Angel: Hi, as of now I am revising Emma's Wizardly Adventure, chapter by chapter, some of the stuff in these chapters needs to be more detailed and some necessary info. So those of you, who are starting to read this, enjoy! (Posted on 12/16/10)

I don't own Wizard101. KingsIsle does. But I do own my very own character in the game. Emma EmeraldBlossom.


It is a cold snowy Saturday morning on Earth. Everybody is enjoying the cold day in the snow… except for a young girl who is sitting on the couch completely bored. Her name is Emma Green. She has blond hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin. She is a 15 year old girl. She is an only child, at least that's what her parents told her. For some reason though, her heart tells her that she has a sibling that is out there somewhere.

Emma lives a boring life, hence her boredom as of now. She has no friends in High School. Whenever she tries to make a friend, she gets ignored as if she is not cool enough to make friends. Her friends before High School moved away and Emma never gets to see them again. This made her sad and lonely.

She never went to any activities at school since she thinks that she is not good at them. Her parents worry about her, but she says she is fine, which is a big lie. One thing that's always interesting in her life is that she keeps on having dreams of wizards and being in a magical place. Other than that, it seems like she has no life at all. She feels like she doesn't have a purpose in this world.

Emma's personality is pretty odd, she is a very shy girl, very nice to people, although somehow she turned into a tomboy at the age of 5. She hates DRESSES. She hates wearing anything that relates to dresses and anything that seems way too girly. She can also be hot-tempered pretty easily.

The blond girl sighed of boredom, "Oh man, another boring weekend…"

Emma tapped her fingers on the couch to figure out what to do. She could go outside and play in the snow, but for some odd reason whenever she touches snow or anything cold it will instantly melt or be warmed up, which make people think she is very strange. She remembers the time she first played out in the snow when that happened. She was around the age of 5 and going on 6 in the winter of 1998.


10 years ago, a 5 year old Emma is sleeping in her room when she heard her mother call her.

"Emma! It's snowing! No school today!" yelled her mother

Emma opened her eyes and smiled. She threw off her blankets and rushed to the window to see for herself. It was indeed snowing and Emma squealed in delight. She quickly rushed to her closet, got out of her pajamas and placed on some casual clothes and then appropriate clothing for snow days. She checked herself in the mirror before running downstairs so she can go outside. She almost ran into her dad in the process.

"Woah! Easy Emma" Her father chuckled, "Slow down there, you don't want to hurt yourself" Emma ignored her father's statement and opened the front door.

"I am going to play in the snow!" shouted Emma

"Ok, play safe dear!" Her mother shouted back

Emma nodded and happily went out the front door. Her dad smiled at this, "Ah kids, they can be so adorable"

Emma went out in the front yard and admired the snow, "Wow, so beautiful! I am going to make a snowman!"

She picked up some snow in her right hand, but suddenly it melted. She looked shocked and picked up another clump of snow. Like the first time, it melted in her hand as well. Emma started to cry and placed her hands over eyes.

End Flashback...

That is one memory she is not fond of.

"I wish there was something I could do that will rid of my boredom I have right now" said Emma

Emma then decided to go back to bed and just try to sleep for the rest of the day if possible. She went upstairs to her room and went to bed. Once in, she sighed as she shut her eyes closed and hope the day will be over soon.


In a place called Wizard City, an old man with a white beard, glasses, staff in his right hand, and had wizard like clothes on, was talking to an owl that seems to be his pet. The Owl had on like a graduation cap and some glasses on.

"Gamma, I think I finally found one that has the potential of saving wizard city!" said the old man who was looking in a crystal ball. The Crystal Ball showed Emma asleep in her bed.

"Oh really? Where?" asked Gamma the Owl

"Oh a very distant realm… (Gasp) My goodness! On a world that does not even believe in magic!" said the old man

"I wonder what manner of a wizard she will become" continued the old man

"Well let's cast a spell to bring her here!" said Gamma

"Let's hope this girl is the right one" said the old man hopefully

The Old man raised his staff into the air and began a spell.


Back on Earth, Emma stirred awake after sleeping for about an hour. She looked at the clock, it read 11:30. She sighed; sleeping wasn't the brightest idea of trying to make time fly. Emma decided to get up and walked lazily into the living room to lie on the couch some more and perhaps read a book. She was not a fan of reading but if it pasts the time, she might as well. Emma got a book out called Breaking Dawn, the fourth book of the Twilight series and began reading. Then out of nowhere, the house started to shake. Emma jumped up in panic.

