Nearly 200 reviews!!! :O

Me: *very happy face*

Sorry I took so long to update but I have my French oral tomorrow and have been practising like crazy! (*and failing miserably *)

Last Chapter! Hope this was worth the wait!

Chapter 13

"Kat- urm I mean Guinevere? What are you doing?" Arthur pulled away from Merlin -who was scowling at the new addition on stage- to face Katie square on.

"The sorceress! It's after me! Oh Arthur help me!" Katie ran over and swooned onto Arthur, who held his hand out awkwardly to hold her up.

"I am not!" Sophia stormed on stage, hands on hips and walked over to Katie, towering above her. "Although, now you mention it..." She clutched onto 'Guinevere's' dress and pulled her up. "I wouldn't mind a maid." She smirked at her maliciously, narrowing her eyes at the quivering girl in her grasp.

"Arthur! Help me." Pure fear ran through Katie's voice but Sophia put her hand over her mouth and turned to face Arthur.

"No, after tonight you will forget that Guinevere even existed. You will never come looking for her, and you will make someone else your Queen, or escort or whatever." She winked and held her hand up. "Alieno totus quod teneo nusquam" Merlin was impressed with the girl's knowledge of Latin. "Now my darling, you're coming with me whether you like it or not." She grabbed the girl's chocolate locks and dragged her off stage, leaving the whole room in utter confusion.

"Urm, Sire? Are you going to save Guinevere?" Arthur turned back to face Merlin, brow furrowed and frowning, but Merlin could tell he was trying to hide a smile.

"Who?" Merlin grinned, along with most of the class, causing Katie to run out of the studio in tears.

"No one Sire." The raven haired youth bent down to pick up the cloth they were using to represent Arthur's armour. "So, what do you remember?" Arthur sat down on the floor and pulled Merlin with him, their faces barely an inch apart.

"I remember you telling me you loved me, is that right?" Merlin opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't muster any words so simply nodded. "Good." He grabbed Merlin's collar and pulled hard until the two boy's lips were in contact. The class gasped as Merlin grabbed the back of Arthur's head, pulling him impossibly closer, running his tongue across the chapped lips of his king, deepening the kiss. Arthur moaned, pushing Merlin to the floor, causing his whole body to ache.

"Okay! I think that's enough, right boys?" Arthur looked up from where he was sprawled across a very red Merlin to see their teacher raise an eyebrow. He stood up quickly, brushing himself off and clearing his throat before helping Merlin up off the ground.

The two boys bowed quickly towards the bemused class, who were staring at them, mouths hanging open. Merlin felt like dying right there on the floor, before he heard someone clapping enthusiastically behind him. He turned to see Sophia grinning at the side of the stage. He smiled back at her and turned to face the teacher who had joined in with Sophia.

Before long the whole class had broke into applause and Arthur and Merlin took their seats in the audience next to Sophia.

"I told you." She winked at Merlin before turning to watch the next group perform. Merlin smiled before resting his head on Arthur's shoulder, receiving a kiss on the top of his head.

"Love you." Arthur's deep voice was muffled by Merlin's hair, but it was there none the less.

"I love you too." Merlin raised his head to place a soft kiss on Arthur's smiling mouth before settling back down to watch the performance in front of them, he couldn't wait to tell Gwen!

The End!

*sad face* All gone!

It's very sad! But I will start one of my ideas after the mocks. If you have any preference let me know, I value your opinions!

Please review and tell me whether I ended this okay and what you thought of the story! Merci Beaucoup!