A/N: Usual disclaimer...nothing is owned. I actually dreamed out this entire story and now I can't remember half of it. I'll do my best though!

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Change is what I need, Serena Deverill thought to herself as she walked up and down the aisles of the grocery store. She had been given chores to do since returning home and she was getting tired of it quickly. It had only been a week and already Serena just wanted to give up. However, she remembered how much pain she had caused her parents and reminded herself that the situation was her fault. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't bother to look where she was going when she turned the corner into the main aisle, bumping into a rather solid object. Startled, she looked up, causing her pigtails to whip around her neck, as her soft brown eyes met the delicate foamy sea green one's on the man she ran into.

"Watch where you're going!" the man exclaimed angrily, holding up a plastic bag filled with now smashed tomatoes.

Serena flushed guiltily. "I'm so sorry! I'll buy you more," she said quickly, fishing out her wallet. She pulled out a twenty and went to hand it to the stranger. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes locked with his intense ones. "I uh...I...Do I know you?" she asked quickly, before her mind caught up with her mouth.

Darien shook cocked his head to the side, completely ignoring the outstretched money and contemplated her question. "I don't think so, but you look familiar. Do you have a sister with blonde hair?" he asked, seeming to remember a distant flickering memory of a woman who resembled the girl in front of him, only with long blond hair.

Serena shook her head. "I've been a brunette all my life, along with all the girls in my family," she replied softly. "Anyway," she added, shaking her thoughts away, "I'm really sorry about the tomatoes. Here, please, take this." She held the crisp bill out towards him, but he pushed it back towards her gently.

"It's quite alright," he replied kindly, his eyes sparkling. "I needed different ones anyway if they were going to be any good," he added with a wink. "I'll see you around!" With that, he walked past her towards the fresh produce, leaving her to stare after him before she continued on her shopping trip.

- - -

Do you have a sister with blonde hair? Serena had pondered the question ever since it was asked. Now home, she held the box dye in front of her in contemplation. Knowing she wasn't going to decide anytime soon, she picked up her phone to call one of her best friends. Rachel Hastings picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" Rachel asked.

"Hey Raye, its Serena."

"Hey Rena, what're you up to?"

"Not much. Contemplating going blonde."

"Sounds perfect," Raye teased.

Serena growled. "Raye," she hissed warningly.

Her best friend chuckled and replied, "Meet you at Mako's?"

"I haven't been to Mako's in ages! I heard it got taken over by this new up and coming chef. Is it true?" Serena asked excitedly.

"Yep, and I've got the skinny on it. Our standing reservation is still in effect," Raye reminded her.

"See you in ten," Serena replied, hanging up the phone. She quickly changed into a gray cotton short sleeved dress that fell to her mid-thigh. Adding a thick dark purple belt around her waist, purple dangle earrings, and black ballet flats on her feet completed the look. She quickly applied a little bit of makeup and practically ran out the door.

Mako's was an upscale restaurant halfway between Raye's house and Serena's, and was also right near Chaminade, which made it the perfect after school hang out. They became good friends with the maître d' and the head chef. When Serena graduated Chaminade, her parents hosted the party there and had the entire restaurant shut down just for the celebration. While in New York, she had heard that the head chef had been the victim of a hit and run, and that his replacement was a new, up and coming genius chef.

Serena easily found a parking spot right by the front door and was greeted by the maître d' at the door. He led her right to her usual table where Raye was already seated. The black haired beauty Serena had come to think of as a sister immediately stood and the pair hugged tightly. They both laughed and separated, taking their seats.

"So, what are you up to these days?" Serena asked as the waiter poured them both a glass of water.

"I've just been working a lot lately. I picked up extra shifts around the office for the money. They've got me handling most of the incoming admission applications, which is a huge responsibility. Looking at all the scores and such, I don't know how we got in to Chaminade," Raye replied with a teasing smile.

Serena stuck her tongue out playfully before replying, "Your grades were always good Raye. I wouldn't have passed without you or Ami-chan! Have you heard from her lately?"

"Just letters back and forth. She's helping her mom take care of some of the poorer communities on the outskirts of the big towns. She seems to be enjoying it," Raye replied, filling Serena in on the activities of the Japanese exchange student they had befriended instantly. Ami's goal was to be a doctor, and she had already passed all the medical board exams in America, so she returned to Japan to work with her mother.

"Oh that's great! I'm happy that Ami's happy," Serena replied, taking a sip of her water. She glanced at the menu and saw that it had been entirely made over. "They've changed everything!" The look of surprise on her face was priceless in Rachel's opinion.

