I am so sorry for not updating sooner!! School has been crazy and I know that's a really lame excuse, but I am in way over my head… hope ya like this!

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Later that evening, Calleigh pulled into the driveway of their new home. She turned off her car and just sat there for a while. After a few minutes passed (which seemed like hours for Calleigh), her phone began to vibrate. On the screen was a goofy picture of Eric holding Connor like something out of the Lion King. She smiled and answered, "Hey, babe."

On the other end, Eric let out a sigh of relief. "Jesus, Cal… where are you?"

"I'm in the driveway. Is everything alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah," he began, "you're usually home for an hour by this time. I was just worried…"

"I'm fine. There was a case and I was a bit tied up, but that's all," she lied, not wanting to tell him she had spent the last half hour getting sick.

Calleigh grabbed her bag and hopped out of the car. Seconds later, she walked into the living room and found no one. Then, she made her way to the kitchen to find Eric feeding Connor with great difficulty.

She laughed and made her presence known. Eric glanced up at her, "Hey!"

Connor turned to face her and sent food flying. "Mamamama!"

Calleigh wiped her son's face off, "Eric how does this end up on his forehead?"

"It's a miracle it didn't end up on my forehead…"

She rolled her eyes and picked up Connor's bottle. He stretched his hands out for it and screamed. "Mine!"

"Ugh, I really hate that," she told Eric.

He agreed, "I know… where did he learn that?"

"Who knows."

Although Calleigh wasn't pleased with what Connor had learned, she couldn't help but smile. This was their typical evening routine and both her and Eric usually enjoyed it. Then, her smile faded. All that could change with another baby. She wasn't positive, but she had a feeling. Sure, Eric wanted more children and she did too, but just not now.

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20 minutes later, Calleigh and Eric were seated at the table with plates of spaghetti in front of them. Connor was in his high chair; completely absorbed by the DVD he was holding.

Calleigh eyed her untouched glass of wine as if it were Stetler. Eric noticed her look and asked, "Cal, you alright?"

She nodded, "Yeah… I'll be right back."

She got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

Eric shrugged and turned his attention to Connor. He now had the DVD in his mouth and was drooling all over it.

"Aw, Connor… come on," he groaned as he grabbed the disc. Right on cue, Connor screamed, "Mine!"


Eric and Connor both jumped at the sound that came from the bathroom down the hall. Calleigh walked into the kitchen and sat down. She took a swing of wine and smiled at Eric.

He blankly stared at her, "I take it the bathroom gave you good news?"

She nodded vigorously, "It did."

"Anything that concerns us?" By "us" he meant him and Connor.


He could see this was going nowhere and decided to ask later.

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Hope ya liked it! Sorry it was so short!! I'll try to update soon!!
