Title: A Turn of the Tables

Disclaimer: This all belongs to J.K. Rowling

Words: 499

Rating: T

A/N: Winner of the next_gen drabble contest! Prompts: Scorpius Malfoy, Lily Luna Potter and "just breathe"


Scorpius turned and saw the girl running to catch him. He frowned as he tried to place her. "Lily Potter?"

The girl nodded.

She was quite fetching, he noticed, with her tumble of red hair and porcelain skin. Why hadn't he realized that before? Of course, because those idiots couldn't be expected to have a decent looking sister. "What can I do for you?" he drawled.

She blushed becomingly. "I... uh... have a favor to ask of you, actually," she stammered.

Scorpius' eyebrows shot up in surprise. This was interesting. What could the girl want from him? He hardly knew her. "Why should I do a favor for you?"

She turned a deeper shade of red. "I think you might like this favor," she whispered.

Scorpius was intrigued. "What is it?"

Lily was nearly purple now with embarrassment, but she looked straight at him. "Will you kiss me?"

Scorpius' jaw nearly hit the floor, before he mastered himself and tried to mask his astonishment. He knew he was quite a catch, but still, this was something, even for him. "You want me to kiss you? Why?"

Lily kept her eyes trained on his. "I've never been kissed. I heard you were the best." She shrugged nonchalantly. "If you don't want to, though..."

Scorpius smirked. Who was he to turn down an offer like that? A chance to break in the Potters' sister, too. "You heard right. Come here." He grabbed her hand and jerked her close. He could tell that he had startled her, but this was his game now. He pulled her close. There was a way to do this, and he was going to make sure that she didn't forget her first kiss by him.

She smelled fresh, like the outdoors. Lily slammed her eyes shut, and he chuckled. "Relax. Just breathe..." he trailed a finger along her jaw, and as soon as he felt her relax, he leaned in and captured her soft lips in a gentle caress. She tasted faintly of strawberries. Scorpius moved his mouth over hers, tilting the angle, deepening the kiss. She was tender and he wanted her to yield to him. He traced his tongue over the seam of her lips, tempting her to open. He slowly kissed her until they both forgot about anything else. Lily started moaning, and Scorpius realized that he had kissed her far more than he should have. He regretfully pulled away.

Lily's cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright. She breathed in, and then turned to go.

Scorpius frowned. "Wait!"

Lily looked back over her shoulder. "What?"

Scorpius felt flummoxed for once in his life. "Don't you have anything to say?"

Lily flashed him a grin. "Thanks. I was playing Truth or Dare. And Scorpius? I didn't choose Truth." With that, she winked at him and left him standing there.

This time his jaw did hit the floor.