Morning came too soon for Jou, the reality of what had happened the night before sinking in as he looked to the naked form of his boss sleeping beside him. Why… Why had they done that? Or rather, why had he let them do that? The blonde secretary could feel his face growing red as he recalled the various positions they'd tried out, and the mess in the bed around them only made the memories more vivid.

He needed a shower, that was the first thing. A shower followed by something to eat, and then a chance to think over everything that had happened. He quickly sat up so that he could get out of bed and search for the washroom, but soon noticed that there was an arm wrapped around his waist, holding him there. One blond eyebrow rose as Jounouchi looked down at the sleeping vampire, the slightest smile coming to his face.

When he was asleep and quiet like that, he almost seemed cute.

That thought alone caused Jou to quickly clear his throat, shaking his head. Kaiba must really have been affecting him for him to actually think that. He reached down and slowly removed the other man's arm, azure eyes locking with his. He was awake. His face was better as well, the bruises and swelling almost completely gone. Jounouchi could feel his cheeks turning pink as he quickly cleared his throat, looking away from his boss.

"Where's the washroom?" He asked, tugging at the hand on his hip, but the brunette didn't let go. Instead, he sat up himself, seeming annoyed at being woken up so early on a day off. While Jou didn't want to look at him, he could tell that Kaiba was staring at the back of his head, and that just caused him to feel more self-conscious. He was already feeling silly enough after doing all that they did last night…!

"That door." Kaiba finally spoke, removing his hand to point towards a nearby doorway, and Jou quickly pulled himself to his feet. He could feel dried blood on his cheeks and chest, along with other bodily fluids between his legs and on his stomach, and he wanted to wash them off. The smell was bad as well, so he felt much better after he'd stepped into the large shower and turned the water on, grabbing Kaiba's soap and shampoo.

He was honestly a little reluctant about using it, paranoid that somebody he worked with would recognize the smell, but it was better than smelling like sex, so he took his time washing his hair and body, and then just letting the hot water run over him, helping him to relax.

By the time he'd finished and stepped back into the room, a small towel wrapped around his waist, Kaiba himself had already gone, the maids cleaning up the room and removing the sheets from the bed. Jou was ridiculously embarrassed. It was obvious what they had been doing last night (not to mention he was naked in front of a host of women) and he quickly went to reach for his pants.

"Ah, Jounouchi-sama!" One of the young maids interrupted him, snatching the garment away before he had a chance to grab them. "Kaiba-sama instructed us to wash your clothes for you, and left a spare set on the chair by the washroom door. After you've finished changing, he wanted you to meet him for breakfast in the dining room."

A spare change of clothes? Then they must have been Kaiba's clothes, as there was no way he could fit into Mokuba's. And the underwear… He flushed slightly as he snatched the bundle up and retreated to the bathroom, changing quickly. Breakfast, huh…? He wasn't sure he could handle that, and was a little worried as he headed down the stairs in the direction he'd been told. His boss's pants were a little big on him, and while he'd rolled the pantlegs up, they still touched the ground as he walked.

When he reached the dining room, he found that Kaiba had already washed and changed himself, and was sipping at his morning cup of coffee, a newspaper on the table in front of him. He looked up as the blond entered, his eyes lingering on him for a moment before they returned to the paper in front of him. The cover story was some sort of scandal involving Kanako's father, and Jou's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he pulled out a chair near his boss and sat down. The maids soon dropped by asking what he'd like to eat or drink, and soon enough they'd left to get the coffee and food. The two men were left alone in silence. It was the secretary who spoke up first.

"Yanno, I don't hate that girl." He said out of the blue, causing the brunette to look up at him in slight surprise. "I was wondering about it in the hospital, why I wasn't pissed at her even though she stabbed me. After talking to Mokuba yesterday, I think I understand it now."

Kaiba watched him, unsure of where he was going with this as he sipped his coffee. His eyes asked him what he was thinking, what exactly he understood, but his fingers tightly gripped the handle of his mug. A part of him didn't want to have this conversation. Still, the blonde continued.

"I don't hate her because I feel sorry for her. She was just confused and hurt, and she was desperate. She really loved you, and she thought that I was taking you away from her, so she just snapped. That's why I was so mad at you. I thought, 'this guy is such a jerk, he used that girl and tossed her aside. She cared about him so much, but he just threw her out like a toy that he didn't want anymore'. That pissed me off." His eyes closed as a maid entered and set a cup of coffee in front of him, then left to return to the kitchen.

