Sorry again for the delay. Things have been so busy with my teachings. But this is my last chapter :( I want to thank everyone again for their nice reviews. This was a lot of fun! I had no intentions for making this story so long, but then it did!! Let me know what you think one more time! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I promise, no German in this chapter hehe! Vielen Dank und Schönes Lesen! Bis zum näschten Mal!

Carter starred at the rock in his hand, thinking of his friend Emil Hase as he laid on his bunk. Everyone else in the barracks had snuck down into the tunnel to welcome their CO back about an hour ago. Carter felt like he should have gone too, but he was in too much pain, and couldn't even remember what the man looked like. But I know what Emil looks like. He was my friend, and helped me even though I didn't know who, or even what I was. I hope the guy's ok. He doesn't deserve to be locked up. I wonder if we can get him out of there, since we get prisoners out of Germany…can't we get one out of America or England since we are on that side anyways? Carter tried to roll over, but decided it was too painful. I wish I could remember more. He hugged the rock close to him, and fell asleep holding it.

Carter was walking with Emil Hase They were chatting happily, suddenly up ahead there was a school. They walked closer and Carter found himself holding a test tub. He poured the mixture into a beaker. The beaker exploded and he found himself throw back against the wall of the inside of an airplane with blood running down his face and arm. Someone was shouting orders, looking down he saw that there he was holding a bombardier's stick, pressing a red button he let bombs out. There was an explosion below, and he was getting hit with rocks. They were pouring in from everywhere. Turning around he saw a little boy. The boy was throwing rocks at him, and shouting, he couldn't make out what the boy was yelling. He felt himself get shoved forward, and hit the back wall of a small room. He was trapped, and it felt like ice. Another boy was there. He looked exactly like Carter. "I told you, Andrew, I told you. Why did you allow yourself to be captured? Escape Carter, Escape. Mom needs you. Mary Jane needs you." Carter looked at the boy, he faded and he saw a crying woman. He walked over to the crying women who started laughing, and as Carter put his hand on her shoulder looked at her face, she suddenly turned into a German guard who started yelling at him. "There is no escape for you!" Carter started screaming, the man was chasing him, looking back there were dogs, the dogs were chasing him! One of them grabbed his shoulder and was biting it. Carter screamed!

"Andrew! Andrew! Wake up, mate! Andrew!" Newkirk was shaking his shoulder. "Wake-up! Andrew! You're dreamin'! Wake-up!"

Carter's eyes flashed opened, he's breathing started to slow and become more steady. He turned his head and looked at Newkirk, he couldn't see him too well in the dark, but was able to make out his shadow.

"Newkirk! Newkirk…it was, it was terrible."

"Wanna tell me about it? I'm one big ear if ya need it." Newkirk sat down on the edge of Carter's bed.

"Thanks Peter. I…I don't wanna talk about it."

"Alright. I'm one flight up if ya need me." With that Newkirk climbed up to his own bunk. Carter laid awake starring at the bunk above him, still unnerved by what he dreamt…

* * * * *

Hogan lay awake on his bunk back in barracks two. He couldn't sleep. It wasn't just the throbbing in his leg, or various other injuries. He kept thinking about Colonel Stevens, and Sergeant Olsen. His mind keep switching between Colonel Stevens and his treatment of the Germans, and if Sergeant Olsen was alright, and when he should be arriving. I wonder what they're going to do at headquarters about him. Olsen should be arriving soon. Are they just going to dismiss the chargers? How did he end up out at sea? Will they keep him in charge of the transfer camp? I hope Olsen isn't as injured as Carter or me. Hogan tried to readjust, but the second he moved his leg, a lightening of pain shot out of it. Tomorrow, we are going to get some more medical supplies.

