
Eternal clouds of black.

I could hear the distant waves of an ocean, but where was it? Where was I? I didn't know.

"Creator, you've always been there for us…I need you again…I can't go on like this anymore! What do you remember about that day?" the creator responded. "Alright…what else?" he responded yet again. "What were you doing when it happened?" He again, gave his response. I had an idea. "Could you draw us a picture of what happened that day based on your answers? Suddenly, the endless black sky above me became a giant canvas. Slowly, an invisible brush painted a vivid description of the event. "I see…thank you." I paused. "Creator…just bxru acck ii gduh bfahrr uo em…"

A clear sunny day. It was almost like it had been specially made for this day. A little raposa girl ran through the fields of her village, toward a large tree. Today was the picnic she had looked forward to all week. From an onlooker from the side, she would've appeared to be a normal rapo girl, but as she turned to face them, it was clear she had a problem; the entire right half of her face was black, with an un-natural, white, pupil less eye, similar to the creatures of darkness that had been defeated only a few months ago. Already at the tree, two older raposa smiled and waved. One was a very pretty girl with brown hair and an orange dress. The other, a rapo boy with a blue and white shirt, a red scarff, and a bell hanging from it. Also on his head, the pair of goggles he never removed from his head. She arrived sat down and picked up a plate.

She lifted it and nodded, not a word escaping her mouth, indicating she wanted some food. The boy placed a large carrot on her plate. As she prepared to eat it, she looked at it with shock. It was unnaturally pale, like the color had been drained from its very being. "…no…" she thought. She looked up at the two older rapo, both smiled as if nothing was wrong, she looked back at the girl, and suddenly her caring, happy eyes were filled with rage and hate. She began to emit a strange red glow. "…no…no,no…" She glanced back to the boy, and to her fear, his fur and skin was replaced by a thick, glowing purple goo. His happy smile, turned into an evil smirk. He stared at her, with the evil smirk. "…No! This can't happen! Not again!" She was paralyzed with fear. She couldn't move. The plate and colorless carrot fell to the ground. He floated to the top of the tree. His evil smirk, now a full dreadful smile.

The horrible purple-black goo spread of his body, to the gargantuan tree, spreading and flowing. Everywhere the goo touched was covered in the horrible mess for an instant, before being completely drained of its color. She ran. She ran away as fast as she could. The goo had completely drained the tree and picnic of its color, turned to a gray-scale image of depression. She kept running, but the goo was gaining. In her desperate dash, she tripped to the floor, and before she knew it, the goo was touching her feet. She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Nothing exited her mute mouth.

She jolted awake. At first she attempted another scream, but began panting softly, to find she was in her bed, safe in the house she called home. "Oh…just a dream…" she thought. She looked to her left to see the same raposa boy from her dream. Now completely free of that awful goo, and soundly asleep. She got up and walked over to the table in the middle of the room, poured herself a glass of water, and instantly jumped, dropping the water. She had heard a sound from outside. The boy was still asleep. She calmed down a bit and walked to the door, opened it and cautiously stepped outside. She looked around at the familiar buildings of the village. She saw one of the fluffy birds that inhabited the island. Suddenly it awoke and let out a loud "SQWACK!!!" she was a bit frightened at the sound and stepped back inside. "…it's only a bird…" she thought and walked out again. For some reason she looked down, reached into her dress and pulled out a glowing red pendant. She held it close to her as she walked out into the village. She stopped on top of a hill and looked up at the stars, which glowed brighter everyday ever since the creator had re-drawn them into the world.

She walked a bit until she reached a portion of land where the seas meet the land, a place she and the two other raposas called "The Secret Beach." She suddenly noticed a small chest on the shore, twitching slightly. She looked around. No one was there but her. She cautiously approached the chest, and suddenly it sprang open, revealing a mountain of jewels and gold. She was a bit startled, but none the less approached it. She gazed upon it's wonder. "amazing…" she thought. "hmph?" she thought, noticing a staff with a red jewel similar to her own atop it. She picked it up, and suddenly regretted she ever did. It's glow, it awakened something. Something in her mind that overpowered her free will. She took the staff, lifted it to the sky and watched helplessly as a dark, swirling power surrounded it. She wanted to stop, but couldn't. A dark, evil voice laughed with satisfaction from somewhere far off. "..no…please, no…he's back…"