Author's note: Ah, at last, my story arrives in the three last episodes. These three last episodes I named as The Wuthering Trilogy. Why? Because, I think the story have a similar part with Wuthering Height's novel. I realized it when I finished this story (=A=;)a… So, I decide to insert a few of words from the novel into my story (to the author of Wuthering Height, Emily Bronte, I pronounce my deep apologize and thank you so much). So to the reader, please enjoy, and don't forget to review, nyaa~~ XDDD

Sorry if my grammar is bad. My English is not so good…m(_ _)m

Medea Takarai…^^

A Little Story in Future: Sebastian's Diary

Chap. 8:

In Her 19 years old – Part. 1: Why Do You Make Me Love You Like This? ~ Prologue of the Storm

Someday you will found someone whom you loved dearly

You will love her more than you know

You will broke all of the rules and those unbeatable walls

Just to keep her safe and sound

And you even won't let Death take her apart from you

Just to hold her dearly for ever in your arms

Those words rang again and again every time I closed my eyes.—those words from the past. Her words—she whom ever been the most important person in my life. In the past, I thought it was just a joke and nonsense. Several years had past, I never remembered it anymore. But then, why suddenly those words came and haunted me now?

"Good afternoon, Master Erick," I greeted him. "My Mistress had been waiting for you in the lounge."

"Thank you, Sebastian," he said.

Today he came again. Although my relationship with my Mistress got better, but I didn't know why every time I looked at him, I felt something wrong. I felt annoyed.

"Good afternoon, Sir Erick," my Mistress greeted him.

"Good afternoon, Lady Ciel," he replied. "I will talk directly, there's something that I want to tell you."

"Yes, what is it?" she asked.

"Lady Ciel, actually, I come here today to propose you."

"Eh?" she surprised so do I.

"We had known each other for a long time, and I want to make a serious relationship with you. So, would you accept it, Lady?"

Mistress was silence, she thinks.

What happening to me? I shouldn't feel this anger. It's don't matter whatever she answer. As long as I still have her soul.

"I'm sorry. I think I must refuse it," she said.

"But, why?" he startled.

"I never told this to anyone, but since you have made that kind of decision, I have to tell you."

"What?" he asked.

"I just have a year again to live," she answered.


I surprised when heard her answer. Surprised but I didn't know why I also felt happy. But, it's not a problem anymore. After heard her answer, I bet will be give up.

"It's no matter for me, Lady," he said, suddenly.


"I will accept you no matter what happen. Even if I can be with you just for a year, I promise I will make you happy in the remains of your life."

Mistress couldn't say anything, surprised. And, so do I. At that time, I didn't know why I really felt angry. Very angry that made me brave enough to tear that man apart.

"So, what is your answer, Lady?" he asked her again.

"I…I will think about it…" my Mistress' answer surprised me.

How can she even want to think about it?

"Oh, of course. I will give you some time to think. Tell me anytime if you have your answer," he said.

"Yeah. Sure…" said Mistress.

Finally, that man left. His face looked so happy, it's almost like he got a big hope. I really hate that face.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Sebastian?" asked my Mistress, suddenly.

"Yes, Young Lady."

"What?" she asked.

"Are you serious want to think about that propose, my Lady?" I asked.

"Of course. Do you want me to refuse it directly? It's not a good manner as a Lady," she answered.

I annoyed. "But, I think you always strict about something that you dislike, Young Lady?"

"Oh, Sebastian. Are you jealous?" she teased me.

Jealous? Me? Why must I jealous? It's not like I care that she wants to marry with that guy or not.

"Why don't you answer me, Sebastian?" she asked again.

"No, Young Lady. I don't have a right to forbid you to marry anybody," I said.

"Hoo…so you said that it's okay if I marry him? I thought you hate him very much," she smirked.

"More than you had imagined, my Lady," I smiled.

She chuckled. "It's enough, Sebastian. Come back to your work!"

"I understood."

"And, if you have something that you want to tell me again, don't be afraid to tell me," she continued, and then walked to her study room.

I act so stupid. Why should I get annoyed with this kind of thing?

I knew it from the start that she was special. Nothing could change her presence. And I accepted that I had obsessed with her. I want her. Just her!

If I think about it again, this is the first time that I wanted someone not just her soul, not just her body, but also her mind and heart. I wanted all of her and I didn't want if she with somebody else.

What exactly makes this feeling come? Why she the only one who could make me feel a hesitation like this? What exactly make me want her so much?

There were so many questions that I couldn't answer myself. And, once again when I shut my mind out from that feeling, that words came overflowed in my mind.

Knock…knock… I knocked the door of my Mistress's room.

"Come in, Sebastian," she said from inside.

