
The only mystery I have yet to solve in this world. Eyes of distain have yet to fall upon me from this innocent. She is human but unlike her kind she holds nothing for me save for loyalty. She asks nothing of me, gives no thought to her own life; however, I feel this strange sensation. It leads me to protect her in times of danger. It moves me to a sense of…compassion when she shivers in the cold. It pushes me to comfort her in times of distress.

I really cannot recall what drew my curiosity to this small youth. Perhaps it was the way she cared for me in my time of vulnerability, or maybe it was truly curiosity that led me to revive her. I can never be completely sure of these things. One thing is certain; I know I cannot allow death to hold her prematurely.

She follows me wherever my journey takes me. I have yet to hear a murmur or a compliant out of her. Although, Jaken constantly rebukes her for being what she cannot help being, she never returns the spite even though on numerous occasions he has unwittingly asks for her wrath.

I have time and again found myself annoyed with Jaken's ceaseless reproach towards the girl. I often wonder why this is so. Perhaps it is because Jaken must voice these things and his voice is utterly atrocious to listen to. Perhaps it is his complaints are a constant that I do not wish to have in my life. Or perhaps it is that I care for her.

I have found myself on numerous occasions saving this scrap of a girl from the clutches of those who would do her harm. Every time this happens, I feel as though she will come to me and beseech her dismissal. Yet for some reason beyond logic, she follows me wherever I would go.

As we travel, she sings her praise of me. It was strange at first. I had never heard my praise sang so genuinely. At the time, I wanted to stop and ask her why she did so. However I did not. It sounded natural to hear her sing them than any other being. Now all it does is swell my pride to the heights of the heavens.

She is a funny child. She always seems to find amusement in the simple things of life. Her logic seems so simple and naïve but when deeply analyzed is actually quite profound. I found myself wishing she would never grow older. I know that she must yet I wish for it anyway. At the very least, she would never lose her child-like tendencies.

She is the reason I even consider children in my future. I suppose it is high time I settle down, but no woman holds my interest at this moment. If I were to have children, I would want one heir and the rest to be daughters.

Funny how I think these thoughts since Rin entered my life. I never would have conceived such ideas if she were not here. I wonder what she has done to me.