Hi everyone,
Thank you for all of the great reviews for the last chapter! The songs in this chapter are "Our Kind of Love" and "I Run to You" both by Lady Antebellum. Hope you enjoy!
***** Chapter 14 *****************************************************
Who would have ever thought we would make it this far? Puck asked himself as he made his way into the hotel shower. Damn I still remember that day at practice, God what had we all been thinking? The Baptist Church, now that had been a fucking brilliant idea. Brilliant, now there's a Rachel word. The memory started to flash before him as he stepped under the hot spray. He could see her standing in the open air theater with the sunlight beaming though the clouds like spotlights as she gave the pretend audience one of the more important performances of her life. How afraid she had been to start and then her pixie dance afterward as she laughed up into his face her eyes glowing with joy. Even now his could feel a smile spread across his face. Never did go back on that stage but we won Regionals that year.
He exited the bathroom still wet, with a towel wrapped around his waist, as Rachel entered their room from the hall. Her make-up and hair were perfect.
"Wow, you look great," he told her as he moved to pull her into his arms.
"Stop, Beth will kill us both if you mess up all her hard work." She laughed just before an evil grin spread across her face. She leaned forward and slowly licked a drop of water off his chest as he growled at her.
"That was not fair, if I can't touch neither can you, wife." He tried to scowl at her but she just giggled and raced away as he tried to reach out and catch her. "You will pay for that later!" Puck continued to stalk her around the room.
"Promises, promises," she sighed and gave him a smirk he had trademarked since high school. "We better get dressed."
"Temptress," he winked at her as he grabbed her waist and dragged her over for a quick kiss. "Beth will get to bitch at me about your lipstick."
An hour later found Puck giving his trademark smirk to a photographer as he stepped out of the limo and grabbed Rachel's hand. Memories continued to flash through his mind as he made his way into the building. It's amazing how much happened in the last ten years. Prom was hilarious, Mike in that pale blue tux. Shit, I though Kurt was going to have a coronary. Not that that compares to Artie wheeling in on Emma and Will making out in the dressing rooms; fuck, that was been funny, scarred the poor guy for life.
Finn and Quinn's wedding was our own mini reunion. As he thought of Quinn, the photographer caught a look of sadness in his eye as the memory of his little girl played out in his mind. Today is the anniversary of her birth. That was the first time Rachel put me back together.
"Honey, are you thinking of Drizzle?" Another photographer caught the look of pure love that flowed between them.
"It's her birthday." He reached down and several cameras flashed as he kissed her. "Are you feeling ok?" he whispered in her ear before standing back up to his full height with an arm around her.
"We're fine." Her smile held a secret joy as they looked up to him. A picture of their tour bus flashed in his mind as he remembered Rachel's excited scream coming from the tiny bathroom before she had came barreling out and jumped into his arms. "We're pregnant!" He had spun her around in tight circles as the two of them laughed like lunatics. I think it took 12.3 seconds of texting before all of our family and friends learned the news and were sworn to secrecy.
"How do you think Quinn and Finn are?" And this is one of the reasons I love her, one of the biggest nights of our lives and she still worries about our friends.
"Quinn called while you were having your hair done. We are going to be godparents. She and Finn just found out today, she said its hard remembering considered the anniversary of Drizzle's death, but they are excited today as well."
"Noah Puckerman, why didn't you tell me earlier?" She swatted him in the arm and gave him a playful frown. "So when do you think Quinn and Finn will figure out we're Jewish?"
"Hey, not every kid is lucky enough to have such good looking Jews as godparents," he winked.
"Hush, people are starting to take their seats," Rachel admonished as she lead them to their seats near the front of the auditorium.
Puck sat though the next hour of boring crap as thoughts of the original New Directions members entertained him. For some reason Kurt in designer coveralls still made him laugh. Never would have thought he would stay in Lima and take over his Dad's garage, but hell, he makes good money doing it and his husband Greg would be hilarious if he didn't look so much like me. Ok that's just kind of freaky, I mean, am I Hummel's type? football … locker room… yuck.
"Noah stop wiggling in your seat, what is the problem?"
"Do you think Greg looks like me?" Damn it, I see you smirking at me.
"His arms are not nearly as lovely as yours." She reached over and patted his arm while she giggled at him.
"I'm serious, does he look like me?"
"Maybe just a little but not like twins or anything. Their wedding was so beautiful; of course, with Kurt what else would it be." He watched her focus leave him as she too was lost in memories. "Shh, Song of Year is up next, sit up straight the cameras will be on you."
"Babe, you sound like my mother." He teased her even as he did as he was told and rolled his eyes at himself. When did I become so damned whipped? Who am I kidding, it just became official on our wedding day. Rachel in white dress, kills me every time, he thought as he looked over to his wife in her white Grecian style evening gown. And she knows it, too.
"And the AMA for Song of the Year goes to…" If Justin Timberlake opens that envelope any slower I will kill him. "Our Kind of Love! Written by Artie Abrams performed by Rachel Berry and Noah Puckerman." Puck stood up and leaned over to the man seated in front of him, giving him a high-five as Rachel leaned in to give Artie a quick hug.
