Chapter One: The News


I was walking down the hallway of me and Edwards two story home, when I felt a strange twinge in my stomach.

I covered my mouth and ran past Edward who was walking out of our bedroom.

Once I was in the bathroom I slammed the door shut and ran over to the toilet and expelling anything that was left in my stomach. I felt Edwards' hand holding my hair back and rubbing soothing circles on my back.

When I finished I wiped my mouth with a towel on the counter and turned to Edward.

"Bella" he started.

"No Edward, I'm fine really." I said walking out of the bathroom and went to lay on the bed.

"Your going to get checked out. And that's final. This has happened three times just in the passed two days!" He grabbed my coat out of the closet and I sat up lazily while I shrugged into the jacket.

Once he was finished I crossed my arms across my chest and made no move to get up. But apparently he wasn't having that. He picked me up bridal style and walked down the flight of stairs and into the foyer.

"Edward! Put me Down! I can walk you know!"

"I know that… But if I don't carry you then you won't move at all. I'll call Carlisle he can get us in immediately since he is working tonight."

Okay so maybe it helped having a couple people 'behind the scenes' to pull some strings for you. Especially since I am always so clumsy.

Edwards grabbed the keys and took my hand and started bringing me outside and to the car.

We were now in the doctors office waiting for Carlisle to come back with some tests.

"Edward?" I whispered., looking down at him from the paper lined table.

He squeezed my hand and looked up at me. "What is it Bella?"

I opened my mouth to talk but Carlisle walked in with my chart in his hands. Edward turned to look at him.

"Bella…" His voice trailed off. I turned to look at him. He had a big smile on his face.

"Your pregnant… Congratulations!"He exclaimed. "You seem to be about five to six weeks along. You'll need to contact an O.B.G.Y.N to get your prenatal vitamins." I nodded. "And again… Congratulations." With that he walked out of the room.


I barely even registered anything. After I heard the word pregnant… I couldn't help but think 'Will Edward be okay with this?'

"Bella, love look at me please…"

I turned my head to face him and almost jumped back startled since he was just a mere few inches from my face.


A smile broke out on his face, and after a moment, so did one on mine.

He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me softly. When he pulled away he rested his forehead on mine and stared into my eyes.

"We're going to have a baby!" He whispered.

I smiled. "A baby!"