* * * * *

Feldwebel Schultz took a deep breath and stepped into barracks two. Holding his breath he walked around and counting each man as he slept in their bunk. No one heard he walking around the room, as they were all two exhausted from having celebrated the return of their CO the night before. As he passed Carter's bunk, he stopped a moment horrified at the injuries on the man's face. After starring a moment at Carter's face, he walked towards Hogan's office. I wonder what happened…no, no I don't wonder. I don't want to know. I just hope he's okay, and it doesn't happen again. Probably monkey business…poor Carter. Opening the door to Hogan's office he stepped in to make sure that the colonel was in. Schultz nodded, ending up at 15 men, when he spun around and took a second look at the colonel. Hogan was sweaty and fidgeting in his bed. Schultz pulled the blanket closer to Hogan's chin and shook his head sadly. He quickly exited the barracks and took a large breath of clean air once he got outside. He was glad to be out of the sickroom. I wonder how much longer they are going to be sick…

* * * * *

Olsen got ready to bail out of the plane. While he loved flying, jumping from a plane was not exactly his cup of tea. His heart was pounding, and he could feel the blood rushing to his face as he prepared himself to bail. Okay, Olsen, you can do this. You've done it before, remember? In training, and when you got captured. At least time no one is shooting at you…Olsen tried to sic himself up.

"We are approaching in five, four, three, two, one, NOW!" Olsen nodded to the navigator and jumped. He could feel the cold night air rushing past him, he tried to keep his eyes open as he raced towards the ground. It seemed that everything was built for ants down there, and in the moonlight it was truly beautiful. As Olsen got ready to pull his cords he marvelled at the beauty of the landscape. How can such a beautiful country lead such a terrible war? The chute expanded and Olsen flew upward and his speed dramatically reduced. He floated in the night air, as a snowflake high above the ground. He smiled, this is always the part I enjoy, as long as no one is shooting at me!

Lebeau, Newkirk, and Kinch went over the last of the plans for the night. Nodding in agreement, Kinch left to man his radio and Lebeau went with Newkirk outside the tunnel.

"I hope Olsen is not injured as well." Lebeau whispered to Newkirk.

"Me too. I'm not carrin' both ya back ta the Stalag."

"Ha-ha. Very funny." As the bushes rustled near the pair, the two of them dropped to the ground and laid very still.

"Lebeau? I know that's you. I can smell strudel." Olsen emerged from the bushes.

"Olsen?! What are you doing here? We are suppose to meet you at the usual spot!" Lebeau couldn't hide his surprise.

"Well I know my way back home. I didn't figure I needed an escort."

"Bloody glad ta 'ave you back, mate. What's that ya got there?" Newkirk eyed the bag Olsen was holding.

"Surprises." Olsen smiled, patting the bag. "Now let's get home." The three of them walked back to Stalag Luft 13. As they climbed down the ladder Kinch walked over to greet them.

"That was quick, did you find-" He looked up as Olsen climbed through the tunnel entrance. "I guess you did."

"Oui Kinch. May we keep him?" Lebeau chuckled. Kinch stroked his chin, as if considering the question.

"I dunno. You'll have to feed and clean up after him, Olsens are a lot of work."

"I already do feed him!"

"Oh well in that case."

"Hey guys! Let's not refer to me in the third person while I'm standing right here. And by the way Kinch, I am already house broken!" Olsen and the group laughed. "Now I have something for you." He handed Kinch a postcard. Kinch looked down at it and shook his head and smiled.

"I don't even know what to say to this. But, um thanks."

"While I figured you needed one, especially after getting my amusing wireless-telegram."

"What telegram?" Kinch was confused.

"The one I sent a few days ago."

"I never got a wireless-telegram."

"What?" Now Olsen was confused.

"Want your postcard back?"

"Nah, you keep it. I already have all the souvenirs I need from this little trip." He pointed to his bag. "Goodies for everyone!" As the men in the tunnel ran to dig into his bag, Kinch motioned for Olsen to step to the side so he could talk to him.

"The colonel and Carter are back-"

"Oh good! Guess I am the last guy home."

"And both of them are pretty badly hurt."

"What?! I mean we got banged up in the car wreck pretty good, but-"

"I don't know what happened to Carter, he won't talk about it, but the colonel went through a nightmare with this one American colonel, and getting shot trying to make it back here-"


"Yeah. The colonel wants to see you, but he is hopefully asleep by now. So that can wake till tomorrow."

"Knowing the colonel, I very much doubt he is asleep."

"Me too. He wanted to come down, but Wilson fought him at every corner, and his leg is in too much pain to really be moved." Olsen couldn't believe what he was hearing, but let Kinch go on. "We also all have Hochstetterities."


"We had to think of something to cover-up the fact you guys were missing. Now that you are back, we can finally send the last underground member home."

"I guess that explains the spots?"

"Hey Kinch!" Lebeau ran over and interrupted.

"I'm going to take these two candy bars to the guys in the cooler."

"Good thinking, Louis."

