

Author's note: From this moment on, this story is going under MAJOR revision. Check the profile to see updates and more fixes.


The Anglar war is over and peace is in Lylat once again...but between Krystal and Fox, things got very bitter.

Krystal left with the Star Wolf team, promised glory, shelter, food, and a job. The leader of the team, Wolf, only wanted to fill his rival with anger. His plan lasted through the war,but a coupe of months of constant hissing and insults,Krystal fled to a distant plant on the edge of Lylat and was never heard from again... Which only shattered Fox into pieces from the lose.

Making through the agonizing months of regret, Fox is influenced by his lifetime friend to participate in a Grand Prix race team with Falco...until the avian suffered a severe accident from a star ship explosion. The result of his injuries gave amnesia the following weeks. Regaining his memories he came to a realization that the only thing between him and glory... was his once trusted friend, Fox.

He conjured a plan along with a small group of renegades to rig Fox's racer to explode from it's own mechanics. A bomb would be noticeable by security, he put this idea into action at a Championship Race for the prize of enough funds to last someone a lifetime.

When the race was nearing it's end, Fox's racer immediately ignored it's owner's commands. Not responding to the brakes of the ignition going off, the machine went into a chaotic rampage, crashing into other racers until finally flipping over and exploded into oblivion . Falco ignored his partner's demise and finished the race, breaking records. Spectators and medical officers rushed to the scene, but it was plainly obvious Fox was dead on the spot.

The vulpine's body was burned in the wreckage along with five others. The pile of vehicles burned in the distance while Falco drove off to his home with an expressionless face. The media came to Falco as he insisted it was an act of suicide, even if some evidence claimed otherwise, he was proved not guilty. Falco won the championship, Katt, wealth... and regret.

Months earlier, Krystal had made her temporary home on Kew. Her mixed emotions and inner conflict had become a distant memory when her mind had focused on her new ego as a Bounty Hunter named Kursed. When Kursed had come to knowing Fox's unexpected death, she had no regrets, but deep down, Krystal did.

With Lylat's hero gone, cause of someone's greed, old and new evil minds have now begun their plans to take advantage of the galaxy's weak state. With more deadly sins arising, Kursed is going to survive a lot more than just hunting for criminals...

Author's note:Like I said on the profile, this account is under new ownership. Stories are going to rewritten to become much better than before.

This story is dedicated to my greatest inspiration... SyxxFox!