The light seemed to innocently shine in through the otherwise dark room as the shadows danced with hidden delight. It was easy to hear the voices echoing through the halls in soft murmurs, quick whispers normal beings could not catch. But i wasn't a normal being, in fact there was nothing normal about me. I was a soul, a fraction of a being, stripped from a human body to inhabit. I was a zanpakutou.

My purpose as a zanpakuto was to gaurd my master, my person, my other half.

I used to wish, many years ago, for a master who would finally wield me. A master to set me free and stand by me as a friend. I wished and wished for a long time, until the day i found my master. A girl. A small human girl. I felt a sudden pull towards her, that day. A bond you could say, when she was reborn. I felt it again when i entered her dreams and haunted her during daylight hours.

Eventually, after years of practice and guidance (as well as trying not to blow up the school grounds) I grew to love the girl as my sister, as my friend. Despite her weaknesses and her overly sensitive nature. Unfortunately, she grew to love a man who destroyed her. And in return, she let it eat at her and rot her till i could stand it no longer. A man came to me through a sense of security, a feeling that i could trust. His aura told me i could escape. It told me i didn't have to stay. And so, I fled, leaving the girl, Hinamori Momo and her troubles behind.

Now i stand her as a proud zanpakutou, no longer needing a master to reign. I was here by my own account. I wasn't tied down any longer. I was free.

I walked down the halls gracefully, only my bells on my scarf, informing others of my arrival. As i stepped into the lighted room, the brightness of the overhead light blinded me for a moment, disorienting me. When my eyes adjusted and i was able to see again, i couldn't help but notice that there were many other zanpakutou there. It pulled me into a small fit of confusion. Was i not the only one? Did he invite others like me? If so, how many? I frantically searched for Muramasa's familiar Reiatsu in the large crowd. My eyes laid on him, standing casually in the back of the room. I starred at him beggingly, Hoping he would would tell me the answers i wanted to know. He returned my star a cold stoic gaze. Suddenly angered by this, I looked away, stepped in farther into the lighted room. The chatter that seemed to take place stopped and it was then that i noticing that suddenly i was the center of attention. It looked like everyone's zanpakutou in all of Seireitei was there. It was both amazing and frightening to think about. I looked over to see if there were any i knew, any that were recognisable. None. I turned around when a hand reached my shoulder. It was a Tall girl with auburn cropped hair, cat ears poking out on each side. She had a thin frame which accentuated her large breasts which were only partly covered. Just by her look she seemed somewhat full of herself, confidant, cocky.

"new girl huh?" her voice purred at me. "Well," she sighed "come on then newbie" I raised my eyebrow at her. The last comment struck a nerve.

"i have a name you know" she looked at me with amusement, before bursting out laughing. Even her laugh was catlike. Musical almost.

"you have spunk. I like that" She laughed as she flashed me a toothy grin. "whats your name kid?" she asked. I shot her a glare. I didnt like being called "kid".

"Tobuime" I answered curtly. She smiled.

"I see. Well, im Haineko. Best looking zanpakutou here" I couldn't help but laugh bitterly at her. Of course she would think that. She gave me a look of confusion which suddenly flashed away as quick as it came, followed by a loud squeal.

"oh! He's here!" she gushed. I turned in confusion, searching around for what she meant.

"who do you-"

"why him of course!" she smiled giddily as she pointed to the side door. "my darling" she gushed again with a broad smile. I glanced over the side door, my eyes widening at the sight. Visable only from the angle in which Haineko pointed was a familiar boy, tall and well built with forest green hair that billowed down past his hips. A pale four pointed star across his thin sharp face. I turned back to Haineko.

"Hyorinmaru?" i questioned. She looked at me with shock. She looked at him, then myself, then him again then myself.

"you know him?" she asked demandingly.

"uh, err yeah" she glared at me enviously. "err, not well though" i added quickly. With that her glare faded, a smile returning to her face.

"oohh okay" she nodded. That wasnt nessesarrily a lie. I didnt know him that well. I know that Hinamori and his master were close friends. I fought him once or twice, but not enough to know him. That was for sure.

"anyways" i said quickly, suddenly hoping for a change in subject. "how long have you-" but it was too late, she already was calling him over. I shut my eyes tightly, suddenly hoping he wouldnt come. 'Hyorinmaru isnt that type of guy, he doesnt like interacting anyways so he wont-' a sudden chill overcame me and it was only then that my instint told me he was hear. It was confirmed by a cool drawling voice that shattered me from my thoughts.

"Good to see you again Tobuime" I grimaced remembering all those times he wouldnt say hello during our masters meetings. Why now. I could hear a small growl emit next to me. It was then that it dawned on me. Of course he would pretend he's buddy buddy with me now. To get away from the cat girl next to me. Yes, thats it. I kept nodding. And yet, something in my brain said more. That he didnt say that on his own accounts. That maybe.- I shook my head. I am not thinking right. No. A tear of sweat down my forhead reminded me how red my face must be right now. How weird i must look.

"hello" i murmered back, hoping, no, praying he wouldnt answer or question me again. I was wrong.

"you know" he said, his tone implying he was talking to me. "its not poliete to look down when someones talking to you." there was something in the sound of his voice. amusement maybe? I couldn't tell. All i knew is that i could feel my face heat up more.

"umm" i kept my face low.

"come now, you wont let me see your face?" he asked.

"hey! what now-" Haineko's voice called out shrilly. Realising how it sounded she cleared her mouth and let out a nervous laugh. "ha well thats Tobuime for yeah. hah she does this a lot. weird right? I mean she-"

"no" his voice answered cooly. I was suddenly glad i wasnt needed to talk anymore.

"no?" Haineko's voice asked puzzled. "it is kind of wierd you have to admit-"

"no, I mean she doesnt usually act like this." he answered back. It suddenly felt like i had been punched in the gut. As if he knows me. He's never said hi once. How does he know me. Why does he think so? I raised my head, anger swelling inside of me.

"as if you-" our eyes met as mint met chocolate. It clicked.

Well there you go folks, chapter one.

First off i have to thank Kaibasgirlx for the insperation to right this. I read their fic and was like omg. I wanna make one. so thanks Kaibasgirlx-sempai :]

Secondly, I want to tell you readers that this fic i will update each Saturday, so keep that in mind. (and you have a right to beat me with sticks if im late)

Well, Please enjoy and let me know what you think :]