Epilogue: Character Profiles



Dart's relationship status: In a relationship with Shana.

Bio: Hello, world, my name is Dart. I would like to use this opportunity to state that I am NOT stupid. I am simply slightly dyslexic. Um… what else do I have to say? Well… I like eating food. Damn, now I'm hungry. Meat is good. I excel at grilling pieces of meat, actually. Mmm… crap, now I'm drooling everywhere.

Dart is a member of Spiky Hair Forever; I'm Not Stupid, I'm Just Slightly Dyslexic; Hellena Prison Sucks Big-Time; Does Anybody Else Think Fruegal's Belly Wiggles and Jiggles Like a Bowl of Jell-O?; We Are The Dragoons; I'm Officially Terrified of Rose; Climbing Up Giant Spider Webs Makes Me Feel Like a Demi-Spider Super Hero; Why Are the Monsters Always So Big?; I Can Wiggle My Ears Without Moving My Eyebrows; I just can't believe it CANNOT EXIST; I Hate Boats; I Hate Forests… Particularly Big Forests With Annoying Critters; I Hate Marching in the Snow; Every Time I See a Lapto, I Want to Punch Something. Preferably the Lapto.; Of All The Things I've Heard About The Moon That Never Sets, I Certainly Wasn't Expecting This

Dart is a fan of The Color Red; Swords; Sleep; Food; Rock Fireflies; Naps; Grilling Thick Pieces of Meat; Swinging Swords in Peoples' Houses; Sugar; Potatoes; Kicking Dragons' Asses; The Divine Dragon Being Dead; Busting Ghosts; Voluntarily Gouging My Eyes Out With A Blunt Fork; Final Battles; Wearing Your Pants On Your Head


Haschel wrote: Hey, Dart… I've been sorting through my possessions recently, and for some unexplainable reason I found a pair of your pants in my one of my drawers… do you mind my asking WHAT THE HELL?

Dart commented on this: So THAT'S where they went! Damn it, that was my favorite pair of pants ever!

Shana wrote: Dart… please stop dancing on the table…


Current Status: Dart has been doing nothing but dancing the Funky Chicken. For three days straight. And he's not particularly good at it, either. I'm sorely tempted to hit him with the flat end of the meat cleaver.

Shana's relationship status: In a relationship with Dart.

Bio: I enjoy spending time with my boyfriend, Dart. People who know Dart are always asking me why I'm with him. I know he can be very… unique, but he's also very sweet, and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. But if we ever get married and have children someday, we are absolutely NOT teaching them the damn Fire Song, and that is final. No amount of begging, pleading, or crying like a demented little girl is going to change my mind, Dart.

Shana is a member of Hellena Prison Sucks Big-Time; As a Matter of Fact, I Do Know First Aid; Guys Can Be Really Annoying; The Anti-Fire Song Group; Why Are the Monsters Always So Big?; For Some Reason I Can't Explain, I Follow a Moron Around Everywhere;

Shana is a fan of The Color White; Cuddly Animals; Rock Fireflies; I'm Officially Terrified of Rose; Embarrassing Your Childhood Friends by Telling People All the Stupid Stuff They've Ever Done;


Miranda wrote: I say go on and hit him with the meat cleaver.

Haschel likes this.

Dart wrote: But I don't wanna! WAIT, NOT THE MEAT CLEAVER!

Miranda likes this.

Shana commented on this: …I think I knocked him out…


Current Status: I consider this a good day on account of the fact that Kongol didn't fall in the ocean today.

Haschel's relationship status: Single.

Bio: Just a heads-up: If a guy named Dart ever comes around and tries to tell you that he saved the world—he's lying. Okay, he might have helped out a bit, but most of it was me. Seriously. I am Haschel, the renowned Master of the Rouge Art. I'm tough, but I won't bite… Also… I may be on the older side, but I'm incredibly agile, if you know what I mean… ;)

Haschel is a member of I Can Seriously Kill You With My Bare Hands. No. I'm Not Joking; Hellena Prison Sucks Big-Time; We Are The Dragoons; I'm Officially Terrified of Rose; For Some Reason I Can't Explain, I Follow a Moron Around Everywhere; I Hate Marching in the Snow; Sometimes the Only words Appropriate for the Occasion Are the Following Two: Holy Shit; Every Time I See a Lapto, I Want to Punch Something. Preferably the Lapto.; Of All The Things I've Heard About The Moon That Never Sets, I Certainly Wasn't Expecting This

Haschel is a fan of The Rouge Art; The Color Violet; Baked Goods; Large Amounts of Food; PARTIES!; Getting Laid; Kicking Dragons' Asses; The Divine Dragon Being Dead; Busting Ghosts; Final Battles


Dart wrote So… about those pants you found… can I come get them back?

Haschel commented on this: …You'd be willing to cross the entirety of Endiness for a pair of PANTS?

Dart also commented on this: …I really liked those pants…

Meru wrote: Make sure you keep an eye on Kongol, ya hear?

Haschel commented on this: Yes, ma'am, you've said this before.

Meru also commented on this: Good. :)



Albert's relationship status: Married to Emille.

