Gil Grissom jumped when he heard a horrible shriek come from the break room. Standing up he ran across the hall to see Catherine Willows cowering on top of a counter. He looked at her confused at her state of horror. She pointed to the floor. A dead lizard lay next to her broken coffee cup. Gil looked at her like she was crazy.

"Catherine, it's dead!"

"Exactly!!! Ew ew ew, get it out of here!" she squirmed

Gil couldn't help but laugh as he pulled a glove from his pocket and pulled it on, picking up the lizard by its tail he considered torturing her. "You know Catherine, you are a CSI, you deal with death every day. I don't see how you can't handle a dead lizard." He turned to her, holding the lizard up, showing her it was harmless.

She backed up against the wall "Just, get that thing away from me!"

Gil chuckled and tossed the lizard into the trash can along with his glove. Walking over to Catherine he placed his hands on her waist and helped her down.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

Gil smiled "Your cute when your terrified…maybe I should tie you up and let my tarantula loose on you when we make love."

She glared at him "You do, and you will never ever, EVER have sex again…and I don't mean just with me." She said turning and walking out

Gil watched her as she left, chuckling to himself. He was still gonna try it.