"Earthquake?" asked Emma

It was no Earthquake, because a portal just opened behind her and started to suck her in. Emma let out a scream and tried to run away though it was of no use, it was too strong. She grabbed a hold onto the couch, hoping to not get sucked into the portal, but alas she lost her grip on the couch and got sucked in…

1 hour later …

Emma stirred on the floor as she opened her eyes slowly and she sees an old man and an owl looking at her.

"Ah you're awake, young wizard" said the old man

Emma quickly got up from the floor and stared at them in confusion.

"Who are you?" asked Emma

"My name is Merle Ambrose, headmaster of Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, and over here is my owl pet, Gamma" introduced the old man

"Please to meet you, young wizard!" said Gamma

"Young wizard? I am not a wizard" said Emma in confusion

"Ah but you are one, I sensed magical power within you" said Merle

Emma stood there confused, she must be dreaming. Wizards, magic, talking owls, this seems too much like a dream.

"Now before I can get you enrolled in Ravenwood, we need to figure out what type of wizard you are" said Merle

Merle Ambrose walked over to a book pedestal and grabbed a book from it. Merle Ambrose then handed it to her, who hesitantly took it slowly.

"Answer the questions in the book so we know what type of wizard you are" said Merle

Emma nodded slowly and opened the book. The questions were simple, such questions were, which one is the strongest, which is your favorite animal, and what is your favorite gemstone. Emma answered all of them with ease and the book started to glow. The Letters in the book began to break apart and form together into the word… FIRE! She looked at it wide eyed.

"Ah, so you are a wizard of fire!" said Merle

Emma seems to understand why she is a fire wizard, anything cold she touches, heats up or melts.

"Oh and excuse me, but I forgot to ask what your name was, what is your name anyways?" asked Merle

"Emma Green" she responded (Made up last name)

"That is your earth name; you need a more wizardly name. From now on… you'll be called… Emma EmeraldBlossom"

Emma seemed to like that name, it sounds very pretty and she loves the color Emerald.

"Also, you need to get rid of those earth clothes, they don't suit you in this place" said Merle

Merle raised his staff into the air and casted a spell on Emma, within a blink of any eye, her earth clothes were gone and it was replaced by a red and orange wizard robes. Emma looked at herself astonished. Merle Ambrose looked at the clock.

"Oh my, look at the time, you need to go to your fire school" said Merle

"School? But it is winter" said Emma

"You're point being?" asked Merle

"Never mind"

"Here take this wand and deck of spell cards and be on your way, come to the Golem Court after your class is over so I can give you some instructions" said Merle

Merle quickly handed her a wand and a deck of spells as he then pushed Emma out of his office. Emma looked around at what was outside; she sees multiple buildings and a bunch of young wizards heading toward a cave that had a sign on the top saying, "Ravenwood" Emma decided to follow them into the cave. In a few moments she made it out to the other side. She was astonished at the sight, there was a very big tree in the middle and 5 trees circling it and 5 schools around the big tree as well.

"This must be the place" said Emma to herself.

Emma walked up the sidewalk until she found a school building decorated with fire and right next to it, a tree on fire. Emma has a confused look on her face as to why the tree was on fire, but she shrugged it off, thinking that this is some weird dream and she'll wake up from it later. She entered the fire school to find a woman in a red dress and fire like hair. The School felt really warm inside, but Emma didn't seem to mind. She is used to hot heat.

"Welcome young wizard, my name is Ms. Dalia Falmea; I will be teaching you the arts of fire. Please have a seat" said the teacher of fire

Emma nodded and took a seat at a desk. In a couple of minutes, the whole class was filled up with students of fire. Dalia took the attendance of everybody and then started class.

"Welcome young novice Pyromancers, today's lesson is how to create a fire symbol. Take out your wands!" said Dalia Falmea

Everybody took out their wand and so did Emma. Dalia Falmea was drawing the fire symbol on the board.