I opened the door. "I'm sorry, my Lady. But, I have something to ask."

"What is it, Sebastian?"

"If I ask you to not accept Master Erick's propose, will you grant my wish, my Lady?" I asked.

She surprised. "What suddenly change your heart, Sebastian?"

"You know that I'm a greedy creature, my Lady. After I thinking about it, I really don't want you to be together with that human," I smirked.

"What a dare answer, Sebastian!" she smirked. "But, I can't answer your wish."

I startled. "Why? Why, Ciel? I thought that you love me?"

"Yes, I am."

"Then, why?" I wondered.

"Sebastian, I need a descendant," she answered.


"Yes, I have thinking about it. If I die, I will need someone to continue my works," she explained. "I don't want this Funtom Company will disappear like uncle Ciel's."

"Then, that's why you want to marry someone you don't love?" I asked, annoyed.

"I have no choice."

I smirked. "You have no choice? Don't be kidding. You have many choices, my Lady."

"Many choices?" she confused.

"Yes, Young Lady. As long as I stand by your side, you can do anything you want, just with one command. Do you forget it?" I smiled.

"What are you saying? A command cannot grant me a—" she stopped. "Sebastian, could it be?"

"That's right. I will grant anything that you wish for," I smiled.

"D—don't be kidding! Y—you tell me to—"

"My, Young Lady, are you embarrassed?" I teased her.

"I don't!" she shouted.

"Or maybe you prefer to have a child from that man?"

"Don't be stupid!" she annoyed.

"Then, my Lady, will you give me an honor to grant your wish," I kneel and stretching out my hand to her.

"Are you sure can grant anything that I wish?" she asked.

"Yes, my Lady."

"Even though, it's hard?"

"Nothing is impossible for me."

"Are you sure? My wish is very difficult," she smirked.

"Then, tell me, so I know how difficult it is."

"Well, I wish for twins—a boy and a girl. You can grant it?"

"Is that all?" I asked.


"Well, it's an easy job, I think," I smirked.

"Then, prove it!"

"As you wish, my Lady," I said then kissed her lips as we fell down slowly to her bed.

That night, I got the thing that I really want. But, it was different. It was something that more than a desire. The feeling when I touched her was overflowed inside my body. It's almost ruined my mind—made me crazy. Made me couldn't control myself. In deep of my mind, I knew that it was wrong. But, I couldn't help it. This feeling inside of me was something that made me annoyed, something that I hate so much, but also…beautiful.


"Good morning, my Lady. Do you sleep well last night?" I asked.

"Sebastian?" she surprised.

"Yes, what is it, my Lady?" I smiled.

"Why you—?"

"Ah, I'm sorry. But, I'm still a one hell of butler. I must do my general job," I smiled.

"Ah, I see."

"It's time to wake up, Young Lady. There are many things that you must do today."

"Ck…No. I want to sleep again."

"You can't. We have many jobs to do."

"I will do it later when I wake up. My body is really hurt. I don't want to get up early," she said then tucked her blanket up.

I smirked. "Oh, my, do I a little too rough last night?"

"Wha—?" she jolted.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I was joking," I smiled.

"What a bad way to wake up!" she annoyed.

I chuckled. "I'm sorry, Young Lady. But, I think it's not good for a Lady to wake up late."

"You're so annoying sometimes!"

"Oh, my, did I make you angry?" I said.

"Of course!"

"Then, is there anything that I can do to repair it?"

She thought for a second. "Come here!"

"What is it, my Lady?" I wondered while walked to her.

"Say something stupid, Sebastian!" she said.

"Something stupid?"

"Yeah," she smirked.

I smirked. "Then, let me whisper something to you."

"What?" she listened carefully.

"I love you, my dearest bride…" I whispered, and then kissed her cheek.

She chuckled. "That was a stupid thing that I ever heard, Sebastian."

"I told you that I will grant your entire wish," I smiled.

"Then, I will give you a command," she said.

"What is it, Young Lady?"

"From today and until I die, promise me to not thinking about anyone, except me."

I smiled. "I never think about anyone except you, my Lady. Even after you die, I will always thinking about you."

"Have you ever do something that you do to me last night to the other girls?" she asked.

"I will not lie to you. Yes, I am," I answered.

"Have you thought about them?"

"No, I'm not."

"And you dare to promise me that you will not forget me, even after I die?'

"It's because you're special."

"What special?" she wondered.

"My apologize. But I, myself cannot answer that question."

"So there is a question that you cannot answer?"

I smiled.

"It's okay then. But, because you had said that you will never forget me, I want you to take those words and don't even think to forget it. Get it?" she smirked.

I chuckled and then kneel down to her. "Yes, my Lady."

The storm is still continued…
