DISCLAIMER: the wonderful Stephenie Meyer owns the characters and world of Twilight. I owe her a big thank you for being able to borrow the talents of her fabulous vampires to bring a little cheer to someone very special.
A/N: I have written this fanfic for a wonderful friend who is a writer by profession and also a published playwright. She told me to have a go at writing – my other stories are the result of that encouragement. This story is my way of saying thank you to her.
Action: A terminally ill Yolanda is abandoned to die in the woods near Forks, but luck stumbles upon her in the form of Rosalie and Emmett. See what happens when the kind-hearted Cullens meet a former journalist whose own story is playing out in a way she could never have imagined. This is in essence a love story. I've given Yolanda "wings" in this story, so she can let her imagination soar!
Warning: No lemons for a while, but there will be in due course. Adult language from the start - hence the adult rating.
Dedication: to my wonderfully brave friend Yolanda and the focus of her desire: Liam
Music vibe: I've gone with David Bowie "Changes".
Yolanda POV:
The pain spiked once more to a level I'd never have thought possible. If I'd thought that my screaming would help, I'd have screamed the house down right about now. As it was, all I could do was moan. And moan again. I couldn't even cry. My tear ducts had already been sealed as the venom worked its cruel way round my body's system.
The only thing that was keeping me focused on getting through this terrible ordeal was the thought that afterwards I would be whole and mended. Carlisle and his family had promised me that.
In the meantime, I had to suffer more hell than I'd already been through prior to this week.
My ever-expanding mind searched back several days to the moment when my life changed in a way I could never have imagined. Funny how life turns out sometimes. Funny haha. Funny ironic. Well the last laugh will be on you, you bastard!
Emmett POV:
A few days earlier
My Rose looked like a goddess running through the woods as I chased her. She was trying to outrun me yet again and failing. Her blonde hair was trailing out behind her like a comet's tail and her long legs were leaping logs and ferns in a blur of frenetic activity. My blood was up and I was going to let her think she had outpaced me before I tackled her and brought her down to show her for the third time today just how hot she was and what she did to my body.
My lust was rising at the thought of her naked body beneath me. I wondered how long I could hold out before I made her mine again today.
In the meantime, I was enjoying the chase into a part of the woodland we didn't ordinarily go. Today was looking very promising indeed - as long as Jasper and Alice had not decided to play in this part of the forest today!