"Now, trace this symbol with your wand, first one to be able to create the fire symbol can learn the Fire Cat spell first"

The students began to trace the fire symbol in the air. Emma watched as others try to make the fire symbol but they were failing miserably and some of them accidently caught a person's hair on fire. She then looked at the fire symbol on the board and began to slowly trace the fire symbol in the air but nothing came out. Emma frowned and did it again, but same results as before. Emma looked frustrated, but she began to relax. She thought maybe relaxing and thinking about the fire symbol will work. She closed her eyes, sighed deeply, and thought about the fire symbol in her head, she traced the fire symbol in the air and the fire symbol was then created in the air before going away.

"Good job, Miss EmeraldBlossom" said Dalia

All the students stared at Emma and she blushed bright red.

"Come on up and tell the students how you did it"

Emma slowly got up from her desk and walked up to the front of the class.

"I… I uh…" Emma stuttered because of a secure case of massive stage fright

"Go on, Miss EmeraldBlossom" urged Dalia

"I relaxed… and thought about the fire symbol in my head… and I uh… traced the symbol" said Emma

"NO WAY!" said one fire student

"I did that and it didn't work!" said another.

"Quiet in my classroom" said Dalia

The class went silent and Ms. Dalia Falmea turned her head over to Emma.

"Well good job of making it, you can now learn the Fire Cat Spell" said Dalia

Dalia got three spell cards from her desk and each of them had a picture of a Fire Cat, she then handed it to Emma.

"Now, try and summon a Fire Cat, just place the card in front of you and trace the fire symbol around it to summon the Fire Cat" said Dalia

Emma nodded and placed the Fire Cat spell in front of her, it floated out of her hands into the air and stayed there. Emma relaxed and closed her eyes, she thought of the fire symbol, she then traced the fire symbol around the Fire Cat Spell and created the Fire Symbol successfully. In a blink of an eye, a Fire Cat jumped out. The class clapped.

"Nicely done young wizard" said Dalia

3 hours later…

Emma walked out of the Fire School. She thought why she wasn't awake from her weird dream yet. Emma decided to pinch herself to see if it is a dream or not. She did and she felt a slight pain.

"Ouch, okay, I am not dreaming, this is real…" said Emma

Emma is a little afraid that this is real and wondered if she will ever get back to Earth. She then remembered to meet Merle in Golem Court after class. Emma decided ask for directions to where the Golem Court is. She asked a boy who was by what looked like a Boys Dormitory.

"It's right by the Fairegrounds, you can't miss it" said the boy

Emma thanked him and went into the cave that led to the Commons. Once there, she walked up the road to her right into Golem Court. She arrived on the other side and saw Merle Ambrose and Gamma the Owl waiting for her.

"Well if it isn't our newest student!" said Merle Ambrose

"You're just in time!" said Gamma

Emma walked up to them and gave a nervous smile.

"We expect great things from you young wizard, but first let me teach you some basics here" said Merle

Emma nodded slowly.

"First thing is teleportation, you can teleport to the Commons at anytime by just thinking of it and yelling teleport, let's see you try" said Merle

Emma did what she was told, she thought of the Commons in her head.

"TELEPORT!" yelled Emma

She then disappeared from the Golem Court and then reappeared in the Commons.

"Cool!" exclaimed Emma

She ran back into the Golem Court to learn some other things she needed to know here.

"Well done young wizard" said Merle Ambrose

Half an hour later, Merle has taught Emma the basics in Wizard City. She learned how to whisper to a friend that is a far distance from you, dueling enemies, and collecting red wisps to heal your health, and blue ones to restore Mana, which is used for spell casting. Also the fact of leveling up in order to get higher rank spells and become a Master or even a Grandmaster of your school.

"That is basically all you need to know young wizard, it's getting late, I should probably show you to your dorm room" said Merle

Before they even start moving, dark clouds formed in the sky as lightning striked down onto the Golem Tower's top floor. Emma looked up and gasped as she saw a figure walking pass the top window of the Golem Tower.

"How odd… come along young wizard, let's investigate the matter, meet me in the tower!" said Merle

Merle Ambrose disappeared into the top floor of the Golem Tower.

"You best to follow the headmaster! You'll be safe with him! To the Tower!" said Gamma

Emma gulped and walked into the Golem Tower…


The next chapter will be up soon I guess… I am just here to improve my writing skills, so your reviews will be quite helpful. Just don't make it seem like a flame. I hate that.