in his eyes.

But two people did, one was in the boat next to them, Dean Thomas.

"Harry…" Neville Longbottom squeaked.

That attracted the red haired boys attention, as well as the browned haired girl's.

Before either could do anything, the boy stood up and jumped feet first into the cold lake.

For almost ten seconds not a word, or even breath was heard then,

"HARRY!?" The giant man screamed.

It took about a minute for the boy to surface, he didn't just surface. A giant tentacle rose out of the water with Harry in tow.

Harry giggled softly, "That was fun!"

"Why did you do that Harry?" Ron Weasely, the red haired boy asked.

Harry grinned impishly and shrugged.

The brown haired girl looked livid, "You didn't even know what is down there!"

She proceeded to rant and rave until they got to the shore, then she shouted, "Your not allowed on a boat anymore!"

Harry only pouted.