Chapter Three

The weeks flew by and all too soon my time for possession was over. Now it was back to the drawing board. At least it gave me time to step back from the situation. I could now look at everything more objectively. First and foremost on my mental review list, Dabria and the information she presented.

The basics. Dabria saw Nora's death. Hmmm… How did I feel about that? How did it make me feel to know that my plan would be successful? That I would be the girl's end? What was she to me? She was the road block to what I wanted most, she was the only thing standing in my way. I knew everything about her and I could easily make my move, right? I had done my research, I thought the different scenarios out. I could definitely sacrifice her without hesitation and without a care in the world, right? Suddenly, I started doubting myself. Did I have enough information on her? I'd been watching her for months now. I should have enough to do what needs to be done. The funny thing was that I wasn't satisfied with everything I had gathered on Nora. I still needed more, wanted more. She was still a mysterious puzzle that I had to figure out. I had to come up with a way to personally interact with her. To move closer to her. Maybe even spend time with her. That would make her an easier target, right? Time to put in a new stage of my plan.

One good thing about my outward appearance is that I can still pass for a kid, so I enrolled in high school and found a "typical" high school student job. All the time watching Nora paid off, I knew her schedule. I picked only one class with her; I didn't want to seem too obvious, after all. We had Biology together. The problem was that Nora never seemed to even notice me. She was paired with her Amazon warrior friend and they kept to themselves. I had to change that. After what seemed like a lifetime, I began feeling wrestles and was really starting to hate school. I don't know how these human children tolerate school day in and day out. Maybe a change of subject matter would help. I needed something that would keep even my interest. Something that would ignite the classroom. That's when it hit me, I had the perfect idea! I started planting suggestions to have the class material shift towards sex education and mating habits in the teacher's mind. That was a topic I could tolerate and would even enjoy. It would also provide an opportunity to interact with Nora more intimately – draw her in to me. Once I was sure that idea was taking effect, I not-so-subtly gave the teacher a mental direction that he change the seating assignments. I needed him to make is so that Nora and I would be partners. My plan worked beautifully; it only took the simple minded teacher two days of subtle hints to put both suggestions into play.!

Ah, Nora was going to be putty in my hands!