-1I never meant for any of this to happen. Indeed, I did not expect it to happen. After all, I was stronger than this frail, disturbed boy. But I forgot one important detail: the human capacity for evil, especially when such evil comes from a mind warped by the darkness.

My duty was to observe, to abide within this frail fleshly form, in the psyche of a boy troubled by what humans call "multiple personality disorder" and twisted by his father's misplaced religious fervor. I never dreamed (I should say I never thought, as my kind do not sleep and thus do not dream in the human manner) that it would come to this. Yet here I was, here we stood ("we" meaning the body inhabited by myself, Tobias, and his father), over the helpless FBI agent. The nauseating stench of the darkness clouded what I interpreted as something akin to a spiritual sense of smell, blocking the joy and wisdom of the Divine from my…I suppose one could call it a heart, if one were inclined to poetic turns of speech.