Yauksiei: Chapter three everybody! 8D


Yohan: *smacks on the head* Bri, shut up.

Judailuvr911: Aaaaw, I like talking!

Yohan: *twitch* dammit.

Judailuvr911: fine I'll shut up but only cuz you look like you're going to have a seizure -_-.


Haou pushed Judai into the house. "Judai, do you have any idea who those demons were?!"

"Well, no but they were nice enough to take me in when i needed help," Judai said not sure what his twin was talking about.

Haou glowered, "They were Northern demons Judai."

"What?!" Judai exclaimed.

"Exactly, you didn't know who they were. They could've killed you right then and there."

"I'm sorry Haou. I didn't know."

"And that's why I'm always telling you to stay safe. But do you ever listen to me? No! You don't! My orders go right through one ear and out the other!"

Judai felt both scared and…sad. He wanted to see Johan again! But that was impossible. North demons and East demons couldn't be friends, let alone what Judai wanted to be with Johan: lovers.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Haou yelled interrupting Judai's thoughts. "Um, yes?" Judai guessed. Haou smacked the back of his head. "You must really hate life. Don't worry! You'll lose it soon and this rate!"

Judai sighed, "T-they were so nice though…"

Haou groaned, "Judai, that's what they want you to think, that they're nice."

Haou was convincing himself more than Judai. The boy he saw before he dragged Judai away was far from nice but he was attractive. He couldn't stop the image of him shirtless and sweating in the hot sun from entering his brain.

Judai blinked as he saw his brother's eyes glaze over. Was that drool?

"Haou? Are you ok? Are you drooling?!" Judai was appalled. But he shrugged. "Whatever, I get it. I won't go near the Northern demons again. I promise."

"Good," Haou said coming back to reality.

Yohan shirtless and sweaty...whispering sexy things into his ear in that hot deep voice…

The hallelujah chorus went off in Haou's head, and he slammed his head into the wall, saying:


"Huh?" Judai said as he watched his brother cross the line to insanity. "Do you need therapy?"

"Go upstairs! I need some time on my own!" Haou yelled.

Judai slowly walked upstairs with this expression on his face: O_O

"Why can't u listen to me?! Put a friggin shirt on!" Haou yelled again. Judai walked faster and slammed his room door shut.

Yohan whispered in his ear, "You know it's turning you on..."


"Yes it is…"


"Can't wait for that."


Judai wasn't listening anymore. He was zoning out. What was he daydreaming about you ask? Johan. He wanted him so bad but he also wanted his brother's trust. He was so confused.


Judai's eyes widened. YOHAN?!

He's picturing Yohan without a shirt! No fair!

"HAOU!" Judai yelled.

Haou jumped. Oh God, there's a very POed Judai stomping down the stairs…

There was only one thing Haou was scared of. And that was Judai when he was pissed off.

"'Yohan put a shirt on?!'" Judai said. "You get to crush on Yohan and I can't crush on his brother? You're so mean!" he whined.

"Judai, I'm trying to get the picture out of my head but it won't work!"

"You're lying!"

"Judai, just get me some damn Tequila! Maybe if i get drunk it will go away."

Judai's eyes widened again. Haou was a very weird drunk. "DRUNK?! HELL NO!"

Haou was close to choking Judai. "Give it to me NOW!!"

Judai eeped and then raced to the fridge and poured two glasses of Tequila. "Here! Take it and leave me alone!"

Haou drank, but it just got worse.

Yohan ran a hand up his shirt and purred. "You can't get rid of me baby..."

Haou dropped to his knees and yelled, "NOOOOOOOO!!"

Judai rolled his eyes. "Go soak your head you perv!"

"Please, Yohan go away!" Hoau pleaded.

"Hm, let me think-no." Yohan said. He put a hand into Haou's pants and licked his lips. "Someone wants my attention…"

Haou looked down and saw a huge lump in his crotch. "Why, little me, why?!"

"I know how to cure this," Yohan smirked. He lowered himself and massaged Haou's buddy.

Judai made a huge O_O face. "WTF?!"

"This is just getting gross," he said as he covered his ears and tried to keep the noise out of his ears.

Haou closed his eyes and thought about rainbows. 'No! not the light! AAAAAAAAH!.....' Yohan was gone. Haou sighed.

"Thank God..." he whispered and stood.

Judai looked down with a bigger O_O face. "Uh, Haou..."

Haou looked down. "DAMN IT!"

He had had an orgasm in his pants.

"Please tell me that you pissed yourself and not the other thing..." Judai said unable to tear his eyes away.

"Uh...sure...yea...I pissed myself." Haou said.

Judai nodded and just walked upstairs.


Yohan opened his eyes and smirked. He had a special ability where he could get into people's minds. That was no fantasy that Haou had. it was Yohan going into his mind. He just hoped he wouldn't find out.

"Yohan, did you have an accident?" Johan said staring at the wet spot on Yohan's jeans.

Yohan looked down and he too had an "accident". "Um no, they're just not dry yet."

"But I didn't see that before," Johan said.

"Um..." Yohan ran away to change.

Johan shuddered when he figured out what it really was. "And on the new carpet too." he shook his head. "Mom, we've got to burn the carpet!" he yelled.

"Why?" his mother yelled back.

Johan cleared his throat, "Uh...YOHAN WAS MASTURBATING!"

Yohan's eyes widened, "WHAT?!"

"It's ok, Yohan," Johan said calmly. "The first step is admitting it."

"I WASN'T MASTURBATING!!" Yohan screamed.

"Eeeeew!" Aina said coming into the room. "You were masturbating?"

Yohan growled, "NO DAMN IT!"

Aina started fake crying. "Mommy, Yohan yelled at me!"

Mrs. Andersen yelled, "YOHAN YOU ARE GROUNDED! NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN! And for making your sister cry."

"MUAHAHAHAHA!!" Aina laughed. "I totally own you."

Yohan growled. "You're gonna get it."

"I'm shaking in my boots!"

"Yohan, just leave it. She's impossible." Johan said.

"That little bitch," Yohan mumbled as he trudged to his room.

Johan laughed and sat down on the couch, staring at the TV.

Of course though, there was nothing on. So he decided to go up to bed. He closed his eyes and dreamed of...guess who? Judai!

He smiled in his sleep and continued to dream.


Yohan snuck into Aina's room. She had fallen asleep. Taking over her brothers is hard work. Yohan used his power to get inside her head. She was dreaming about playing with Elmo. Yohan stifled a laugh. He so had this on her. He stopped and left the room.

Until Aina yelled, "One down, one more to go!"

Yohan went back inside her dream and he saw Elmo and Aina shooting Johan. He searched for his body and found it on the ground with blood running down his face.

Never mind, he thought, Aina's a hardcore bitch.

He left the room again and thought of Haou. He needed support from him. He sighed and went to sleep himself. Life wasn't going to well for him.


Judailuvr911: WOOHOO! THAT WAS FUN!