A/N - Brand new chapter for chapter ten. Don't forget to review. If your curious as to which stories have been updated/replaced/added check out the UPDATE SCHEDULE at the bottom of my PROFILE.
A/N - Sesshy is... almost three months.
The pain was excruciating as he... raped me. A man who i trusted and maybe even loved. I thought he would be one of my few friends. But i guess i thought wrong.
"I want my mate, i want my mate, i want Inu No Taisho, i want my mate... Inu No Taisho..." i kept repeating it. It was the only thing my mind could process after such a horrific and traumatizing event.
"Shhh, koi, I'm right here. Right here, Sesshomaru." He held my hand tightly and kissed my forehead. His eyes were foggy with tears. So were mine.
I screamed as another contraction tore through my body.
I had been in labor for around thirty hours.
I felt gross, sticky, and disgusting. Worthless. Violated.
Especially with my leg's propped open, several preistesses surveying my entrance. Inuyasha and Kagome were off to the side of the room, watching.
I can't believe he had fucked me into labor. That disgusting piece of trash.
Yes, it was too early. There wasn't a very good chance of survival.
I screamed again as i felt the head squeeze through my small cervix opening, inbetween my hips.
I tried taking deep breath's.
I was sweating profusely. My hair damp and stringy, sticking to my face. Tears pouring from my eyes.
I was bleeding alot, but i couldn't tell quite how much.
I squeezed my father's hand tightly as i sobbed.
He collected the damp strands of hair from around my face and pushed my hair over one shoulder.
He kept re-assuring me that everything was going to be okay.
"Your doing great, dearest, i'm so proud of you. Just a little more, i promise." He was torn apart, broken, and sad. Is this what Kouga had wanted?
I looked up at him through the pain.
"I love you."
"I love you too, koishii, i love you so so much." He answered me, kissing my sweaty temple.
I screamed and squeezed his hand as i pushed. I felt the small object slide through me, straight to my opening.
This was it. Would she be alive? She shouldn't have come so soon.
I rested as the contraction subsided. Trying to catch my breath, trying to stop crying.
I needed this baby. We needed this baby.
It didn't take more than thirty seconds before another contraction started to squeeze my hips.
I took a deep breath and pushed. Screaming the entire time. Holding onto my mates forearm the entire time.
Everything was moving so slowly for a second before...
A scream.
A wail.
A whine.
Echoed through the room.
She was alive.
I remember laughing and smiling once i heard her crying.
"She's alive..." i felt so overjoyed, so happy.
"She's alive!"
I looked to see my baby, my screaming baby girl, she was covered in different materials, but she was still the most beautiful thing i'v ever seen in my life.
They handed her to me, still dirty, still screaming, her umbilical cord un-cut.
She was so small, so fragile.
Her hair was white, just a tiny amount of fuzz on the top of her head.
Her claws were tiny, like her fingers and toes.
Her eyes weren't open yet. But i knew they would be shimmering gold, like her fathers.
Two, crooked indigo strips down both of her pale cheeks.
I held her until they had to clean her and cut the umbilical cord.
We had been so scared. My mate and i.
But now we were happy. He was so so happy. It was a girl.
I gave him his baby girl.
As they cleaned her, i leaned into my father's embrace.
"She's perfect."
He chuckled. "I know."
"Do you know why though?" i asked.
"Because," i laughed
"She's just like you."