Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my pink book bag and whatever else is in this story that doesn't make sense. I was inspired by another romance novel i read and J.K. Rowlings wonderful world. Enjoy!

-Chapter 1-

"Wrapped So Pretty"


Did you ever just want to cry your eyes out? Literally grab a big box of muggle tissue and ball like a heart broken baby. Well, that's how Hermione felt at that moment. She was miserable and planned to stay that way. She didn't care if the whole world went to hell in a flying cauldron anymore. She was absolutely, without a doubt in her mind, done, done with all men.

"Let me get this straight," said Ginny, as she opened the cupboard and saw nothing but a can of decaf coffee. 'Shit!' she thought. No booze, no fire whisky, nothing... "Don't you have anything here with a kick to it?"

"Err..yeah check the other one," said Hermione through tears, a soddy tissue and a stuffy nose.

"So let me get this straight," Ginny returned to her side after starting up a brew of decaffeinated coffee for the two of them. "You came home from ..."

"...The store we were out of a few things." Hermione said.

"Right, home from the store and you found the letter from Ron?" Ginny couldn't believe what she was taking in. Well yes, she knew her brother had no spine, but to ditch her best friend this way was beyond low. Ginny looked out of the kitchen window it was raining outside. There was a Quidditch game in Scotland this afternoon and a few of her friends had already purchase tickets and she had planned on going too. But out of the blue came an owl from Hermione and she could tell from the letter and from the teardrops on it, that her friend was not in a right state.

"So is the gift from my sleaze of a brother too?" Ginny asked pointing at a pretty little package that was neatly wrapped with a bow.

"No," replied Hermione, wiping the corners of her swollen eyes. "It's a house warming gift from my mother."

Ginny handed her another tissue. "so what was exactly in the letter Hermione? I mean did the slime say why he's run off with her."

Hermione stiffened as if it had not happen.

Ginny couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Who was she kidding Hermione was nothing like Lavender. She was well….a pathetic geek Ginny supposed and maybe just a bit wound to tight. In truth Ginny knew that Hermione's world circled around books and research and bookstores. Especially now that she was focusing on an apprenticeship for becoming a Healer. Hermione studied too much even for her, and she was her best friend. She always felt her brother would skip-out on her someday.

"Hey, it's not that bad Hermione. You'll find another guy in no time honestly."

"O no, I'm sorry but I'm out -finish -done with men. All they're good for is heartache and...and reproduction... and nothing else!" She stiffened her bottom lip, but another tear slid down her cheek all the same.

Ginny got up and was back in no time with two cups of steamy coffee."You don't mean that you're just-"

"I do Ginny I mean every word of it. Do you know that in that letter he said I'm sorry Hermione but you just don't excite me anymore."

"The slimy git, Merlin when I get my hands on him." said Ginny

Hermione set her elbows on the table, balled her hands into a fists and propped her forehead on top of them. Her shoulders trembled. For Ginny this was nerve wrecking to see her friend become so unraveled because she knew Hermione was so dignified and all. Well, she was a bit of a bore from time to time. But that was still a shitty thing for Ron to say.

"That's not the worst part." Hermione grabbed another tissue. "The worse part Gin is that I don't even miss him."

"Miss him, well Hermione he hasn't been gone that long dear."

"Yes… I mean no," she took a deep breath "…he's been gone six months."

Ginny's eyes widen to the news, she grabbed her mug, took a sip and started laughing. "Six months? Then what are you so beat up about?"

"It's not Ron. It just….It's nothing really I'm being foolish really I don't know what's wrong with me." Hermione shrugged. " Its being back here, in London, well the muggle side of London. I was going to stay in the wizarding world and perhaps find some place there not far from work, but I thought no…"

Hermione's voice got a far away tone as if she forgot her friend was there at the table. "I was doing research on Unrelated magically-ionic collisions and I didn't want to be distracted and being there... I was afraid I would be out and run into him, I mean them and perhaps become so upset like now that I would not be able to focus."

"Sounds like to me your knickers are burning for some action Hermione." Ginny flashed her a brilliant smile. hoping to lighten the mood. "all this physics-slash-magical-medical stuff is not giving you any thrills in the bedroom, right?"

"God Ginny!" she laughed "Your impossible. Frankly, I believe sex is overrated." Hermione was suddenly feeling uncomfortable with idea that she'd never achieved an organism with Ron. She looked down at her hands, going to hide the shame rising in her cheeks.

Ginny went blank, and after to reply came back from her "you've never made it to a climax, you know the point of bliss, the big wham-o thank you tiger!"

"No, not exactly"


"Yes well maybe I need something more, a sense of connection with someone." she said.