"Cooler?" Olsen questioned. Kinch nodded.

"Your stand-ins. They ended up in the cooler. But that's another story. Thing is you're back."

"It sounds like I missed a ton. I will go see the colonel, I'm sure he's awake. From what you're telling me, it sounds like both he and Carter had a terrible time. I personally think it was great." He paused a moment considering. "Like a nice vacation…minus the being in a car crash and still having to attend roll call." He climbed up the ladder and into the dark barracks. Olsen tiptoed over to Hogan's office. He tapped quietly at the door.

"Come-in Olsen."

"How did you know it was me, sir?" Olsen closed the door softly behind him.

"Because you have a distinctive way of knocking. Hogan tried to sit up. Olsen gasped at the sight of his colonel.

"Sir…I had no idea. Kinch said you were injured…"

"Oh the spots? You'll get some in a few minutes. But yes, a nice German patrol decided I needed a bullet in me."


"It's okay Olsen. I'm glad to see that at least you look healthy." Hogan glanced Olsen up and down in the dark. "More healthy then when you left."

"Thank you sir. The Americans took real good care of me."

"I can see that. Lucky you." Hogan had a bitter sound to his voice.

"Well…um. I should be going to bed now. Night Sir."

"Night Olsen." Olsen left the room, and greeted Lebeau who walked over to him, and started decorating his face with small, red dots. As he finished, Kinch raced out of the tunnels and towards Hogan's office. A moment later laughter came through the door. Kinch soon followed.

"What was that about, mon Ami?" Lebeau asked.

"Read this." Kinch handed him a piece of paper.

"Colonel Samuel Stevens was taken captive by the Germans on his way to London. You got your justice, Robby. Irony has him now. Mike. P.S. But please think about what I said. " Lebeau read aloud.

"Mind letting me in on the joke, guys?" Olsen looked between their faces.

"Maybe tomorrow. I think I'm going to get some sleep." Olsen watched Kinch move to his bunk. Olsen soon followed suit.

* * * * *

Carter opened his eyes. Taking a deep breath he gingerly touched his face. His head seemed cleared. Turning it towards the common area of the barracks, he found he could name everyone still asleep in their beds.

It was still fairly early. So early, that Lebeau was still asleep in his bunk. Carter moved his head so it faced Newkirk's bunk again, causing the world to spin slightly. Carter tried to remember what caused his injuries. There was the beating, Emil and I…poor Emil. I hope he is okay. I wonder if the Colonel can do something for him? And there was the crash. The crash! The car crashed…no, no it was hit by nearby shell fire. It flipped and…Carter couldn't remember anymore. We must have been captured. That is why they thought we were Germans. We were in uniform. But we're not. I'm American! I'm an American POW. And Colonel Hogan is in charge! Carter smiled, he could remember everything. He still felt like he had been through a blender, but that didn't matter, his memory had returned.

Looking over with his eyes, he saw Lebeau quietly get out of bed, and start to make some coffee. Lebeau noticed Carter's eyes were open and walked over to his bunk.

"How are you feeling, mon Ami?"

"Better. I remember you!"

"You do?"

"Yeah, I remember everyone! You, Newkirk, Kinch, the Colonel, Olsen, Riggs, Lambourne, Foster, Andersen, Petersen, Svensen, James, everyone!" Carter could barely contain his excitement.

"That is wonderful, Andre! Do you want some coffee?"


"Do you two mind ruddy keepin't it down? I'm tryin' ta bloody sleep 'ere."

"Sorry Newkirk," Lebeau leaned towards his ear, "I didn't mean to disturb your beauty sleep."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Louis." Newkirk rolled over so his back was towards Lebeau. Lebeau grinned and went back to making coffee. As it boiled, one by one the members of the barracks started to rise. Hogan soon limped into the room. As Carter shifted his weight to sit up, Hogan limped over to him.

"How're you feeling?" Hogan steamed as he saw the condition of his crewmember.

"Better, Sir. I can remember things now!"

"That's wonderful-" Schultz walked in, still carrying the towel over his face.

"Muhd oaring! Meelgy meretta?" He quickly dashed across the room, counting everyone and then left so fast the door didn't even have a chance to close after he opened it.

"Ya know, I like roll call better this way." Hogan said aloud.

