Meredith sat down on the chair Derek had pulled out for her. He'd brought her to her favorite restaurant in the entire city. She loved their sushi. The first half of their meal they spent in silence other than talking to their waiter. "Derek, what's on your mind?" Meredith questioned finally, after watching him stare off into the distance for almost an hour.

"I'm sorry, Mere. Nothing really." He lied, miserably.

She gave him a skeptical look. "I know you better than that, Derek." She said simply.

"I-" He started just as their waiter laid down their plates in front of them. "It's a long story, and I really don't want to ruin our date with such heavy conversation."

"Derek" Meredith said setting down her fork. "We're surgeons, all of our conversations our heavy. Secondly, you're my husband and I love you. This is bothering you, so I'd like to know what it is. And finally if you don't tell me you're going to ruin tonight anyways because it's going to drive me nuts."

He chuckled at her last statement. "Meredith, before I came here…before I met you…I had a one night stand with an old friend, Amanda. She died a few nights ago, in a car crash." At the mention of this Meredith's smile evaporated from her face and a concerned, somewhat sad look took its place. He sighed and continued reluctantly. "She had a child…and well she believed she was mine. She's here now, so we can do a DNA test to be certain."

Meredith stayed silent, her eyes wide open. In a swift movement she closed her mouth, blinked her eyes and shook her head. She then grabbed her utensils and began eating again. The two stayed silent throughout diner and the ride home. They silently walked up their stairs and dressed for bed. Upon lying in bed she finally spoke up. "You, you might have a kid?" Her voice trembled.

He rubbed his eyes. "It seems like it…she looks like me."

"Is she at the hospital?" She questioned, with a knowing town. He simply nodded. "Is she the girl I've been taking care of all day?" She asked taking her turn at rubbing her eyes in slight frustration. He nodded once again. "I should've know. She does look like you." She was slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Meredith." He said sincerely.

"Well, it's not like you knew about this one. It's not like Addison…so I suppose I can't be too mad." She cracked an ever so slight smile. "Plus she is pretty cute."

"Yeah, she is." He smiled brightly thinking of the little girl that had already captured his heart, though he would never admit it.