I don't own Harry Potter or Teddy Lupin or Remus Lupin or Hermione Granger ect.

NEED TO KNOW∞ Ginny dies in the final battle, Fred doesn't ∞Harry has raised Teddy since he was three months old because of Mrs. Tonks death… she was attacked by death eaters ∞ takes place during the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I will not include a lot of details from the book because I don't feel like typing it all and my copy is at my parents' house

History is always written wrong, and so always needs rewritten. - George Santayana

Into the Past

Chapter 1: Gone

Harry Potter, the savior of the wizarding world, the boy who lived, the chosen one, Lord Hogwarts and many other names issued to him by the press, was walking down the hallway of Ministry of magic to his office in the auror department with his 4 year old godson Teddy. Who had been living with the 22 year old since he was 3 months old when his grandmother died.

It was Harry's day off, but he had been called into work because some left over Death Eaters from the war had been caught and brought in, and as the head of the auror department, the youngest head ever, he had the right to question them.

Normally he would have let one of the aurors on duty do it, but seeing as one of the Death Eaters was Bellatrix Lastrange the murderer of Harry's godfather Sirius Black, his one time girlfriend Ginny Weasley, and Teddy's Grandmother he felt the obligation to be there to make sure she had no way out.

She was one of the few people Harry could honestly say he hated. Despite all that he had been through with his relative and the war, he found it distinctly hard to hold grudges. In fact, he was even partnered with Draco Malfoy his former school nemesis.

It took a lot longer for his best friends Ron and Hermione to forgive Malfoy all the insults, but Harry knew how hard the war was on him. He knew that he was forced to do things he didn't want to protect his family. They still insulted each other, but it was more fun than hate.

Usually Harry let Teddy stay with Molly or Fleur Weasley. Molly considered Teddy as a grandson just as she has considered Harry as her son since he first befriended her youngest son Ron at eleven years old. Fleur was married to Ron's eldest brother Bill and the two of them had a daughter that was a year younger than Teddy and they loved to play together. But, today was Harry's day with Teddy and he wasn't going to give that up because of some filthy scum. No, he would question them quickly but thoroughly and be on his way.

Harry would leave Teddy with his assistant Sarah today while he went to question the culprits in the room directly across from his office (a/n I know that it should be farther away but that doesn't work for me in this particular instance). She was good with children, well she should be she had three of her own. Plus it wouldn't be the first time she sat with him. They got on well and Harry wasn't worried about Teddy being watched by her.

Once reaching the office he turned to Sarah "can you watch Teddy while I go question the scum next door?"

"Of cour-" she started to answer but was cut off by a deafening bang. With honed reflexes harry swooped Teddy into his arms, angling his body so Teddy was behind him, and whipping out his wand pointing it at the door.

The door then swung open reveling the deranged Bellatrix Lastrange. She smiled evilly at Harry and his godson; then chucked a small round object at them.

Without thinking harry raised his hand to knock it out of the way. He knew it was a rookie mistake. The second that he raised his hand; he should have dodged or made a shield, but it was too late.

Instantly it happened. Three aurors rushed in and stunned Lastrange. Sarah let out an earth shattering scream before collapsing in a dead faint. And Harry James Potter and his Godson Theodor Remus Lupin disappeared never to return again.

a/n: Here you go... The begining! I hope to have a beta read it at a later date.