"Robin, Robin?" a voice above him called. He felt like telling it to go away, but his mouth wouldn't work. His head hurt, but he was soft and warm here, with the smell of sandalwood around him. He didn't want to get up.


Robin felt himself being violently shaken awake by a very strong someone. He blearily opened his eyes and saw a worried Starfire in front of him.

"Ugh, Star, just five more minutes…"

"Over my glakjo utylqi! You've been sleeping for over two days!"

The Boy Wonder wearily rubbed his eyes and sat down the bed. After a second he realized that he was in the infirmary. Raven was sitting next to him with a worried expression on her usually calm face. Beastboy and Cyborg were also nearby, reading the computer.

"What do you mean two days?" he asked, feeling more awake by the second. His head hurt twice as much as it did, and the bright lights weren't helping much either. Wincing, he tried to stand, but had to be caught by Raven to stop from falling over.

"Dude, you better stay in the infirmary for a while. You're really weak." Cyborg offered, eyes still fixed on the screen. He seemed confused.

"What happened exactly?"

The Titans shared a look. "We were hoping you could tell us. Raven sensed that you were in pain and flew to you as fast as she could. When she found you, you were unconscious and badly hurt. She healed you and transported you to the Tower. We've been waiting for you to wake up ever since." Beastboy responded.

"And you have not explained to us what has occurred!" Starfire cried, green eyes flashing indignantly. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the helpless Boy Wonder.

"I don't remember what occur-happened. All I remember is fighting Mumbo, then waking up here." he said, extremely irritable because of his headache. Raven placed her cool hand on his shoulder, and he flinched at the electricity he felt in it. Then his headache started to disappear as Raven's healing magic started to work. Soon the searing pain was gone.

"I really don't remember." he concluded after Raven let go of his shoulder. He looked around, then turned to Cyborg. "Where's Luliana?"

"She went back to Azarath. Apparently Pravus fled Azarath after a rebellion and now they have the real queen and princess back on the throne." Beastboy replied with a shrug.

"It is quite wonderful that they resolved the matter." the Tamaranian agreed. She flipped back her red hair, and Robin looked at Starfire closely. For the first time he noticed how her hair was only a deep red color, with no hints of highlighting at all. It looked flat, dull. Ordinary. Not like the subtle color changes in Raven's lilac hair…

"Robin, I wish to speak with you alone." Starfire said, looking pointedly at the other teens crowded in the infirmary. They hastily exited, Raven gliding out last. After Starfire was sure they were gone, she sighed and sat down next to Robin.

"Robin, after your long absence away from me, I believe that we were not meant to be girlfriend and boyfriend. I wish to be a girl who is a friend once more. Okay?"

Robin shrugged, wondering why he truly didn't care. "Okay, then we'll only be friends."

Starfire clapped her hands, though she seemed disappointed at his reaction. "I am glad that you see it this way. Let us exit and rejoin our friends." She opened the doors and floated out. Robin sat there a second longer, than slowly and stiffly got up and followed Starfire out of the infirmary.

"So how was your talk?" Beastboy asked, hoping that his curiosity was not too prominent. Robin shrugged his shoulders before sweeping past the shape shifter to the living room.

"Starfire decided we should just be friends." he replied after sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. Raven was standing at the windows that replaced an entire wall. The sun was high in the sky and the entire sky was a brilliant blue. She was staring at the spectacular view of the ocean, barely stiffening when she heard Robin say that.

"Dude, you got rejected!" the green changeling cackled, holding his sides as he doubled over with laughter. Robin shrugged again.

"Honestly, she's a little clingy. And naïve." he responded, flipping through the channels. Beastboy continued to laugh, rolling back and forth along the ground.

Cyborg stuck his head into the living room.

"Yo, keep it down in there! Some people are trying to make lunch!" he shouted, adding to the noise.

"Robin…got…rejected…by…Starfire!" Beastboy gasped, tears of mirth streaming from his eyes. Robin ignored them and slid his eyes sideways to rest on the dark sorceress. She seemed so calm, watching the waves reflect the sunlight. Her long blue hair caught the light in such a breathtaking way…

Robin blinked several times. Blue? No purple, purple hair. What was he thinking? The sunlight had shone on her hair, making it seem like she was wearing a gold circlet. Robin rubbed his eyes and Raven returned to normal. He stood up and walked towards the empath, stopping to admire the view next to her.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he said quietly, watching a small boat sail slowly away. Raven nodded slowly, a smile lighting up her face. Robin was thinking how pretty his teammate was when he remembered that he had just broken up with Starfire.

"Quite a sight." she replied, not taking her eyes off the ocean. She seemed very tranquil, not wishing to destroy perfect moments with words like Starfire did. Robin respected that aspect of his teammate. Suddenly, he gently moved a strand of purple hair from her face, then took her hand. He quickly dropped it when Raven gave him a strange look.

"I…sorry about that." he murmured, blushing. Raven didn't reply, turning back to the window without a word.

"No need." she whispered before gently taking his gloved hand in her pale white one.

They turned and stood together, watching the sun climb higher in the sky.