Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight!!!! And neither do you!!

A/N: Thanks to all of you that have reviewed!! You are the bomb! Please keep voting for the triplets names!!!

Right Now We Are At:

___40% for Skylar, Samantha, and Sean.

___25% for Mia, Cara, and Ori.

___15% for Ruby, Crystal, and Onyx.

___10% for Matthew, Maggie, and Mallory. Or should we change one _______of the girls to Mollee?

___10% for Noelle, Natalie, and Nathan.

___And I just added this a few minutes ago, Nathan Samuel, Mary _______Allison, and Carlie Esme.

Please Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is not a chapter. Well it is but not really.

Ages: 'Cause nobody in this story is the right age.

Bella: 19

Sam: 24

Embry: 19

Emily: 5

Seth: 15

Leah: 20

Jacob: 17

Paul: 19

Jared: 18

Kim: 17

Rachael: 21

Rebecca: 21

Sue: 39


Charlie: 40

Renee: 39

Phil: 26

Billy: 41

Old Quil: 89

Quil: 16

Brady: 14

Collin: 14

Claire: 2

Mrs. Call: 43

Embry Sr.: 49

Mr. Call: 45

Mrs. Uley: 47

Mr. Uley: 48

Is there anyone else you are curious about….?