Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

The Beginning of Destiny

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh, its spin-offs, or its games.

Those of you who played this game, or the Tag Force series for the PSP, this will be a mixture of the storylines of the game and the TV series, although this will have more from the show then the game does.

By the way, as a reminder to those who did play the game, the character you play doesn't talk, he is just like Link in the early Zelda games.

A black helicopter was flying high over the pacific, with the initials 'K.C.' on both sides, heading towards the island that Duel Academy was located on. While the rides to the academy usually occurred much earlier than this, the pilot was ordered to take a new transfer there. While he was used to having a bunch of noisy kids anxiously waiting to see the island first hand, the one he was transporting was different. He was calm and patient, and at the moment sleeping with his red cap over his eyes.

About a half hour before they reached the island, the pilot took a quick look at the boy, who was at the moment just gazing out towards the ocean. "We'll be arriving at the academy in less than 30 minutes." He told him, only for the boy to give him a slight nod, "Did you have a good rest?"

"Pretty much, until that last bump. Right now I'll be lucky to get any sleep with all of the jet lag heading my way." The boy answered, not taking his eyes away from the view.

The pilot couldn't help but feel a little impressed by the maturity that this boy was displaying, "So why are you starting the academy after it started only about a couple of weeks ago?"

The boy looked at the pilot and said "Took me that long to convince my parents that I'll be all right on my own," Causing the pilot to give a slight laugh at his statement, "and other than that, I just needed a little change in scenery."

The pilot could understand this, "I don't know why, but I can't shake the feeling that I've seen you from some place." He said, just killing the time between now and their arrival at the island.

"Will if you do figure out, and prove yourself right, just do me a favor and make sure to keep it to yourself. Right now there are some people that would love to find out where my new location is going to be." The boy answered back.

The pilot just nodded, before returning his attention to the horizon. When he got a glimpse of the volcano, he decided to let his passenger now, "There it is your home away from home."

The boy stood up to see for himself. When he got next to the pilot, he could see a large building near the base of an active volcano, along with five smaller buildings. A red one looked like some sort of motel built by the lowest bidder, near the edge of a cliff, another, a yellow one, a few feet away that looked more decent, a little bigger, looking like a college dorm, a pair of blue buildings, one looking like a 5-star hotel next to a small bay and the other looking like a big resort in the middle of a lake, and the last one looked like it seen better days. The pilot gave him a little tap on the shoulder, telling him to return to his seat, in which he complied.

* * *

At the helipad stood Chancellor Sheppard, waiting for his latest student to arrive. Normally he would find a teacher to do the task, but since they're all busy getting ready for their classes right now and this gives him an excuse to get away from the office for awhile, he decided it would be better to do it personally.

When the helicopter came into view, he couldn't help but smile at this latest addition to the academy, not only was this boy's written exams score were among the highest, his dueling skills are beyond anything he has ever heard of.

When he looked up just as the helicopter started its decent towards the helipad, he tried to see if he could catch a glimpse at his newest student, only to see nothing. When the copter landed, he went inside to greet the young man. When he got there, he got a good look at the boy when he was receiving his luggage from the pilot before he stepped off himself. Sheppard and pilot gave each other a slight nod before the pilot left to get some breakfast. Sheppard looked over the boy to see that he was just as tall as most of the first year boys, with light brown hair shoved into his cap, and a pair of green eyes. He was wearing an almost all black outfit, with a shirt that showed everybody how physically wit he was, with a belt made for duelists, with four deck carriers on both sides of his waist. The only thing that wasn't black was his hat.

"Hello, I am Chancellor Sheppard, the headmaster of this school." He introduced himself, while sticking his hand out."

The boy dropped his bags and took the offered hand, "William Rawelk, but I prefer to be called Will." He said with a small smile.

"Well Will, let me take you my office and well begin the process of making you apart of this academy." He said, while he grabbed one of the bags off of the ground. Will grabbed the other and followed the chancellor.

I hope you like the intro. The name I chose for the character is basically a little fun I had with anagrams, incase somebody wants to know. Read and Review, and any questions you might have might be answered in the next chapter.