I'm very sorry for the wait! Combination of lots of things going on and writer's block is my not-so-good reason. I would like to say I wouldn't do it again…but I would probably be lying.

Lisbonloafers-my brother may be a nuisance, but he has good taste so I've been told ;)

Black shadow girl-heh, who knew I planned on updating this today ;) And it's the end too!

Disclaimer: Yes…oh wait…happy belated April Fool's!

Oh and this is probably the final chapter for this part.

Titanic-Chapter Seventeen

Only minutes ago the Titanic had launched its very last firework. Only a fine trail of what was left was present in the ever starry sky. All the lost souls looked down upon the terror and horrors below them, gazing in shock as the once great ship began to sink, the stern rising out of the water. Screams erupted from doomed mouths, echoing off the nearby ice bergs surronding them. The lights flickered inside the ship, threatening to go out, to abandon all those still on board. The propellers were exposed, still barely spinning. Water slipped off, falling down towards the icy Atlantic waters.

So many people.

There were so many people jumping off the ship, arms and legs frantically searching for a place to land because of an animalistic instinct. They screamed, regretting the fall they had made their bodies endure before their ultimate demises. The lifejackets some wore pulled them back up, holding their cold, wet heads upright. They waved their arms, hoping for someone to come back and rescue them.

Nobody could, there was no room.

A loud groaning noise caused more frightful screams to call out, begging for their lives as more people scattered across the deck. Sounds of people accidentally falling over the railing, some people screaming for their lives…Jane wondered if she was one of them.

God no.

Oh God please no.

He squeezed his eyes shut, bringing his hand to his face, covering his eyes as a sob wracked through his body. His heart stopped when he heard screams, crying, loud prayers asking for the forgiveness of sins. People never deserved such demise, innocent children were to die. If there was a 'God' that these people obviously believed in, then why wouldn't he save them?

Then a crash.

His eyes opened and his body straightened just in time to see one of the funnels fall forward, onto many innocent bystanders. It crushed them, as if they were all small bugs at the mercy of man. His heart hammered in his chest…he had been on that boat…his hands had clutched onto that railing with the sun hitting his face, wind whistling through his hair. He shut his eyes softly, his lower lip trembling.

She had been with him too.

Laughing, smiling. Vibrantly alive.

Then the lights went out completely. Leaving everyone in the dark. People waited, still moving about the deck. It was human nature to fight for survival, the remaining people on the ship were living up to the expectations of truly being human. The people on the lifeboats were not. Jane knew there were flaws when they loaded the lifeboats. For one, they seemed to favour the first class. Did society classes really matter when this horror would happen? Everyone deserved life, not just the wealthy.

And of course, there was another thing.

The first couple of boats launched did not have full capacity. More people could definitely be saved. At least a thousand, were still on that boat, maybe more, he could not tell at this moment as his eyes currently strained through the dark night.

"Mother of God," A steward moved forward, hands clutching onto a lantern, "The boat is going to split into two."

Jane's eyes flickered back to the boat…the weight of the ship would surely cause it to split. Too much stress was being put onto it as the water continues to fill it up. His eyes widened as it rose higher, causing all the unsecured items on deck to fall into the ocean, knocking bystanders into the ocean as well. Instantly on impact those people were dead, the force inevitably killing them all. The remaining people clung onto the secured items, some beginning to slip off and back into the ocean.


There was so much screaming.

Gasps aroused from behind him as the ship once more began to moan, beginning to separate into two. People pointed forward, mouths open as the ship completely separated. The bow went completely under almost immediately, but the stern still stayed up vertically. It remained there. Standing upright on the water.

Seconds began to tick by. Slowly. Everything was agony.

Minutes began to tick by. People around him checked their pocket watches, murmuring.

He moved forward, hands grasping onto the edges of the lifeboat. He felt a hand on his shoulder. Barely turning his head over, he noticed Cho holding onto him, almost making sure to keep him on the lifeboat.

But why, it wasn't like he had anything important left in his life.

Then the stern lowered itself into the dark depths of the Atlantic ocean. The remaining people began to scream and cry, he could almost see their faces, see their hands reaching out towards him. But tears began to cloud his vision, prohibiting him from seeing the demise of so many helpless souls. He moved back, Cho's hand remaining on his shoulder as he clutched onto his chest. He ragged breath was taken in as his head fell forward into his hand.

One lifeboat began to make its way to the people still alive in the ocean, wanting to help them.

Just as they became closer, his eyes slipped shut and he allowed himself to succumb to his fatigue.

His love failed her.

She was gone.

The RMS Carpathia was what awakened him.

That or Cho shaking his shoulder, he wasn't sure.

His eyes opened to the still dark sky surrounding him and the water lapping against the sides of the lifeboat.

He sat upright, hair most likely messed up as he ran a hand through his curls. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, looking over his shoulder as a large ship came into his line of sight. His hand lightly trailed down the side of his face, fingers barely tracing over the light stubble under his fingertips. His eyes slipped shut, remembering her soft touch.

Her smooth fingers moved down the side of his head, barely holding onto the side of his face-his cheek. Her mouth moved against his as his tongue deftly slid against hers. Her fingers brushed his cheek delicately, almost reveling in the feeling of his skin. He knew he was reveling in the softness of her small hands…

He smiled against her lips, wrapping his arms more firmly around her small body. They pulled apart momentarily, looking into one another's eyes. A small smile began to grace her features, her head moving forward but not exactly meeting his lips. Her hand moved from his face, closer to her body and running across her bottom lip. His hand grasped onto her wrist, pulling it away from her body as he leaned down and pressed a soft, passionate kiss on her lips.

When Jane's eyes reopened, he looked down towards the wooden flooring in the lifeboat. His eyes fixated on one thing, barely noticeable in the lack of lighting. He reached down, fingernails almost scraping against the wood as he brought it back towards him. His mouth parted, heart stopping in his chest.

Her cross.

It shimmered as it slid down his palm. His hand encircled around it, keeping it from falling back into his lap. The chain laced around his hand, almost trying to remain with him at all times, almost begging to not leave it alone. He breathed in deeply and held it close to his face, he leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles, letting it linger. He turned, extending a hand out towards the ocean, the chain dangling from his skilled hands.

Calling to him.

Begging him not to drop it.

He was only returning it.
