Trick or Treat

For animeangel088

"Trick or Treat!"

"Daniel, what are you doing here?"

Danny shrugged as he walked into the Billionaire Mayor's manor and looked around slowly. He wore a black and white pinstripe suit, with red boots, and a red tie. His hair was sprayed white and flew out at crazy angles, standing on end. The paint that had been on his face was smeared and almost gone seeing that it was close to two in the morning.

"What are you exactly?"

"Beetlejuice. I went to a party with Sam. She went as Lydia so I got stuck with Beetlejuice."

"That doesn't answer my first question."

"I got bored, Mom and dad are out hunting and Jazz is at a party somewhere. So I thought I'd come see you."


He shrugged, "Seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Do the words arch nemeses mean nothing to you?"

"Sure they do, but you have attacked me in months and it's been almost a year since you even tried to hit on Mom. I'm also here to ask you what the hell is up?"

"I've come to a certain realization. I do not care as deeply for your mother anymore."

"Why not?"

"There is someone else." He said turning and walking into what looked like a living room, Danny followed.

"Oh really, who?"

"That is none of your concern, dear boy." He said as he sat down beside his fireplace and picked up his book.

"Oh, no, you're not blowing me off like that. I want answers."

"You will have to find them somewhere else."

"Vlad, come on. It can't be that bad."

Vlad, with an irritated sigh, put his book down and placed his eyes on Danny, "Why are you so interested?"

"Do I know her?"

"Don't change the subject."

"Do I?"

"No!" Vlad said standing up, rather quickly.

"Oh… Then what's the harm in telling me?"

He glared slightly, the boys shoulders had sagged and his eyes had lost a spark of their fierceness when Vlad had answered his question, "Daniel, you don't know her because there is no her."

Danny looked up at his curiously, his brows furrowed together, "But you just said-"

"It isn't a girl."

Danny blinked a few times, his shoulders raising back up a bit, "Then, do I know him?"

Vlad watched the boy curiously, "Yes."

"It isn't my dad is it?"

"Heavens, no."

Danny nodded, "Hm, Skulker?"

Vlad looked a little repulsed, "No!"

"Mr. Lancer?"








"Box Ghost?"



"What?" Vlad asked looked at Danny, a little shocked.

"I said, is it me?"

"Daniel, wh-"

"Don't dodge the question," Danny took a hesitant step forward, "Is it me?"

Vlad opened his mouth for a moment and took a deep breath, "Yes." He barely muttered.

Danny smiled and closed the gap between them.