Hey, boy I haven't been on here since 2008!!! Sorry I haven't updated my other story… but… my main computer died of the dreaded BLUE SCREEN *cries* so I lost the rest of the chapters on there TT~TT Any way back to this story.

Summary: Ski-trip, a pissed Naruto… snow falling. Sasuke and Naruto go on an unexpected adventure which will lead them to the smouldering heats of what love can do in the cold when they are all alone!

WARNING!!!: This is YAOI, so for those of you who might not have click yet, yes this means boys love and JUST boys love. So please, if you don't like it then please don't read it because it's a waste of yours and my time if you complain about it.

DISCLAIMER: I'll dig my way under Kishimoto Masashi's house and steal his characters… but until then, they do not belong to me, the story line on the other hand? ITS MINE X333

Pairings; I decided to mention some; Sasunaru, Kakaruka, KibaHina, SasoriDei, ItaKisa (Itatchi Kisame) and maybe some more if I can keep up ^ ^


As the bus buzzed with voices and bounced due to a really loose suspension; the snow glistened and reflected the sun into the windows of the bus.

A certain blonde teen frowned in his dazed sleep as the sun bounced off of the snow and straight onto his closed lids. He let a limp hand waft about in front of his face in a lame attempt to make the shine go away as if it were a fly. Eventually, he opened one eye and shut straight away again, sitting up and rubbing his eyes; "Stupid… sun…" He slurred as he yawned and stretched, cracking his shoulders.

Kiba, sitting next to him, was smacked in the face by his blonde friends' stretching arm; "Grrr… Naruto! I'm try'na' sleeeeeep!" Kiba whined as he turned in the uncomfortable seat, hugging his bag like a pillow.

Naruto giggled at how childish Kiba looked and commented; "D'you want a kiss good night?"

Kiba growled out of Narutos sight, and as Naruto grinned, he jumped at the sudden shouting at the back of the bus. The teen jolted and undid his seatbelt to turn around in his seat. He poked his head and eyes over the top of the seat and narrowed his eyes.

At the back of the bus sat Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke; the reason for all the racket. Sasuke was sitting in the middle at the back of the bus, directly in front of the isle. Surrounding him were girls; `Millions!` Naruto thought, but truth be told, only every other girl on the bus, which was about- Naruto counted- twenty. Only a few girls were uninterested, including Hinata and Temari.

The screaming Sasuke fanatics were Sakura and Ino, fighting over him again. It was practically sickening to see them go at it 24/7. And by the looks of it, the rest of the people at the back of the bus and some further up hadn't gotten much sleep. Naruto turned to a groan which sounded familiar. He glanced over Kiba to Iruka who was twitching in his seat with a book over his face.

Iruka turned in his seat, the book falling from his face. Naruto grimaced at how tired and terrible his sensei looked as he spoke with a weak smile; "Uh, girls, could we keep it down back there please-?"Sakura and Ino, in the heat of their momentary argument, barked ferociously in sync at their sensei; "We're busy sensei!"

Sakura growled; "No… I'm busy! I want to sleep on Sasukes shoulder!"

Ino snorted; "Ha! You?! Your forehead will crush him! I'm sleeping on his shoulder!"

Sakura and Ino began to pull at each of Sasukes arms now, and the ravenette growled, trying to pry his arms out of their clawing grasps.

Iruka sighed sleepily and whined helplessly; "Oooooh… pleeeease girls… be quiet…"

Kakashi eventually looked up and saw how tired his secret spouse was and put his book down; "They're teenage girls Iruka-Chan, all they need is a bit of authority…"

Iruka whined; "But I'm their homeroom teacher, I'm the highest authority on this triiiip…!"

The silver haired sensei took out his ear plugs and tapped Iruka on the shoulder, handing them to him; "I'm sorry to break it to you, but they respect the bad boys far more than they respect a homeroom teacher who lets them get away with practically anything…"Iruka looked up with droopy eyes and asked; "And what is that supposed to mean…?"

Kakashi smirked under his scarf and had a gave a cheeky, playful expression as he smacked Iruka's ass and went down the long coach isle; "You know full well how bad ass I am in the bedroom…"

Iruka blushed and turned in his seat, plugging in Kakashi's earplugs; "Hmph…"

As the girls glared each other down, Kakashi's shadow loomed over them which made them silent. They peered up at the cool, silver haired teacher as he gleamed; "Ladies-ladies… please, could you keep it down? I'm pretty sure you could both sleep on Sasukes shoulder… but only if he was present."

Kakashi had distracted the girls long enough for Sasuke to slip out of their grip.

As things continued in the back, Naruto was now glancing over the seat in front of him where Sasuke had sat down and heaved a hefty sigh of relief. The blonde took in the site of the back of Sasuke for a moment before thinking; `Great, now he's gonna' bring all that bickering up here! It's his fault for coming on this field trip… wait, he said he didn't even want to go… why is he even here?`

Naruto remembered in the class room how much of a commotion the girls caused when they heard Sasuke `couldn't be bothered` to go on the ski-trip. They whined for weeks, so why was he here on the bus now?

Not noticing he had been staring, Naruto came off of his thought train and focused in on a glancing Sasuke who was looking directly at him. Naruto backed up and then frowned; "What are you staring at?!"

Sasuke raised a brow and scorned; "You were the one who was staring at me."

Naruto blushed very lightly, then at the sight of the challenging smirk on Sasukes face, growled; "Oh shut up! You were the one who sat there in the first place!"

Sasuke raised both brows now and stated; "Do you have a problem with that?"Naruto huffed and stood up fully now; "Yeah-!"But before he could finish his sentence Kiba growled loudly and roared, shooting up and grabbing Naruto; "GRAAAAAA! BE QUIET! ME! NEED! SLEEEEEEP!"

Naruto was silent, giving the practically still asleep Kiba a confused look as he un-clutched his arms and fell back into his chair with a sigh. Naruto then sat back in his own chair in a huff and mumbled; "Fine…"He heard Sasuke snickering, and so he growled again. Sighing, he mumbled; "This is going to be a very long ski-trip…"