SUMMARY: Harry Potter doesn't need a job, he's got enough money and he likes spending it on something very expensive.

Draco felt the clammy hand slip down the length of his stomach and tug at the waist of his trousers. Slapping the hand away, Draco fell to his knees and began to undo the intricate lace-up of the robes in front of him

"No, I want to fuck -" Draco didn't want to hear what he wanted frankly, grabbing the bulge through the material and gave a twist. "ARGH! Watch it"

"If you think I am going to let you fuck me in this alley, you must be about as thick as your dick," stated Draco as a matter-of-factly.

"Well then, let's go back to your pla -"

"I have another appointment - either a handjob now, or nothing - your choice."

"How much?"

"Eleven Galleons." Joe, a regular, tall and wide not only in the trouser department, made a horrible face.

"Seriously? Eleven, for a handjob? That's more than my kid's wand!"

"You're asking for one during Me-Time. I'm off duty at the moment, which is more than can be said for you - it's going to cost more," stated Draco, smirking.

Joe snorted something that sounded vaguely like 'figures' and stepped back from the blonde kneeling on the filthy floor. "Alright then, so I'll make an appointment?"

"Yes. Always make an appointment - otherwise, the price goes up. I fuck on my time only." Draco stood up, brushing away the dirt from his knees and scooping up the M&S carrier bag that he had dropped when he was suddenly abducted into the alley ten minutes ago.

Joe sorted out the lacing on the front of his Auror robes to look presentable and watched as the blonde haired rentboy waltzed with aristocratic grace, down the road with packets of crisps rustling around in that stupid muggle white bag.


Draco hated the key to his apartment - he didn't even know why it was called a key. It was a little plastic bit of parchment with a black stripe on one side and when he put it into the little metal contraption attached to his door handle, a light which was supposed to flash green to allow him inside. Instead, today it wanted to flash red.

"Bastard door, open!" Draco jammed the 'key' into the feed, but the red light kept flashing at him. "Oh for fuck sake!" Draco looked around the corridor to make sure that his filthy muggle neighbours weren't peeking at him, and pulled out his wand from his back pocket. He pointed it at the door, thinking that he could outsmart the technological crap locking him out of his home; he yelled "Alohomora!"…the light flashed red again. "Damn."

Sighing, Draco rammed his wand back into his rear pocket. Placing his groceries on the floor by the doorframe, he walked down the corridor to the next door. Ellen, a small skinny woman with lank red hair, opened the door to his knocking. "Hi Draco. Locked out again?"

"Yep. Damn key."

"Let's have a look then." They walked back to his apartment and she looked at the abused door. She made a chuckling sound under her breath and pulled the card out of the lock, flipping it so the magnetic-strip face could be read by the electronics. Draco watched as she placed the key back into the lock and it flashed green. He was sure the damn door fancied Ellen; it would always open for her.

Giving him a knowing smile, Ellen strolled off back to her own accommodation without saying a word. He saluted her behind her back and picked up his groceries, stepping into his apartment, remembering to grab the stupid key as he went along.


As Draco began unpacking the multitude of paprika flavoured chips into the cupboard above the polished-never-used sink, he glanced at the clock. 8.26. Oh shit, he'd been battling with the door longer than he thought he had. Quickly stuffing the last packet onto the shelf and slamming the door closed, Draco rushed into his bedroom. He didn't need to, but felt it a necessity to check the date-diary lying on his bedside table.

As predicted, 8.30 was booked with a crudely drawn stripy tie next to the time. Only one person requested he wore his Slytherin tie, and looking around his bedroom, Draco began to panic. Where the hell was it?!

"Shit." Checking the bathroom, the living room, in his closet, under the cat, and behind the TV, Draco still couldn't find it. "Shit, bugger, wank, where the fuck did I put it?!" With his hand paused over the fridge handle in case it was with the cheese, he thought back to what he was doing when he last had it. AH HA! Running back into his bedroom, he dropped to the floor and looked under his bed. There it was, near the headboard. Sliding further under on his stomach, Draco made a grab for it as the ringing of his doorbell echoed through the apartment. "Oh double shit!"

