A/N: Hey everyone! This is my last set of drabbles for Tohru and Kyo! Thanks so much for reading and I hope you liked them! (Thanks to roguegirl9929 for pointing out the missing word for #23! All fixed now!)

21. Star

While Tohru was sitting outside with Kyo one night, Kyo happened to spot a shooting star. She gasped and pointed it out to Kyo.

"You need to make a wish," He said.

She closed her eyes tightly and thought about it for a little bit before opening them and grinning, "I got it!"

"What did you wish for?" Kyo asked curiously.

"I can't tell you! Otherwise it might not come true!" She told him as she thought about how the wedding she had just wished to have with Kyo was a wish that she hoped would be granted to her.

22. Moon

Tohru let out a terrified squeak and buried her face in Kyo's shoulder as the werewolves in the movie that they were watching howled at the moon. Kyo put a protective arm around her and she snuggled closer to him.

"Do you want me to turn it off?" he asked.

Tohru shook her head, "No. I'm fine! Really!"

"Are you sure?" Kyo asked doubtfully.

Tohru nodded and gave him an assuring smile. She realized that she wasn't quite so scared while she was snuggled up to him. With Kyo there, she knew nothing would ever be able to harm her.

23. Black

Kyo sighed as he saw Kyo's black parasol coming towards them from over the heads of the crowd. Tohru had promised Uo and Hana that they could come along on their first date. While he did admire how much they cared about Tohru, he could tell that this was going to be a very long day. Both of them were going to be watching his every move, making sure they could trust that he was right for Tohru. Just thinking about how this date was going to go was giving him a headache. And the date hadn't even started yet.

24. Wood

Tohru walked barefoot over the hard wood floor to Kyo's room in the middle of the night and knocked quietly on the door.

"Kyo?" She called quietly through the door, "I'm sorry to wake you up, but, um, would it be okay if I slept in your room with you? I had a nightmare."

A moment later, the door opened, and Kyo let her in. He led her to the bed where the two of them lay down and curled up together. Tohru smiled as she began to fall asleep. No nightmares were going to scare her with Kyo there!

25. World

Tohru knew she had to break the curse the moment she heard what Kyo's fate was going to be. She couldn't allow him to be locked up where she would never see him again. As she began to spend more time with him, she realized that she loved him and he meant everything to her. He was her world, and if she lost him, she didn't know what she would do. She had already lost one of the most important people in her life, and she was not about to let it happen again. Not if she could help it.