The radio blared a seemingly endless fuzzy tone. The sound fueled the tension in the dark room.

Three beings, one on one side of the conference table, two on the opposite. In between the trio was a military interception radio, it was the culprit of the eerie noise.

"The scenario has been launched already hasn't it? What is taking Command so long?" Said the grey haired middle aged wolf. Beside him was his companion, a younger version of him at first sight.

"Be patient, you know how corrupt our military is getting. A terrorist attack would be third on their priority list. Give it time." The green avian reassured him.

The older wolf simply leaned back with a grunt, hardly believing the avian.

As soon as the wolf was nearly going to storm out of the depressing room. The radio started to speak.

"Vangelion, this Marc 202 Alpha, reporting in, do you copy, over?"

The two wolves leaned in, eager to eavesdrop on their investment.

"Copy that 202, what is your status on the Hive, over?" Came the reply.

"Sir..." '202' had lost strength in his voice. "The Hive is demolished, all crew and constants have either blown up or jumped off. Survival count cannot be determined. Should I call in for evac?"

"Negative 202, any survivors would be those cold blooded killers we call 'players'. Leave the area immediately, Titania is to be restricted from any further transport or military protocol. Do you copy?"

The silence was hiding '202's' real reply.

"Yes,Sir My squadron is moving out now. Over and out."

And the radio conversation ended.

The two wolves relaxed back into their seats. Their request on the demolition of the carrier was completed.

The younger lupin lifted a black suitcase from under the table and carefully set it down in front of him. With a few clicks, the lock on the handle snapped and the case opened. The wolf slid the case around an presented it to the avian.

The green anthro smiled deviously, closed the case, and dropped it to the floor.

"Our business here is done." Said the elder wolf.

As the two of them got up and headed towards the door, the mysterious avian spoke up.

"One more thing, what do you know about the competition?"

"All I know is, that the one who made it, is one of those brutes that has been in on the latest serial killings."

There was a moment of frightening silence, then the avian lifted himself from his seat.

"That's all then."

In the pitch black darkness the green avian grabbed a L-shaped object from behind his back. The lupins however where curious about one thing.

"Okay, now answer me something then."

"Go right ahead."

"How, or why, is your native color green?"

The mysterious avian smiled. "Well Roy, blood stained feathers would be a dead give away wouldn't it?"

Before the two lupins could react to the reply, the two shots were fired.

Both of the wolves fell to the floor with one smoking hole in each of their heads.

"And that would be bad for my line of work."

Nothing would be the same from now on...

The blue vixen jumped to her feet. The image of the dark clouds and gigantic metal debris falling from the sky got her blood running.

One huge effect can be caused by the smaller cause...

Kursed ran far from her drop zone. Sharp chunks of metal fell around her. It was like metallic rain.

And when that one simple change in thought that makes that ultimate decision is conjured...

Blood flew from the wound on her forehead. She ignored the fact that she had no destination except endless running. The screeches of clashing metal and falling contestants sounded distant in her moment of regaining senses. She could almost feel the quick moment when on of the meteor sized pieces of the ship fell on her.

It is up to our remaining willpower to fight...

She gained more speed as the main hull of the ship finally gave way into the plateau that towered behind her. Kursed felt the heat of the explosion miles away, scorching that back of her jacket.

To Run...

The physical pain meant nothing to her For a quick second she almost doubted the point in running. She shook the suicidal thought away and kept her fast pace.

To Learn...

She gathered all of her strength in physical ability and mental ability, and rushed towards the edge of the hill. The low growl of the demolished ship grew louder as the debris came down upon where Kursed once was. Whom was now sliding down the rough edge of the hillside.

To... Survive...

With a quick thought in the size of the falling death trap. Kursed gripped the side of the hillside and held onto the rocky face. Kursed took one more glance at the fiery sky, and as soon as the burning space carrier came over the boulder made hill, Kursed gripped the rocks tighter and ducked her head.

The screeching and whining sounds of the collapsing carrier was all she could hear as it plunged into the ravine, paralleled to Kursed's spot of hope. Shattering pieces of metal narrowly missed Kursed's body by inches as the entire wreckage plummeted into the darkness below.

She waited, even minutes after the dangers of being completely crushed by the hazardous material had passed. Slowly she inched towards the top of the slope, careful of any other falling killer debris.

When she reached the summit, Kursed stared across the cataclysm of what was supposed to the First Class Super Carrier.

Questions of the cause of such a destruction raced through her mind. She cleared them all away trying to focus with her powerful telepathic abilities to try and locate life.

Before she had fallen into the canyon, she could hear all the mental cries for help, the silent plies for rescue. In seconds, hundreds of voices would quickly disappear. But there were still survivors before she had fallen.

But now, after the final fall of what was left of the Carrier, it was silent. Not a sigh, or a scream could be heard.

Kursed, realizing she would most likely be the only survivor of such a tragic accident, calmly walked away from the wreckage in search of any fallen supplies.

With clouds getting darker and heavier with upcoming rain. Kursed made a mental note, not a reminder of this moment, (no that she would ever forget) but to always tell her this:

"The real survival games have begun, and her life as well as whoever else might have survived, relied on the choices of the planet Titania."