Bio: Salutations, I am Albert, King of Serdio. I enjoy learning new information of any sort, though I admit I have a slight soft spot for politics. I am quite happily married to a lovely woman whose visage I could praise for a thousand days and nights and still be woefully incapable of portraying it accurately. I will most gladly welcome an educated discussion on any topic, so don't be timorous about starting one with me.

Albert is a member of We Are The Dragoons; Basil is a Country, not an Aromatic Herb; Does Anybody Else Think Fruegal's Belly Wiggles and Jiggles Like Jell-O?; Knowledge Is Power!; I'm Officially Terrified of Rose; The Anti-Fire Song Group; For Some Reason I Can't Explain, I Follow a Moron Around Everywhere; I Hate Marching in the Snow; Sometimes the Only words Appropriate for the Occasion Are the Following Two: Holy Shit; Every Time I See a Lapto, I Want to Punch Something. Preferably the Lapto.; I Hate Bugs; Of All The Things I've Heard About The Moon That Never Sets, I Certainly Wasn't Expecting This

Albert is a fan of The Color Green; Books; Libraries; Anthologies; Novels; Tomes; Treatises; Politics; New Information; The Divine Dragon Being Dead; Final Battles


Dart wrote: Holy shit, Albert… I mean, Shana and I say congrats and all that… but dude…

Haschel wrote: So I hear you and your wife are having a baby… congratulations.

Haschel wrote: Hang on… you're completely PLASTERED! HAHAHAHA!

Miranda wrote: Congrats, Albert… now please don't write on my Wall again until you're sober…


Current Status: Hanging out in Lohan with my pooky! :D

Meru's relationship status: Engaged to Guaraha.

Bio: I'm the most famous Wingly dancer in all the land, and I am FAR sexier than you ;D. But don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful.

Meru is a member of YAY! I like saying yay. YAY!; I would never abuse smilies. I LOVE smilies! :); I am a Total Badass; I Can Get Sugar-High Without the Sugar; The Anti-Fire Song Group; For Some Reason I Can't Explain, I Follow a Moron Around Everywhere; We Are The Dragoons; I Hate Marching in the Snow; Every Time I See a Lapto, I Want to Punch Something. Preferably the Lapto.; Of All The Things I've Heard About The Moon That Never Sets, I Certainly Wasn't Expecting This

Meru is a fan of Dancing; The Color Blue; Big Hammers; Boats; Large Amounts of Food; PARTIES!; Kicking Dragons' Asses; The Divine Dragon Being Dead; Snowballs; Snowball Fights; Throwing Snowballs in Dart's Face; Busting Ghosts; Sometimes the Only words Appropriate for the Occasion Are the Following Two: Holy Shit; Anything and Everything Cute; Final Battles


Shana wrote: You guys should stop by Seles sometime.

Meru likes this.

Meru commented on this: We totally should! :D

Guaraha wrote: Is it really necessary to refer to me as "pooky?"

Meru commented on this: Yep :D


Current Status: Haschel speaking to human women again. Me feel, this not turn out any better than last time.

Kongol's relationship status: Single

Bio: Kongol does not understand the point of Facebook. Kongol thinks, easier to talk than press little buttons.

Kongol is a member of The Anti-Fire Song Group; For Some Reason I Can't Explain, I Follow a Moron Around Everywhere; We Are the Dragoons; Every Time I See a Lapto, I Want to Punch Something. Preferably the Lapto.; Of All The Things I've Heard About The Moon That Never Sets, I Certainly Wasn't Expecting This

Kongol is a fan of The Color Gold; Boats; The Divine Dragon Being Dead; Final Battles



Kongol commented on this: Fell into ocean again yesterday. But, things go good.

Meru also commented on this: Aw… :( Glad to hear you're doing good though :)


Current Status: Is going to Serdio to slap a certain king…

Miranda's relationship status: Single

Bio: My name's Miranda. I'm the first Sacred Sister of Mille Seseau, my sisters and I help oversee the country. I'm one of the dragoons who helped saved the world. What more am I supposed to say?

Miranda is a member of We Are The Dragoons; For Some Reason I Can't Explain, I Follow a Moron Around Everywhere; The Anti-Fire Song Group; Sometimes the Only words Appropriate for the Occasion Are the Following Two: Holy Shit; Every Time I See a Lapto, I Want to Punch Something. Preferably the Lapto.; Of All The Things I've Heard About The Moon That Never Sets, I Certainly Wasn't Expecting This

Miranda is a fan of The Color Yellow; Kicking Dragons' Asses; The Divine Dragon Being Dead; Bitch Slapping; Final Battles


Albert wrote: miRA+nnn?da!1!1! hey! hasssss anyBOdy everr tolDD you you your HAIIIIIR Looks ^like) coRN:}?

Albert wrote: MirrrrrrrrrR*rrrrrrand8aAAAAaa^a!

MirrrrrrrrrR*rrrrrand8aAAAAaa^a! MirrrrrrrrrR*rrrrrrand8aAuAAaa^a! I wass going to4o tELl yo SOME%%%Thin&G impotent….. I caN**T REmm!emBER THO

Albert wrote: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy! 908732222 i SSawWWwW a #^*CHIPMUNK THEEE OtHerr day anddd… it waz ff$f$ffunneee% like tomatoe juiccce!

Miranda commented on this: CUT IT OUT ALREADY, ALBERT!

The End.