Snatching it from the floor and then wiggling out from under the bed, Draco stood up and frantically tried to pull his shirt off. The buttons were tricky to undo while his fingers were fumbling as he walked to the front door.

Finally, he just pulled it over his head, letting the black material drop to the ground. Not minding his mused hair, he pulled the already-knotted tie around his neck and tugged his jeans a little lower on his hips. The doorbell rang again.

"Alright, don't get your wand in a knot!" Draco exclaimed, pulling off his socks and lobbing them into the cat-basket, then opened the door. "Evening Potter."


Stressed out from Hermione's tyrannical ranting about how he should "look after his expenses better", he rang the doorbell again. What was taking so long? A muffled shout about his wand and the door opened.

"Evening Potter."

God damn, thought Harry, running his eyes over a familiar sight; His lovely rentboy, leaning against the door, waiting for HIS command, dressed up how HE wanted it.

"Hmm...I love that tie on you." stated Harry, stepping inside and heading to the living room sofa. Draco just smirked to himself, thanking the lord that he had managed to get ready in a record 4 minutes and closed the door.

Potter was slouched on his sofa like a complete slob, acting as if he owned the place, pulling off his own jumper to reveal a crinkled polyester brown lumberjack shirt. The checkers on it made Draco want to vomit, but he smirked anyway as he made his way over to the guest.

The shirt wouldn't be much of a problem soon, thought Draco, eyeing up the yellow lines with dislike. "So what will it be for this evening Potter?" Draco stood between Harry's gaping knees.

"I just want to talk and hold hands," said Harry, straight-faced. Draco raised an incredulous eyebrow. "Really?"

"Of course not," smiled Harry, reaching out and snatching the end of the green and silver fabric brushing HIS rentboy's belly. With a quick yank, Draco dropped to his knees obligingly.

Harry sighed as fingers began to work at his zipper and small wet kisses were smattered on his abdomen. He let his had drop back and stare at the white ceiling while his fingers played with the end of the tie still in his grip.

"Hard day?" asked Draco. Harry yanked the tie a little, hoping to shut the git up. To no avail. "I don't see why you are always so stressed out – nothing to do but wait until your appointments roll round. Lift your hips." Harry lifted his hips, trying to blend together the words being drawled at him. "All you do is spend money - how is that stressful? Unless you're buying for something for someone and don't know what to get them - not just buying someone."

"Yes, I buy someone, you. So shut you and do what you're paid to do," snapped Harry, closing his eyes and letting the ceiling slip from view.

"Let go of the tie so I can reach then." Harry frowned but let go of the material reluctantly. His reward was two hands settling themselves onto his hips and a warm tongue licking its way up his inner thigh.


Draco bristled at Potter's command but understood in all fairness that he didn't charge sixty galleons an hour to sit and talk. He went to swift work on licking along the other man's thigh from the inside of his knee upwards. Potter had sensitive thighs, and Draco always found more entertainment in listening to the moans he got from these thighs than from giving a blowjob. A few swirling patterns had Potter melting into his sofa - so much for not doing his job - and then when he thought the stupid gryffindork was nice and cosy, he struck. Sinking his teeth into the tender flesh, clenching his jaw too tightly for most of his customers who liked him leaving marks, had Potter screaming to the neighbours. "ARGHNA!!! FUCK!!" Draco smirked around his mouthful of flesh, nibbling along the tender skin and watching as Potter's half-mast became a fully erection under the pain. Masochistic bastard.

Deciding that the red skin between his teeth was tormented enough, he started moving slightly higher, licking the tip of the leaking cock, earning yet another squeal, then a slap to the back of his head. "You're not paid for that," said a voice above him. Draco moved away, turning his attention back to the battered flesh of the thigh.


What a good little rentboy. His little slut knew all the places that Harry liked to be touched. The way Draco's fingers were digging around his hips into the meaty side of his buttocks, and how he bit almost too painfully along his thighs, how the boy's thumbs were drawing little patterns on his well trained.

"Alright...." gasped Harry after a few minutes of having the inside of his legs gnawed on to hell. Draco sat back on his heels, head tilted like a puppy, waiting for the next command.