"Me too." Someone answered, "it's more relaxing. And seeing Schultz ran around the barracks is good for moral!" The barracks laughed. Noticing that Hogan had emerged, the entire barracks circled him, hoping he would tell about his adventure.

"So…Colonel…now that everyone is back, we were kinda wondering…if-"

"If I'd tell what happened? Sure guys. But remember as with anything, don't let the krauts know about it." Everyone promised they wouldn't. Hogan began his tale.

As Hogan talked about the mission to the compound and the subsequent capture, everyone was smiling and making jokes, especially as Hogan described the two Americans who captured him. One member of the group even laughed that it was probably his cousin, which caused the rest of the men to laugh and pat him on the back congratulating him on capturing the colonel. Hogan continued and as he got to the part about Colonel Stevens, the men got silent. Listening to him describe the man made them feel ashamed and angry. Each had their own ideas about what to do with the man, and all agreed that while no one should be captured by the nazis, it was probably the best thing they could do for the Allies' own side! Though as Hogan went on to explain the situation with the colonel's son, the men began to pity the colonel at the loss of his son and the fact he was a POW a second time…they could understand his resentment, but not his actions. Even Hogan, who was still unnerved by the man, felt a little guilty at his own resentment.

Hogan finished up, and was soon followed by Olsen. He picked up the story were he and Colonel Hogan were separated, and as he went on to describe the ship that was taking him over the Atlantic, the room started to tease him dirty looks.

"You mean to say, that you were livin' like a king, while the rest of us were 'ere gettin' prisoner's rations?" One guy asked in disbelief.

"You had Lebeau." Olsen smiled weakly.

"You were sleeping in clean sheets?! Eating three meals aday?!" Another asked shaking his head.

"You still had Lebeau."

"What did you eat? What did you do with your free time?"

"Uhh, we had chicken and salad, and ice cream…and I read, played-"

"Chicken! Ice cream!" A few people interrupted.

"What are German POW red cross packages like?"

"Not half bad." A pillow was tossed playfully in Olsen's face.

"Ya coulda saved us some."

"Hey I brought back chocolate and stuff didn't I?" A low mumble that resembled agreement emerged from the men of the barracks, though another pillow was still tossed playfully in his direction.

At last it was Carter's turn. Carter still wasn't sure if he was ready to share, he had just finally remembered who he was this morning. Sensing that Carter was uncomfortable, Hogan tried to change the subject to how the guys in camp had handled the three missing members. Suddenly Carter spoke up, looking up from the floor, he met Hogan's eyes.

"Sir! Can we save Emil Hase?" Carter's eyes pleaded with him. Hogan was confused.

"Emil Hase?"

"Yeah, this good egg at the camp I was in. He-"

"Wait a minute Carter. His name is Emil Hase? Stationed at the compound that you blew up?" Kinch interrupted

"Yeah that's right he-"

"Colonel! That is the boy that helped the underground member, that help us track down the 9th Army, that helped us find you." Kinch spoke up.

"And the green grass grows around and around…" Someone whispered.

"Are you sure?" Hogan asked, studying Kinch.

"Positive sir."

"And this boy helped you as well Carter?"

"Oh boy yes…Sir!"

"Alright then, let's get on the horn and see what we can do." Hogan hit the lever on the bunk, which caused the ladder to show, and he climbed down, followed by Kinch. Carter looked at the faces of the other men, and laid back down on his bunk. He wanted to go down and help Colonel Hogan, and Kinch, but was in too much pain. After starring at the top bunk for about five minutes, he heard the sounds of someone climbing up the ladder. Straining to sit up, he saw that it was Sergeant Wilson.

"The colonel wanted me to come check on you, and I thought it was a good idea. How're you feeling?"

"Fine. Well, a lot better. I know who I am now!"

"That's good, that shows your brain is starting to heal. Any problems with vision or hearing?"

"Well I did at first, but things are much better now."

"That's good to hear. Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"No…not really…" Carter got uncustomary quiet. Wilson was concerned, as was Hogan about what caused his injuries.

"Carter. Andrew. Did the Americans do this?"


"Then it was the Germans?"

"Yes." Wilson sensed that Carter had said his fill on the subject, and decided that was enough pushing.

"Alright. I'll check back on you later." He got up and climbed back down the tunnel, and walked over to the radio where both Hogan and Kinch were talking to London.

"Good to hear, Mama Bear. Papa Bear out." Hogan smiled.

