A/N: Well, I was planning on just leaving the first half of this as it was, sort of unresolved. But, when I started to accept some requests, I realized how many people wanted a sequel of sorts to that. So, here is the second chapter of Unrequited?. Hopefully it lives up to all of the badgering I got about it :)

"This is bad," Wilson decided.

It had been just over a week since the incident, as he was now calling it in his head, and House hadn't done anything yet. Unfortunately, that did not mean he wasn't doing something, gay innuendos had gone up tenfold. House knew. But he hadn't said anything about knowing, which put Wilson in a tough position. If House was accusatory, Wilson could do something, deflect, deny, anything. Unless House brought it up first, to defend himself would aknowledge it. And it was not a thing he was willing to aknowledge. But now Wilson is stuck.

He was standing on his balcony that night, trying to think of some joke, some anything so that things would go back to normal, when House came and joined him. They were standing in silence for a minute before House spoke.

"I know."

Wilson sputtered. "Know what?"

House snorted and turned to look at him. "You know damn well what."

"House..." Wilson started, but he was cut off.

"I don't mind you know. It's flattering, really."

Wilson froze. "Wait, what?"

House gave a long-suffering sigh. "What if I just do what you want to? Actions speak louder than words you know."

Wilson ignored the weak attempt at a joke, and focused on the first sentence. He turned to face House, and thought for a second.

"Are you... comfortable doing that?"

House looked a little amused at Wilson's usage of "comfortable" but answered nonetheless.

"I've been comfortable doing that for a long time." he responded.

House took a step closer and put a hand on Wilson's shoulder. He leaned in slightly, and firmly pressed his lips against Wilson's. Wilson's immediate thought was, "Yep, he's comfortable". Then House's tongue was in his mouth, and House's other hand was on the back of his neck, and Wilson stopped thinking at all.

And there you have it. Please review!