Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds but I really do want to steal Spence ;)

Summary: "Why am I afraid of the dark? Because of the inherent absence of light." Oneshot Reid-centric Dark/mature themes

AN: There's lots of dots as in '...' be warned... And also non-consensual sex.

--Lurking in the Dark—

When people ask me, I just say that it's because there's no light... I never tell them the real story...

Have you ever wondered why most of the bad things happen at night? Have you ever thought that a murdering psychopath might just bust through your bedroom window and shoot, stab, hack or strangle you to death? I certainly have because bad things happen in the dark...

Bad things happen in the day too...Sure I got beaten up a lot but at night I couldn't even feel safe.

My mother's boyfriend started touching me when I turned 13... He would climb into my bed every night right after my mum had taken her medication; those pills never failed to knock her out cold...

I tried to immerse myself in books and studying, it didn't work, nothing ever fucking worked: every night without fail he would enter y door, a dark silhouette in the moonlight. Every day before and after school I would be beaten, bruised and bloody and every night my anus would be painfully abused...

He never used any preparation, always shoving roughly inside my channel and my blood would become his lubricant. Every. Single. Night...

My mother never noticed, too medicated or distracted to care. She never saw the bruises from the boys at school and she never heard my pained screams or disgusted moans at night. I always felt so alone, like an outcast. Did anyone even care?

The worst thing about it wasn't the pain but the disgust, the disgust I felt towards myself after I had spilt my seed all over my sheets. Only after I had climaxed would he empty himself inside of me.

I never felt clean. Dirty, so dirty. I could never wash away the feeling of being entered, the disgust. God, it was absolutely horrible.

I have been shot, drugged, stabbed and countless other things have happened to me in my life but the one thing that still haunts me to this day are the memories, memories of the dark.

Someone save me from the dark...