"So you're saying it was my fault?" The brunette asked once she was gone, a hint of anger in his voice. It irritated him that Jounouchi could insinuate that. He had gone so far to punish the bitch who had attacked him, and yet he was the bad guy? He was about to give him some harsh words, but one hand was held up to stop him. The blond furrowed his brow, shaking his head as he tried to decide what to say.

"Mmm… At first, yeah, I thought it was your fault. I blamed you for toying around with that girl, and then throwing her away like she was nothing. But I think deep down, I was also kinda… Scared. Well, I'm not sure that scared is the right word, but I thought that if you could get rid of her so easily, why were you keeping me around? I didn't want to be a toy like that girl, so I was trying my best to hate you." His cheeks were flushed now, and it was obvious that he was embarrassed about what he was saying. Kaiba was silent as he watched him, waiting. "But after talking to Mokuba, I realized that you're really similar to that girl yourself, in a way. Don't get mad, I'm not trying to insult you, but… You were so angry when I tried to leave. A part of me thought 'ah, he deserves it' but another part of me thought that I was being like you were to her. Just leaving you when I couldn't deal with you anymore, and that pissed me off a little. So… Last night, before I came here, I decided that I wouldn't run away from you. I would be firm and let you know what was going on, and that I wouldn't take your crap, I wouldn't be treated like some kinda toy, but I wouldn't run away."

Even his ears were blushing as he grabbed the newspaper, holding it up to his face in an attempt to shield himself. Kaiba Seto's eyebrows rose ever so slightly. So that was what he had been thinking about? That was why he'd left? But he wouldn't get rid of Jounouchi. He was his food source and his plaything. Ok, so maybe those types of thoughts were why he was worried, but…

"I already told you that you owe me." He replied, causing the blond to shift the papers in his hands to show he was listening. "If you owe me a debt, you repay it. Until it's repaid, you can't quit or leave." He pointed out, then took a sip from his coffee casually. "And I've changed the terms of the loan. Each feeding will now equal one dollar."

Jou dropped the newspaper in shock, quickly tuning to the other with a dismayed look on his face. One dollar? But then he'd never be able to-!

Oh. So that was his plan. A way of telling him that he'd never get rid of him. Of course not, if he still owed him money. If he could never get away, then that was as close as Kaiba would likely come to telling him that he cared about him. He didn't want to give him up. And slowly, Jou was starting to wonder if maybe, maybe he could let his guard down a little bit. Maybe he could let himself be the CEO's pet - his little puppy dog - if only for a little while.

"Are you sure it's ok to just let Honda go like this, Seto?" Jounouchi's voice held only the slightest concern as he stepped back behind his old desk, a slight smile on his lips as he looked over the worn wood. It was familiar, even though he'd only been working there for such a short time.

Kaiba was in his office, the door open so that the two of them could converse even though they weren't in the same room. Jou was sure that he was surprised at being called by his first name so suddenly, even though he couldn't see his face.

"What are you talking about? Honda knew that his position was temporary while you were on sick leave." The brunette's voice was calm and smooth, almost disinterested, while Jou could feel his temper flare a little. Sick leave?

"I wasn't on sick leave, I quit." He snapped as he replaced his things back in the desk drawers. He wished that Kaiba would at least take him seriously when it came to work, but the vampire's voice didn't falter in the slightest.

"You came back to work, making it sick leave." He pointed out, and deep down Jou couldn't argue. He had, after all, come back. But still, what if he hadn't? Telling his replacement something like that! But wait, that meant that Kaiba wouldn't have let him really leave. A part of him had suspected that, and while he was still angry, deep down it did make him feel more secure, if only a little bit. But like hell he would ever say that.

"Once you're finished reorganizing your desk, bring me my coffee. I'm almost finished my work." That was the code that they'd decided on. Jou frowned as he looked back at the office doors, then down to the small mirror he'd placed on his desk. The mass of scar-tissue on his throat from the multiple feedings was slowly starting to grow more noticeable as Seto continued to feed on him, and now that the weather was getting warmer, wearing a scarf was less practical as well. Ripping it open again would only make a nasty wound worse.

