"Avada Kedavra!"
"Avada Kedavra!"
The spells exploded together and sparks ricocheted off their surroundings.
"Potter you will die here! I've waited too long for you to die!" Voldemort rasped
He was weakening and he knew it. But he couldn't fail! He couldn't.
Harry dodged the spell and hid behind something. He didn't want to kill. He didn't want to become a murderer. But he had to. The senseless killing had to stop. Now.
He jumped out and hoped the spell would land.
"Avada Kedavra!"
Harry watched as the green spell streaked towards Voldemort. Saw the fear in his red eyes. Harry didn't want this. Didn't want to kill him.
"NO!" He screamed and right before the spell touched his enemy it turned pure white with red pulsing veins in it.
The explosion knocked Harry down and when he looked up he saw Voldemort disintegrate into a large pile of ash. Harry cried as the fire went out and all that was left was black ash. He picked himself up and walked to it. He jumped back when the ash moved.
Out of it came a young man about Harry's age if not a little older rise from the ashes. He was naked with creamy white skin silk looking black long hair and red eyes. He looked at Harry in confusion.
"Where am I?" He asked in a soft voice
"V-Voldemort?" Harry asked stunned
"I'm…I am Tom Marvolo Riddle…" Tom said just as softly.
Just then Fudge, Aurors, and Albus Dumbledore came into the clearing.
"What in Merlin's name is going on here!" Fudge shouted
Tom, Frightened, darted behind Harry to try and hide. Albus's eyes followed him in shock.
"Tom?" He whispered, "How is this possible?"
"This is…Voldemort, Fudge. Well…really its Tom Riddle. Voldemort is dead. Tom came from the ashes." Harry said shifting and taking Toms hand in comfort.
Fudge sputtered before yelling at the Aurors to seize Tom. The dragged him away from Harry and snapped their hands apart. Tom screamed and tried to get back to Harry but the continued to drag him away.
"Stop it!" Harry yelled
They stopped but didn't let Tom go. The man was whimpering and staring at Harry with pleading eyes.
"He's not Voldemort."
"No but he is what turned into him! I WON"T HAVE IT AGAIN!" Fudge shouted. "He's going to Azkaban and getting a nice lovely kiss from-"
"The Dementors were destroyed, Fudge." Albus said eyes going from Harry to Tom.
"Then he will be thrown in a sell to ROT!" Fudge yelled, "Take him away"
"No! Stop! Let me Go! HARRY!" Tom screamed before all was silent, the Aurors apparating away.
A/N: Here's the start. What do you think?