"Yea, the owner, one of the Amoretti's, they gave her free reign to do whatever she wanted. This place is still delicious though. The chef's name is Lita, and apparently she's really tomboyish as well as a spectacular cook," Raye informed her previously absent friend. "I'd recommend her salmon fillet. It's absolutely divine!"

Serena smiled and they both ordered the salmon special. Within minutes, a selection of warm bread was delivered to the table and the two best friends easily slipped into routine. "How's Mina doing? Is she still trying to get her big break around here?" Serena asked.

"Course she is. You know Mina," Raye replied, taking a sip of her soda. "She's actually also working as an assistant to Kalen Fredricks, the owner of Rocky Media Productions. Mina's got an in for almost any movie that's being considered by the company."

Serena let out a low whistle, happy for one of her best friends. "Mina sure knows how to get ahead," she added with a chuckle. Their food came at that moment and Serena was positively thrilled when the waiter placed the dish in front of her. "This looks delicious! You never steer me wrong, Raye!"

Silence ensued between them as they happily enjoyed the fish. After swallowing a bite, Raye prompted, "So have you met anyone yet?" Serena nearly choked on her own bite.

"Are you a freakin mind reader?" she asked, eyeing her friend warily. "If you must know, I did meet someone!" Serena took a long sip of her soda, grinning in response to Raye's glare. "Relax; I just met him earlier while I was out grocery shopping. He's really cute! I didn't get his name though." Serena frowned at the realization, but shrugged and smiled again. "I'm sure if it's meant to be I'll run into him again. What about you?"

Raye blushed, and Serena knew her friend had found someone. "Actually, we ah...I mean, I started dating a pre-law student, a Jayden Daniels actually. He's...difficult, for sure, but a perfect match for me Rena. I think he might be the one you know?"

Serena couldn't stop the huge smile and squeak of joy at her friend's admission. "Oh, Raye I'm so happy for you!!" She reached across the table and hugged her friend as best she could. "It seems like Ami just needs to get back here so we can fix her up!" Serena grinned as she was handed a dessert menu.

"We'll take chocolate cake, please. Also, if the chef has a minute, we'd like to meet her," Serena informed the waiter with barely a thought, waving him off before turning back to Raye. The waiter, bewildered, spoke in hushed tones to the maître d' who quickly went to speak to Lita himself.

Within minutes, their desert was hand delivered by a gorgeous, tall, impeccably dressed woman who could really only be described as a modern day Amazonian with delicate brown hair pulled up in a ponytail. Rose shaped studs were on each ear and a simple necklace with a thunderbolt rested around her neck. "I hear you two are regulars?" she asked, her voice warm and welcoming despite the intimidating appearance.

"We are," Serena replied with a smile, holding out her hand. "I'm Serena Deverill, and this is Rachel Hastings. We used to come by every day after school over at Chaminade." Lita shook both Serena and Rachel's hands.

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Lita, and currently in charge of this place," she replied, looking around the restaurant with a fondness Serena had seen in the previous chef. "I'm glad such loyal customers stuck with the change," she added with a smile.

"Your food is absolutely delicious! We look forward to many more meals," Raye interjected, smiling widely. Lita nodded and excused herself, returning to the kitchens.

"I like her," Serena pronounced, as if that were an obvious decision that wouldn't be countered. Raye chuckled and enjoyed the rest of her dessert, reflecting on the strong figure Serena had been in her life ever since she arrived at Chaminade as a freshman.

- - -

Rachel Hastings stood with her shoulders back and her head held high as she faced the double door entrance to this up-scale prep school. You can do it," she muttered to herself. Just as she was about to reach for the door it opened up and a brunette tripped over the threshold, falling on Raye. Instinctively, she steadied the strange, clumsy girl.

"Oh thanks!" The brunette said, straightening her clothes. "I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz when I'm in a rush," she added. When her gaze met Raye's, she smiled widely. "Are you new?"

Raye nodded. "I'm Rachel, but everyone mostly calls me Raye."

"I'm Serena! Where's your homeroom?" Serena asked, seeing the schedule held in Raye's hand.

"Um...Room 123," Raye replied. Serena's eyes lit up.

"Mine too! Come on, you'll love Mr. Sterling. He's really sweet," Serena replied, linking arms with her. They quickly became inseparable.

- - -

"Earth to Raye," Serena said, waving her arms in front of her friend's face. "Where'd you go off to?" She asked curiously.

"I was just thinking," Raye replied. "Actually, what do you say we go to a salon and get your hair dyed professionally? I think you'd look spectacular as a blonde!" Serena's eyes lit up and they settled the bill quickly. Their cars were brought around front and Serena followed Raye's bright red VW Beetle to a salon a few miles away, close to the Amoretti estate.