Placing everything away in his desk drawer, the blonde quickly tuned and headed into the CEO's office, locking the door behind him as he headed over to the desk. The vampire waited for him to open his shirt, but he didn't oblige. Instead, the secretary undid his pants, sliding them down to his ankles as a slight blush came to his face.

"It's too noticeable if you keep leaving scars on my neck." He pointed out, while his boss was watching in mild surprise, looking down to his boxers and the veins in his legs. "You can use the vein in the thigh, right? I looked it up on the net a few days ago. It wouldn't be as noticeable, and-" Before he'd even finished speaking, Kaiba had gotten up from his chair and walked over to the other side of the desk, pushing his secretary up onto it and spreading his legs into an M position. Poor Jou let out a startled squeak, and then flinched as he felt cold fingers going up his leg, pushing his boxers aside to reach the pulsating vein.

There were no words spoken as the damp lips were pressed against his skin, but Jounouchi shuddered, the feeling of Kaiba's saliva and tongue as he tested the site very arousing. His boxers began to grow tighter, an erection standing up next to the vampire's ear as fangs sunk into his skin and began to draw blood. Jou couldn't help but moan, grabbing onto the edge of the desk to steady himself as Kaiba pushed him back, sucking greedily which only cause the blonde to get even harder. This was so much different from any of the feedings they'd had in the past, and it was turning him on so much…

"Nng… Seto, that… It's hurting, stop-" He broke off into another moan as he realized that Kaiba's hands had removed his underwear and his mouth was moving, teeth pulling out of his skin as he moved his tongue downwards. At first Jou thought that he was going to give him a blow job, but then his eyes widened in shock and even fear as he felt his tongue going somewhere else.

"No! N-not there!" He began to struggle a little bit, but Kaiba was far stronger than he was and held him in place as his tongue explored his opening. At first it ran along the edge, but soon enough his boss' tongue was actually inside of him, and Jou had to bring his free hand to his mouth, biting down on his own forearm to keep from crying out in pleasure. It felt so good, so… Soon his arm was bleeding, and another mouth was on it, licking the wound clean as cold fingers replaced his tongue, slowly stretching Jou's opening so that he'd be able to take in Seto's cock without too much pain. It had been a while since they'd had sex, so he figured it was best to prepare him slowly.

Jou's face was flushed as the brunette finally looked up at him, sweat sticking to his face and his lips slick with saliva. His eyes were half closed as he let out another moan, bringing his arm up to bite it again, but Seto held it back. Damn, so much for going slow. He grabbed hold of the other and kissed him, holding p

onto him before he eased him back and pushed into him, eliciting a gasp of pleasure. He waited a moment until he began to move, thrusting slowly at first, but soon he began to speed up, the both of them panting and making noises as they moved, grabbing at one another.

The blonde secretary's mind was swimming as he lay on the desk, his boss pounding into him. He wondered how it had all managed to get this way, the events of the past two months flashing through his mind. But soon there was another thrust, and he squeezed his eyes shut, a warm white liquid spilling over his stomach and most likely staining his shirt. This wasn't the best position to be in while fully clothed. He could feel a sticky sensation inside of him, and he knew that Kaiba had also released, and soon two strong arms pulled him up, his cock still inside.

Suddenly it didn't matter so much how he'd gotten here, with the two of them breathing heavily as they held one another, leaning on the desk. He was here. And somehow, he mused, it wasn't all that bad anyways.

That was when they heard a knock on the door and Mokuba's somewhat embarrassed voice reminding his brother that he had a meeting scheduled for two o'clock that day, and that it was almost one thirty. Both men turned to face the door for a moment, and then Kaiba began to pull away, muttering something about a change of clothes.

Jounouchi closed his eyes, remaining on the desk for a few moments while his senses gradually returned.

That was right. It didn't matter what had happened up until now. What mattered was the future, and the future… didn't seem so bad.

And here we go. The final chapter! It took me so long to churn this out, even though I knew vaguely what I wanted to do for so longggg…

But here it is. I'm fairly happy with it! And I hope all my readers are as well. Hopefully it was worth the wait!

Also, I /may/ work on a sequel. I have a new idea for these guys and I sort of want to take their relationship to the next level~ But it wouldn't really fit too well into this story itself, unless I added a bunch more chapters, and I don't think I could do that. *flail* So for now this is it. Thank you for sticking with me up until now, and I hope you liked it!