"Congratulations, Artie," he heard Rachel tell her long time friend as Artie wheeled his way up to the stage. Damn, this is awesome! All that def poetry crap became some awesome song writing. This is so cool for him, he is going to be in even greater demand now. Just wait until his solo instrumental record comes out, the industry is going to be blown away.
I wonder if Tina's watching, it's too bad they couldn't work it out. I'll have to ask Rachel again, but I think she told me Tina was getting married in the fall. Oh, she's going to be mad I wasn't listening, think… oh yeah to that guy she met at the law firm, Dan… James... oh, hell I'm in trouble.
Rachel reached out and grabbed his hand in a death grip cutting off his circulation as the announcement came: "This is our first category."
"Relax, I'm here." He bent toward her and placed a small kiss on her temple.
"Relax?! Noah Puckerman, are you out of your ever-loving mind?" He couldn't help but laugh because not only had she picked up some Puck along the way, but she had managed to get that all out without ever moving her lips. God, I love her crazy.
"And the AMA for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group goes to…" I swear they drag this out just to make us nuts, move it along T-Dog or T-Bone or whoever the hell you are… "Directions, Rachel Berry and Noah Puckerman for their breakout performance, I Run to You! Ding-Dong to the Puckleberry!" Ding –Dong to the Puckleberry? What the fuck, is the guy on crack? Shit, I hate that name, WAIT… we won!
Rachel had jumped up with a thousand-watt smile on her face and nearly tackled him in a huge hug. "We did it Noah, we won our fist AMA!" With smiles on both their faces, Rachel grabbed his arm as they made their way to the stage, stopping only to hug and high-five Artie again.
Puck put a protective arm around her waist as he stood behind her and let her take the spotlight she always loved so much.
"Thank you so much, everyone, this is truly a great honor. We would like to thank our record company, production company, everyone who helped in big and small ways, our family and friends, our fans. To our fans we give an extra thank you, without you none of this would be possible." Rachel held the award to her body as the warning light told them their time was up.
"Oh Noah, I'm so sorry I didn't give you any time to talk." She all but gushed her apology at him as soon as they left the stage. Puck smirked down at her with the badassness she had loved since high school.
"Well then, Rach, next time, I get to do the talking." He hauled her into a tight embrace and kissed her with everything he had and was rewarded with the feeling of her weight in his arms as her legs gave way beneath her. Yeah, I'm still that good.
"Noah, we have to get ready for our performance. We're on next!" She suddenly jerked herself together and looked around frantically.
"Come on, Crazy, we are performing from the side stage the band is waiting for us." He smiled at her and grabbed her hand as she started to protest.
"Noah, you know I don't like it when you call me that!"
"You love it, come on they're about to introduce us." Puck smirked and dropped a kiss on her forehead. Puck and Rachel stood together as the lights came up on them and the crowd cheered as Puck sang his first lines.
I run from hate
I run from prejudice
I run from pessimists
But I run too late Puck finished his lines as Rachel continued the first verse.
I run my life
Or is it running me
Run from my past
I run too fast
Or too slow it seems
When lies become the truth She turned and looked into his eyes
That's when I run to you
Together they sang the rest of the song in perfect harmony.
This world keeps spinning faster
Into a new disaster so I run to you
I run to you baby
And when it all starts coming undone
Baby you're the only one I run to
I run to you
We run on fumes
Your life and mine
Like the sands of time
Slippin' right on through
And our love's the only truth
That's why I run to you
As they repeated the chorus, Puck smiled at the surprise in the audience's faces as Artie wheeled onstage with his guitar and started to sing with them. The was the first song that the three of them had written together back in high school, and it wouldn't have felt right not to have him on stage as they performed it at their first AMA.
Oh, baby I run to you
This world keeps spinning faster
Into a new disaster so I run to you
I run to you baby
And when it all starts coming undone
Baby you're the only one I run to
I run to you (x2)
Woah woah
I run to you
I run to you girl
Woah woah
I always run to you
Run to you (x2)
After the applause had finally died down, they had just made their way back to their seats when Puck felt his cell vibrate in his pocket. Taking it out, he saw a message from Mercedes.
ChocolateDiva: Not bad for a Lima Loser
Puck20: Thanks M couldn't have done it w/out y
Chocolate Diva: Then try to remember me in the speech next time
"Mercedes says congratulations," Puck told Rachel at her questioning look. Damn, Mercedes turned out to be one hell of a lawyer, we made a lot more money than we would have with her always closing loopholes for us. She and Tina have a great practice in New York, I bet I could ask her the name of Tina's boyfriend… nope, it would still get back to Rachel and I would still be a dead man.
"Tell her thanks, Santana asked if we would give her an exclusive interview later for ET." Rachel said as she typed on her own cell phone.
"Sure, ask her if she's heard from Brit lately." Of all the "never in a million years" things to happen to the group, Brit joining the Navy and become a NCIS investigator has got to take the cake. Who know she was actually just playing at being stupid all that time. I think she was working in Boston, last I heard, but she's been out of contact for awhile, makes me worry… oh come on and man up here, Puckerman.
