Tim the Tool Man Taylor sits down to dinner with the family. "Man, your cooking is fabulous honey." Tim the Tool Man Taylor grumbles. "Man, I can't wait to get to work to bang Heidi." Tim the Tool Man Taylor picks up his dinner plate, stares at Jill, and smashes it into the wall. "That's ENOUGH lip outta you woman! Wash those dishes BITCH!" Tim the Tool Man Taylor yells and flips over the table. "But I didn't even say anything! Tim the Tool Man Taylor, what is wrong with you!?" Jill says. The audience laughs.

Tim the Tool Man Taylor grunts and runs to his car and injects an large amount of steroids into his veins. The audience cheers! He comes back into the kitchen and apologizes. "I'm sorry, Jill…I'm sorry I'm going to have to MURDER YOU!" He runs at Jill with a drill, "URRR URRR URRR!" Tim the Tool Man Taylor does his award winning grunt as he drills Jill's temple. The kids are sitting on the couch 10 feet away watching TV. "Hey kids, wanna go CAMPING!?" They cheer. The episode fades to black and Tim the Tool Man Taylor puts the kids in the trunk and drives to the great outdoors.