Walking down to potions class, Harry and Dean were in a very animated discussion about Quidditch that only Dean noticed Draco in the vicinity.
"You know," Dean said, abruptly changing the topic, "You and Malfoy would make a hot couple."
"What?" Harry asked, trying to remember exactly what his friend had said.
"But of course he would be the dominant one, no?" Dean asked, thinking out loud.
"…He… dominant..?" Harry seemed lost for words.
"All I'm saying, Harry, is that Draco would SO top if you two got together."
"WHAT!?" Harry demanded. "That is so wrong on so many different levels."
Dean sent him a look.
"One: We hate each other." Harry listed.
"Thin line between love and hate, thin line."
"Two: We hardly ever talk civilly."
"I didn't say you HAD to talk to him, just fuck."
"And three: I would SO top, if anything."
"You do realize I've been here the whole time, don't you." Draco drawled.
Turning around, Harry came face to face with Malfoy.
"Then you heard what he said, right?" Harry asked.
"Yup, something about how I'd so top." Draco said.
"Then you know how wrong that is!" Harry huffed.
"Well, I think you'd bottom too." Draco sneered.
"Oh yeah!" Harry said and pulled Draco into a rough kiss, dominating it.
"Ha!" Harry grinned, "Who dominated who now, Draco!"
Said Draco was in shock and Dean was in hysterics on the floor, to think his plan would succeed!
"20 points from Gryffindor," Professor Snape said, sweeping past the students, "for not knowing one's place."