"Good news, sir?"

"It is indeed. We are getting one of our underground members out. Well, a underground member's assistant. Anyways. You want to tell me something, Wilson?"

"Yes Sir. Carter is healing nicely, but I am worried about the trauma sustained with the beating he received from the Germans."

"The Germans? So it wasn't the Americans? That's a relief."

"Yes, sir. He needs to talk to someone about it…"

"And I just volunteered."

"He may open up to you sir, with your history of…um, unlucky events (1)..."

"I got it Wilson. Thank you." Hogan turned back to say something to Kinch, when his wireless suddenly came alive. Throwing on his headphones, he began to take note of what the sender was saying. Scribbling down the message he handed it to his CO. Hogan grinned from ear to ear.

"Well at least something went right! It seems our little paperwork did indeed fall into the right hands, and London has ordered bombers to knock out a panzer division for dinner and another compound for desert. Let's go upstairs and share this exciting news."

"Yes sir!" Kinch handed the radio back over to the morning radioman, and followed Hogan as he limped up the ladder.

Hogan gathered the men back together, and announced the news. Everyone erupted into a cheer, congratulating each other.

"Does that mean we are cured of our Hochstetterities, Sir?"

"Sounds about right to me, Andersen."

"Perfect, isn't the doctor suppose to come today, Kinch?" Andersen asked.

"He is."

"Just our ruddy luck. I was getting' used ta lyin-in every mornin." Newkirk climbed back up on his bunk.

"You might want to be careful curing us, sir, you might have a mutiny on yours hands, especially from ol' Newkirk."

"Blimy Carter, what am I, navy?"

"Well, no, you see, what I meant was-"

"I got it, Carter." Hogan smiled at him and shook his head, then pulling up a bench next to Carter he began to talk softly. The others getting the idea of what was going on, began to mill around the room, busying themselves.

"Wilson told me that it was the Germans that injured you."


"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"Um…well. They thought I was a traitor, or spy, or something like that. I couldn't really understand what they were saying, but I got that much. Emil got beat up cause of me."


"There was three of them…at first. More later."

"What…what exactly did they do?"

"It was a brawl pretty much. Emil defended me. But it was confusing. They kept saying, "Töte die Falsche! Töte die Falsche! Verrätern müssen sterben!" And beating us up." Carter trailed off. Hogan tried to hide his anger as the words swam around in his head. Kill the false ones. Kill the false ones. Traitors must die. Though how a person could be a "false one" and a "traitor" at the same time was beyond Hogan's comprehension, but he continued to listen to Carter's story.

"Why were you confused? It's okay Carter, I won't judge."

"Well…I…" Carter's uneasiness suddenly broke. "I thought they were on my side! Emil liked me, and everyone kept saying I was German! So why should they beat me up, if I'm one of them? But they kept calling me a traitor, I knew that much, and since I did speak English, I…I believed them. I tried to defend myself, but I believed them."

"Cater…Andrew. That's understandable, you had amnesia."

"It just hurts…and I don't just mean physically."

"Andrew. Listen to me. You were wearing a German uniform, in a POW camp, of course you would think you are one of them. And when your own people turn on you, that's hard."

"You have no idea how surprised I was when I found out I was American. And one that blows up bridges!"

"I can imagine."

"Sir, if I can ask. How are you going to explain my injuries to Klink?"

"Well, I am going to say that you and I got in an argument over the best flavoured ice cream, and you got up quickly, I stumbled over the bench you were sitting on, injuring my leg, and you fell smack into door handle, got up dazed, fell into the bunk, still dazed got up and tripped back over the same bench I just did."

"That doesn't even sound plausible."

"Exactly why our illustrious Kommandant Klink will believe it!"

* * * * * *

Kommandant Klink was more than a little relieved when Doktor Duden returned later that same day and announced that the plague epidemic was over. Duden had returned that afternoon, coming to "check" on the men, and seeing that the missing men had returned, agreed that the had all recovered. When Sergeant Wilson informed him, behind Colonel Hogan's back, about the injuries sustained on the mission, the doctor cornered Hogan, with the help of various men in barracks two, and took a look at his leg. He also checked on Carter, assisted by Wilson, and took a look at his injuries, as he had access to more medicine than was available to Wilson. Before leaving to inform the Kommandant of the prognosis of "full recovery", Duden asked Hogan what he should tell Klink about both him and Carter. Hogan replied with the story he told Carter earlier. Duden looked him straight and the face and replied:

"But that makes no sense. Are you sure you don't want me to spin a tale of something relating to your disease, perhaps Carter was delirious and tried to fly off a bunk?"