"Hop on," Harry said, indicating to his lap. Draco stood up and pulled his wand out of his back pocket, smirking evilly and pointing it at Harry's penis.

Harry always hated the look Draco got in his eye when his wand was pointed at his extremities, it was evil and calculated and that smirk was not reassuring.

With a quick swish and complicated wiggle of Draco's wrist, Harry gasped loudly at the sensation. Another flick of the wand and they were both butt-naked except for the tie. Draco pocketed his wand and climbed into his client's lap. "Protection always comes first," reminded Draco, already positioning himself over Harry's slightly tingling penis. Harry hated that damn protection spell, it sent funny jolts up his urethra when it was being cast.

A firm hand around the base of his cock draw Harry's attention away from the odd tingle that had now settled in his balls. Watching Draco hover briefly over him before sinking down on the length of his cock was almost as good as the feeling of slipping into the hot, tight arse that brought Harry back time and time again to the insufferable git. So hot. So tight. So Slytherin, thought Harry, looking at the slatted grey eyes.

Grabbing a fistful of Slytherin tie, his knuckles grazing against Draco's chest, he pulled his rentboy's face down to his. "No kissing." Harry growled in frustration and instead attached his mouth to Malfoy's neck, sucking in part of the tie as well as skin - it would leave an odd shaped mark hopefully, like tie-dye.

Roughly holding his slut's hips in place, Harry thrust his hips up into the hot clenching hole at his disposable while Draco went back to working over an area of his neck that already had a hickie from his last visit. Love bite upon hickie upon love bite. The nails raking down his chest was sending Harry into a frenzy and after a few more minutes of primal groping and thrusting, Harry spat out the tie and threw his head back and with a hoarse scream, came. Feeling very, very satisfied, and no longer hearing Hermione's voice echoing the words 'a month costs more than Ron makes in a year!' through his mind, Harry flopped back into the sofa's cushions. Draco on the other hand was not happy.

"Damn you Potter! Selfish git!" snapped Draco, extracting himself from Potter's lap, feeling the now-wet cock slip from between his legs. He stood up, his own unattended erection throbbing painfully. "Its all about you and your needs," snapped Draco, striding off into his bedroom with his own cock bobbing along as he walked.

Climbing onto his own bed, ignoring the cat on one of the pillows, Draco propped himself against the headboard and began to wank himself off. It was terribly unsatisfactory.

As he tugged at the neglected cock between his own legs, a shadow fell across his bed sheets. Looking up, he saw Potter standing in the doorway.

"It costs you extra if you want to watch me do this," stated Draco, moving his hand faster.

Potter shrugged and stumbled over to the mattress, pushing the cat off the bed with one hand, "Move it, Mind." He settled in the cat's place, leaning on his side, head propped up with a bent elbow, watching the show.

"This is invasion of privacy," stated Draco, sneering at Harry.

Harry just smiled and reached out, joining his hand with Draco's. Draco didn't want to admit that the sudden sound of mewing was not from the cat, and bucked his hips, cum shooting all over the bedcovers and both their hands.

"Damn. Now I have to wash the sheets again."

"Hmm." said Potter. They sat in silence, Potter amusing himself by drawing patterns in the cum stain on the bed. Draco looked at the clock on his table next to his date-diary. 9.10.

"What days do you want me to book you in for next week?" asked Draco.

Harry picked up the diary and handed it to Draco, watching as he flicked through to the appropriate page. "The usual," replied Harry, lazily drawing his finger through the puddle on the sheets. Draco rolled his eyes and draw a cartoon tie into next week's dates.

Monday 8.30pm - 10.00pm,

Tuesday 8.30pm - 10.00pm,

Wednesday 8.30pm - 10.00pm,

Friday 8.30pm-10.00pm

Saturday 9.00am - 8.30pm-empty Scarhead's wallet-££££££!!!!!

Closing the diary, Draco tossed it on the floor next to the curled up grey kitten and turned to his client, "So, you have fifty minutes left, what do you want to do Potter?"



A/N: 'Mind' the cat! This is the first fic I ever posted, but for some reason I've never put it on FF. So here it is, for your perusal…I can't believe I used to write like this!