"San said that Brit contacted her yesterday and she is back in Boston now that her last case wrapped up."
"Great, babe. Our next category is up." She again grabbed his hand as she slipped her cell back into her tiny bag.
"The award for Best New Artist goes to…" Open the damn thing already, although I thought Ozzie would be dead by now, not that you can understand him, good thing Kelly is doing the talking. "Directions, Rachel Berry and Noah Puckerman!"
As they stood, Puck reached down and placed both hands on either side of her face and heard the crowd cheer as he kissed the breath out of her.
When they again took center stage, Rachel actually gave him a little push to speak as they stood with hands entwined.
"As Rachel said earlier, we would like to thank our fans and everyone who was helped as long the way. A huge thank you goes out to Mercedes, without you and the rest of the crew from Lima we never would have made it. I would like to give a personal thank you to my wife, without her my life would never have been as exciting and full. I will be eternally grateful that she forgave me for all the slushies." He turned and gave Rachel his sexy smirk and brought her left hand, shiny with the ring he had placed on her finger three years ago, to his lips.
After they made it to the side of the stage Rachel whirled around, hair flying, and turned on him weaving her arms around his waist, "Noah, I love you! I can't believe we won Best New Artist, now we have to work twice as hard to avoid the sophomore slump."
"Rachel, babe, it's not like this was the first music we made together and we've been writing some great stuff with Wheels." They both started to laugh at the sudden vibrating from both her purse and his front pocket.
"I guess our public awaits us." Rachel smiled as she pulled out her phone.
"Come on, let's get back to our seats before we start answering, good thing only a few people have our private lines." he told her, rolling his eyes theatrically.
"Our family and friends love us Noah; we wouldn't be here without them." Rachel started to scold him.
He reached out and tweaked her nose. "Relax Mrs. Puckerman; damn, I love teasing you."
"Puck," was all she hissed as they took their seats again. Silly woman, only calls me Puck when she can't decide whether to fling a shoe at my head or kiss me.
Rachel was looking at her phone, "It's Matt, he says congratulations and that he is sorry that he and Sarah couldn't make it."
"Did she have the baby yet?" Matt is a really lucky guy, he stayed in Lima too and is doing his residence at Lima General; of course, if he tells Sarah about how to deliver a baby once more she has threatened to kill him. That woman cracks me up, poor Matt is even more whipped than Finn or me.
Rachel started to laugh, "He has been told if he asks her one more time if she is feeling any contractions, he will find his balls on the driveway after she has taken them off his body and run them though the disposal."
"Damn, and I though Quinn was nuts at the end." Noah couldn't help the hand that moved to protect himself. Rachel just looked him up and down and laughed harder. Noah pulled out his phone to see who had sent a message.
"Mike texted me, he's watching from his hotel room."
"Where is he?"
"Detroit, some econ conference they are holding at the Branch there." Mike as a stuffy economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago is weird, it just doesn't seem to fit. Chicago is cool though, lots happening there. I wonder how things are going with that girl from Harpo he met last month. Oh, crash-n-burn, poor guy.
"Tell him thanks and I miss him." Rachel once again grabbed his hand, "Noah, the last award is up." He put away his cell and wrapped an arm around the back of her chair across her shoulders.
"This year's American Music Award for Record of the Year goes to…" Fuckers, every single last one of them, how long does it take to open the fucking envelope? "Cow Town from Directions!" Holy Shit, we did it, we won!
They both stood and hugged, shook hands and high-fived everyone they passed on the way up to the stage. Hands clasped together they stepped up to the podium.
"We are so honored and over whelmed! I can't say it enough but thank you so much to all our fans and supporters, we couldn't be here without you. I would also like to thank my wife, for all of the time and hard work she put into me." Puck smirked to the audience and winked down at Rachel before she lend into the microphone.
"I would also like to thank the man standing next to me. Ten years ago he pulled me out of the worst place a girl could be and he taught he how to live and love again. Without him, I would have giving up my dreams that day; instead, I found the man of my dreams in the boy that saved me."
In front of an auditorium full of people and a viewing audience of thousands Noah Puckerman reached down and passionately kissed Rachel Berry and then never breaking the kiss, he put an arm under her legs and carried her off the stage as those at home watched the ending credits roll and the house lights came up.
The End
Well everyone this is the end. Thank you so much to the great reviews you have given me, I never could have continued this story without your encouragement. I am humbled by those of you who have mark me as a favorite author, honestly I have never written fiction until a year or so ago (I would steal poems and short stories from my younger sister in high school when we had creative writing assignments).
I would like to publicly again give a huge thank you to my beta/editor Beth. Honestly she is wonderful and gave me get writing advice. I hope she saw an improvement in my writing as this story progressed. She taught me great tips to think about as I write and I sure the students she teaches are blessed to have her. Thank you Beth, I don't think I could have finished without you!
I'm sad to see this story end but I hoping to write a much fluffier story next time!