"You can't get more connected than burning up the old mattress." stated Ginny.

"Yes, well, that's assuming the tiger can burn it up. Honestly….." she sniffed and sipped her coffee. Blaming Ron for her sexual offsets want going to fix what was ailing her so badly. "Don't hate me for saying this, but when I speak of a connection with someone, I don't mean a guy in general. I mean perhaps something more lasting than just sex or a meer get-together."

"Marriage? But I thought you opposed of marriages."

"I was working at St. Mungos last month and was assisting with the accidental magical mishaps floor for children." she sniffed again. "The Head Warden of Healers ask for me to deliver some papers to the New Delivery Sector and I ran into Ron and Lavendar there. He told me she's pregnant….I'm not jealous. To be honest I don't care enough about him to be jealous and I really don't want to marry anyone. It's just that…." Hermione's voice faded. "It's just that….um...well."

Ginny wasn't getting it. If it was not Ron that had her hinny in such a hot fix then what was it? Lavender? But she's off flaunting about with Ronald's kid and Gin never took her as the swinger. "...O sweet Merlin, you want to be a mum!" shouted Ginny suddenly and she began instantly choking on her coffee.

Hermione bit her lip and gave a shy nod. "I wanted to be a mother when Ron and I was together but, I just didn't feel he would be the right one for me and my future child. No offense"

Ginny was still coughing, now waving her hands about while taking this all in. She glance around at the clock and wanted to hear the rest of this but she had to leave soon if she planned on catching the Quidditch tournament in time.

"Hermione are you serious about wanting a baby even if you're a single witch?" Ginny looked confused.

But Hermione was a so very unlike normal witches her age. She was like a brainy journal and needed someone to share all that brainy stuff with.

"I mean being a single mom is not easy, I mean you have a awesome paying career and occupational study and all, but Hermione single mother witches are frown upon a lot in the wizarding world, a lot, I mean a lot, a lot!" said Ginny.

Once again Hermione's back stiffened as if someone hit her with a Petrificus Totalus spell. "I've thought about it a lot …really. I don't ever plan to marry Ginny you know that, but I want a little girl more than anything and I think I'd make a excellent mother. The trouble is I don't know how to make it happen. Other than Ron, I've never been with another man, and I don't think anyone has notice me lately."

"Are you crazy Hermione? Loads of guys have noticed you. But your always in some lab or work." Ginny stared at her friend, for a smart witch she sure was dumb. "Hermione you work at a hospital with swarms of wizard doctors, healers, warlocks and scholars. Finding a guy should be easy. If a kid is all you want then invite them over, put on a song, buy a couple of bottles of cheap wine and nail him."

Hermione blushed "Oh it couldn't be anyone I know or work with."

"Then pick up a guy out of Diagon Alley out shopping or some pub or something."

"Oh I couldn't do that I'd have to know a little about his medical background. Does he have allergies, or magically ingrown warts?" Hermione's voice dropped again. "Besides I don't know how to just pick up someone."

Ginny thought nothing could be easier than just picking up a guy for a little nightly fun. But that was the difference between her and Hermione.

"And I don't want anyone from my field of work, I mean I don't want anyone who's super-intelligent fathering my child."

"You mean you want someone stupid to be you baby's dad?" asked Ginny.

Hermione smiled. "Please don't say it like that. I know it sounds mental, but its very difficult for a child to grow up being smarter than everyone else. It makes it impossible to fit in. Which is why I could never have a child with someone brilliant, a graduate of high OWLs, a recipient of high honors or even one of the ministry doctors at St Mungos. I thought of a muggle sperm bank but the problem with that is what if the child was born without a scratch of magic? is never forgive myself."

"Hermione that's just weird. You think that because your so abnormally smart that you just have to find someone that's a dunderhead."

" I don't think, I know. I do Ginny, it's hard to explain but it has a lot to do with studies founded in muggle genetics and without going to deep into contrast on the subject. Short verse of the matter is that I can't bear the idea that my child would have to go through what I did when I was growing up. The point is neither here nor there. The point is as much as I want to be a mom, I can't just think about myself!"

Ginny turned to look at the clock again and jumped up quickly. She couldn't believe how long they had been talking and it was nearly seven o' clock. The game would start within the hour and she was no where near Scotland.

"Hermione, hey look I have to get going."

Hermione nodded and understood. Ginny's truly felt sorry for her but all this talk about being a mom made her feel a bit light headed. "Hey I tell you what. Come with me to the game. You can buy tickets at the gate I'm sure of it and if not there's always loads of people selling their seats at the last moment. It'll be a breeze to get you in."