CH. 11

Ibiki then stood and put the scroll on the desk. The chair slowly turned around to reveal the village's number one most unpredictable ninja Uzumaki Naruto!

"Naruto?" Ibiki questioned, "You're the Hokage?"

Naruto sat staring at Ibiki's shocked expression. Taking it in and breathing deep Naruto's unwavering gaze focused into Ibiki's, not revealing anything.

"Yes Morino-San. Now what news is there on Itachi?" Naruto asked, his sapphire eyes hardening with seriousness.

"Its all in the scroll Hokage-Sama."

"Alright then" Naruto said picking up the scroll and reading it, looking over the scroll to see Ibiki still kneeling before him. "Is there something you need?" Naruto questioned.

"No sir, just awaiting your command." Ibiki said just as Tsunade walked into the room.

"Naruto what are you doing in my chair?" Tsunade said walking around and making Naruto get out so she could sit down.

"Testing out my future chair, its all comfy and warm. Just don't leave too big a butt print in it Baa-Chan. Oh and look Ibiki brought you a report on Itachi." Naruto said, a fox grin plastered on his face.

"Naruto, your not the Hokage are you..?" Ibiki questioned.

"Nah, not yet. I was just keeping the chair warm while she used the bathroom." Naruto replied chuckling a bit. "So the scroll says,

Subject: Itachi Uchiha

Itachi would not break under any torture. We were forced to resort to the Yamanaka Kekei Genkai.

It appears he was under orders to slay his clan due to the fact his clan had planned on assaulting the village and taking command. If gone unchecked the civil war in the village would have lead to an outbreak with the rock.

Itachi had a single regulation, keep Sasuke alive. If Sasuke dies then all the secrets of the village are spread across the Shinobi nations. In return not only will he leave the village and keep the secret with him, but he will also act as a spy for the Village Hidden In The Leaves on Akatsuki.

"Interesting… guess it's a good think you told us to interrogate him Baa-Chan." Naruto said glancing at her.

"But Naruto, you're the one tha-" Tsunade began but was cut off with Naruto's laughing.

"Whats so funny gaki?"

"I played a prank on Sasuke-Teme then came here, but I left a clone back there to see what happened after I left. It just dispelled its self." Naruto said stifling a laugh.

"Sasuke didn't notice the clone how?" Tsunade questioned.

"I made the clone while he was out still, then used a Henge to turn it into a piece of medical equipment sitting in the corner of the room." Naruto said glancing towards the window, a smile stretching across his face. "Sakura-Chan! You came!" he exclaimed.

As if on cue Sakura came flying into the room through an open window, landing without a sound facing Tsunade with a look of confusion written on her face. Slowly standing strait her gaze focused onto Naruto sitting in the Hokage's throne, his eyes a deep sapphire. A familiar look in his eyes that seemed out of place on Naruto's face.

His eyes resembled Shikamaru's when he is making a strategy. A pensive look now adorned his face, no eye contact being made just staring at her yet past her. Like he was looking into her thinking out every possible move before making it. The look he was giving her made her feel naked to his eyes.

Naruto noticed the sudden look of discomfort that Sakura began to display as he began to stand.

"Sakura… come with me, we need to talk…" Naruto said, his voice lacking the usual brightness to it.

Soon Sakura found herself standing on top of the Hokage mountain, atop the 4th's head near a river and cave. The sun was setting now and Naruto stood at the edge of the cliff over looking the village, his back facing her.

"Naruto, what did you want to talk with me about?" Sakura asked nervously, this new side to Naruto made her feel on edge.

"lets… can we just enjoy the silence for a moment longer?" Naruto asked not even turning to look at her.

Sakura complied, just looking at the village over his shoulders. The sun finishing its decent over the horizon and the lights from the village beginning to shine. From her view it looked as if Naruto was holding the village up on his shoulders.

'Not too far from the truth is it?' Sakura thought to herself. Finally the sun had set and the skies were dark.

Naruto slowly turned to Sakura avoiding eye contact. She pulled her attention off the village and focused on the blond ninja in front of her.

"We have been through a lot already, haven't we?" Naruto asked still not making eye contact.

"We have." Sakura confirmed.

"I know… I know that I will miss.. You… when your not with me. I understand why, because of our bond. I know to you our bond is the same as Sasuke's and mine, but to me its different… for me, you…" Naruto cut off his gaze stretching over to Sakura's feet as if to see if she was truly there.

"Naruto… why are you telling me this?" Sakura asked finally to have Naruto's eyes meet hers. His eyes were not the normal cerulean blue, nor were they the crimson red from the fox, no now they were a pale grey. His eyes showing a shell of… 'Well just a shell' Sakura thought as she looked into his unwavering eyes.

"To me Sakura, you are my most precious person. I just wanted to say that before I left… I wont be back for a while, and I just wanted to get this weight off my shoulders. I could die any day, with everyone who is after me added onto the regular ninja risks. I am a walking target. And I guess I just wanted to tell you this before I was gone… before I leave…" Naruto said closing the distance between them, slowly but gracefully.

"Naru… When are you leaving..?" was the only thing Sakura could think to say. So many questions running through her head, too many feelings outpouring from her. She couldn't think straight.

Suddenly two massive arms wrapped around her small frame and she was gently pulled up to what felt like a brick wall. Then the wall vibrated as four words softly spilled into her ears.

"Now… Goodbye Sakura-Chan…"

And just like that, it felt like she had been embraced by the wind. No trace of human life anywhere near her.

Her knees buckled under her weight and she dropped to her hands and knees. And slowly for reasons she couldn't or maybe just wouldn't, she began to cry…


"Baa-Chan!" Naruto's voice rang into the office as he slammed open one of the doors. "What did you call me here for?"

"Naruto? I didn't send summon for you." Tsunade replied only to hear what sounded like a wood on wood clack come from the window.

"Sorry Hime, I called him. I knew if he thought it was me he wouldn't have come here that fast so I said it was from you." a tall white haired man stated as he climbed in the window.

"Ok… WHY?" Naruto questioned clearly getting impatient.

"you are going on a new mission. One I have assigned. You are to go to Mnt. Myouboku and train in the art of the Sage." Jiraiya said looking down onto his student. "I don't foresee myself surviving for much longer, I have lived far passed any normal Shinobi. Its time I pass on the name of Toad Sage to a younger more powerful generation…."_

'I'm sorry Sakura-Chan. But this is something I must do…' Naruto thought as he gazed back at Konoha. His traveling cloak flapping in the wind as he waited to be summoned to the mountain…

End of Chapter.

Well here is the next installment for this nearly forgotten story!

This one will be drawing to a conclusion soon, and I will be focusing on my other one. But then again maybe not heh.

Remember read, review, enjoy!

I poasted a chapter on my other story about 30 min ago now I'm putting this one up, Review=Reward so what ever one gets more reviews I will focus more so on that one.