Made as a present to my Edward's Lily! But alas, I cannot write much fanfiction due to my rocky relationship with NaNoWriMo. Ohhhh NaNo…
"Okay, now pick a hand." Wide blue eyes stared intently back and forth, left and right, trying to figure out which arm might hold what. Finally, a chubby finger was raised. She pulled out her right arm and showed—
Nothing. "Oops! Try again later?" Holly grinned at the boy's disappointed face.
"Now!" Beckett pushed over the more placated Myles in an attempt to grab the other arm, the one he knew, he knew had candy in it. Holly jumped back and raised a warning finger.
"Beckett! Don't treat your brother like that." The younger twin frowned and turned to his brother. He mumbled something that might have been a "sorry", but then turned back to Holly pleadingly.
"Beckett, that's not a proper apology," his twin said, grabbing at Beckett's black hair. They collapsed into a muddle of grabbing, sticky fingers, Holly watching amusedly. Usually Myles was above violence, but somehow today she had gotten them both riled up enough for a proper tussle.
"Okay boys, that's enough." She pulled them apart by the collars of their shirts, their dirty feet dragging on the plush carpet. Even the designated playroom was fancy in the Fowl estate.
"Holly, Myles mean to me!" Beckett wrapped both arms around her dark arm, suspended six inches off the carpet. She lifted him up to her hip and grabbed his rear to hoist him up. He clung to her bony shoulder for dear life, even though she had a good grip on him.
"Myles, are you being mean to Beckett?"
"No. He's being ridiculous and childish." Myles went back to looking dignified. Or as dignified as a two-year-old with hands covered in finger paint and grape lollipop could be.
Holly rolled her eyes. "You're both two years old. What do you know about childish?"
"I know how my brother acts. And I know that it is immature."
Holly laughed. "Your older brother is probably even more childish."
Beckett gaped up at her. "Arty?"
Myles froze in fascination. His weak spot was definitely gossip. "Tell me!"
"Well, Artemis is extremely immature sometimes. Like you two. Petty."
"I'm not petty," Myles protested.
"You complained about Beckett using your piece of paper for finger painting. And there was only one piece of paper to start with."
Myles sighed. "Fine, continue."
"You know how we met? He kidnapped me. And then he tried to get my alliance. Multiple times. He called on me to save his and his family's behinds millions of times, stole money from the LEP, almost got me fired every time we met, and hardly a word of thanks for me along the way! I've brought him back from the dead so many times; it's hardly surprising anymore. We've travelled time, we've swapped eyes, he's stolen my magic, I've stolen his jokes. Has he ever showed any appreciation for me? No!" Okay, maybe she was a little bit more worked up than she should have been. "And now he asks me to babysit for him while he goes out on one last heist. Do you know how many times he's said that this one was the 'last'?"
Myles nodded gently at her, smiling. "But you keep coming back."
Holly paused. She put down Beckett gently, letting him roll onto his back. He stuck his tongue out at her and she replied in kind. But then she looked back at Myles, still smirking at her like his elder brother. Exactly like Artemis.
"Yes, I guess I do. I can't really help it anymore." Her heart skipped a beat thinking about it, every time hoping for a pat on the cheek, like a lost and loyal puppy following her adopted master.
"Well, I like it. I like having you around, Aunt Holly." And Myles' innocent smile like the one she had always wished would appear on his brother made her heart melt and she couldn't help but grin back at him.
"I like coming here, too."