"Trust me, I know our Kommandant, he will believe it."

"Alright, Colonel. I'll go inform him of your recovery. I would suggest taking the red spots off slowly, as if they are healing. I wish you well. Good luck." With that Duden left.

* * * * * *

Life slowly started to return to normal at the camp. Hogan's leg was stiff now and then, but healed quickly, and the cuts and bruises left by Carter's encounter with the Germans were healing as well. Though both men were still haunted by the words of their encounters, more than the physical ramifications. Perhaps it is because we are human. And we don't like to be faced with that fact. We like to think we are wise. I will talk to London about breaking Colonel Stevens out of his prison camp. I don't like the man. I don't want him in charge of prisoners. But I can't stand to see a man who has gone through so much suffer either. Hogan nodded to himself. The thought of helping someone who refused to help him, made Hogan feel better. That while he was treated unjustly, that he could still treat the offending party with justice, made him feel good about himself.

Carter on the other hand was still keeping quiet about what happened. He had heard that Emil Hase was released and was living in London, helping the Allied Command. Looking down at his pencil, he started writing again. He was going to keep a carefully coded diary. While paper was scare, he was still determined to keep one, and keeping it coded so the Germans wouldn't be able to read it if they found it…or anyone else in the barracks. He never wanted to lose himself again. Ever. It was a terrifying experience and it could happen again. If he is mixing some chemicals and…boom! Or if he is on another mission…he wanted to ensure that he would have a way to remember who he was. There is only one Andrew John Carter. And I will make sure that Andrew John Carter never forgets Andrew John Carter again!

Olsen was sitting at the table playing cards with Newkirk, or rather was starring off into space dreamily for a moment, before Newkirk snapped his fingers near Olsen's ear.

"'Ey mate. You gonna call?"

"Huh? What? Oh! Oh yeah. I was, I was just thinking."

"Must been amusin', wha' ever it was."

"I was just thinkin' about the last mission we went on, you know, the one where we all got captured. And well if my grandkids ever ask about the war."

"I can just see you with ten little kids on your knee." Newkirk snickered, Olsen rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, and if Little Peter Jr.-"

"Aw, thanks mate-"

"Who says, he's named after you?"

"Well you didn't say Andrew Jr, now did ya?"

"Hey!" Carter yelled from over on his bunk.

"Anyways! I was think about if Little Robert Jr, named after the Colonel, ha! Asked about what the strangest thing that happened to me during the war was. How I would answer. And I think I would have to answer with this past mission."

"That's assuming, tha' we can talk 'bout it when that war's ov'r." Newkirk tapped his fingers on the cards, indicating he wanted Olsen to show his hand.

"I'd have to agree with you, Olsen." Hogan walked in, showing only the hint of a limp, and poured himself some coffee before leaning on the common-room table. "The past one was definitely one for the record books."

"Yes sir."

"And I agree with you as well. I believe Robert Jr is a much better name than either Peter Jr, or Andrew Jr." Hogan smiled. Noting that both Newkirk and Carter gave him slightly dirty looks.

"Now 'ang on a minute, sir…" Newkirk started to protest.

"Oui. I agree mon Colonel. I will not name my son Peter Jr either." Lebeau walked over and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"'Ey! Wha's wrong with me name?!"

"Nothing. It's just not…Robert-ish enough." Hogan chuckled.

"Well if your defence, Peter, I did use Peter in the original example." Olsen shrugged.

"Oh thank-you, John."

The light-hearted bickering continued even as Kinch entered from the barracks; not wanting to get involved he stood on the sidelines, amused. He stood watching as the whole barracks soon became involved. It's nice to have the whole family home again. Smiling, he glanced at his watch, it would soon be time for evening roll-call. Afterwards Hogan would talk Klink into letting the men out of the cooler and Kinch would hand the message from London to him, and it would be off on yet another mission. Just another day in the bizarrest job in the war. Kinch grinned and shook his head, as Schultz entered to announce:

"Roooooooll Caaaaaaaaaall!"

The End!

Or is it…

(1) That is in reference to all the stories written about our poor Colonel...(and yes that includes this one!)