Disclaimer: I do not nor ever will own any of Darkest Powers.
Time Leap
Chapter One:
They were losing, badly. Their battle may have been lost before it had begun. Their force had been small from the start. It became a speck when faced with the vast army of supernatural scientist. The sorcerers and witches were growing weak from keeping multiple scientists locked in a bind spell. A large amount of the injured that lay strewn across the battle floor were from their side. The floor vibrated with magic and non-magic explosions. Derek threw a punch at the half demon he was fighting. The half demon crumpled to the ground defeated. Derek took that opportunity to asses others battles.
Simon was no where around the battle, having long ago disappeared into empty hallways in search for their father. Tori was engaged in a vicious battle with her mother. Rae had betrayed the Edison group to fight with them. Many other supernatural had followed her actions but not enough to turn the battle around. He scanned the battle for Chloe but didn't see her anywhere. Had she followed Simon? Jealousy stabbed at him but he pushed it down. Another half demon replaced the last one.
The floor behind Derek trembled. The floor had been vibrated for awhile now but Derek had always assumed it was coming from the fire half demon's explosion. But this rumble came from directly behind him, causing him to pause for a moment. The half demon used Derek's hesitation to his advantage. He landed a punch on a Derek's cheek, causing him to stumble backwards, almost falling over Chloe, who had been crouched behind him. Her hands were clasped together around her pendent. She was mumbling something under her breath.
Derek leaned in to try and hear her, only to meet the half demons fist again. He landed next to her, jolting her out of her thoughts. She stopped mumbling to look up at him. "Derek!" she cried, moving to crawl over to him. She was jerked back by a ghostly hand. "B-b-but," she stuttered turning to an invisible persona. Her eyes widened and she nodded defeated. She sat back into her crouch, drew her hands together and started mumbling again.
"Chloe," Derek said trying to figure out what she was doing. He had a horrible feeling it wouldn't end well. The half demon he had neglected kicked him in the stomach. The wind was knocked from Derek, blood spurt out in a cough. Derek stood slowly a growl emanating from his chest. This demon was keeping him from stopping Chloe. He started to lunge at the man. The floor underneath them gave a defeated groan, snapping apart. Fighting everywhere froze as people turned to see what was happening.
A ring was cut around Chloe in the floor, keeping everyone from her. She had her eyes closed and didn't notice to hole. "Chloe!" Derek shouted rushing towards her. She finally looked up at him. Her eyes were pleading with him. Large tears spilled out of her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. "Chloe!!!" he shouted again, rushing forward. Something wasn't right. She was causing problems for herself again.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, Derek's super hearing picking up her final words. The floor beneath her crumpled sending her spiraling into a dark abyss. The floor started to slowly fold back closed. Mystical powers were at work here. Derek wasn't fast enough, the hole closed just as he reached it. He collapsed on the spot where the hole once was, banging for it to open again.
"No!" Derek whimpered loudly as chaos resumed around him. His mate was gone. Buried under layers of concrete. He could have stopped her. If only he had realized it sooner. He knew she was up to something the minute they had come into fifty yards of the Edison's hideout. She had started mumbling something under her breath. Like she was talking to invisible person. She had done it so secretively and quietly that Derek hadn't paid attention.
"Derek! Wake up!" a woman said above him. The scene crumpled before me and I was left staring at the insides of my eyelids. I slowly opened them to look into Tori's brown eyes. Rolling onto my side I let out a groan. "Derek, we all miss Chloe, but you still have to help us unpack!" she snapped. I grunted. She let out an exasperated sigh before marching out of my room, slamming the door on her way out.
'Great, I thought to myself, 'Now you live with her!' The battle with the Edison group is over. We had won. Simon had found our father and we had moved out of New York. The downside? Since Tori had now where left to go she decided to remain with us. Kit was more than happy to let her. Of course it wasn't too bad compared to the fact that I would never see Chloe again. No one would. My dream hadn't been a nightmare my imagination had cooked up but it was what had really happened that night.
Chloe was gone. She saved us all by sacrificing herself. She hadn't told anyone her plan for fear they would stop her. So no one knew of the demi-demon stuck in walls of the Edison's hideout. No one knew that one life had to be captured for the demon's freedom. No one but the demi-demon and Chloe. So now Chloe was trapped inside the burnt ashes of the place that had hurt us all.
"DEREK!" Tori screamed from down the hall. "GET YOUR ASS UP!!!" I buried my head into my pillow, falling asleep once again.
I was in wolf form, trotting healfheartedly through the woods. I'd been spending more and more time as an animal out in the forest. No one bothered me out here. I could be alone with thoughts and not get harrassed by Tori. But tonight was diffrent. I was running wildly through the trees. I felt that if i moved to fast that i would miss it. What exactly it is I was't sure. I slowed my pace again, this time opting to sit and wait for whatever was coming.
A black shadow descended on me. Startled, I let out a warning growl. The shadow moved back a respectful distance. It was then that I caught on that it was just that, a shadow. Not the shadow of a person but the shadow itself was what I'd been waiting for. We stood watching each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. I didn't feel threatend by this presance but one can never be to careful. Years of running had taught me that.
"Derek," the shadow spoke. Its voice wasn't gravely like I had imagined but kind and motherly. "I have come to help you." I couldn't help but let out a snort. I didn't need years of running to know you shouldn't trust strange figures in the forest. The shadow laughed as if assuming so much. "No Derek, I am here to help you save your mate." The wolf cocked his head to the side, taking a sudden interest in what was going on. I too became intrigued by those words. The shadow moved closer.
"I can help you Derek. I can turn back the hands of time so you can save her. Are you willing?" The shadow was right in front of me, anticipating my answer. The wolf was urging me to agree blindly, not caring if it was a trap, so long as he could save Chloe. I let out a defeated whimper.
A slander pale hand emerged from the darkness, to touch my forehead. "Just remeber this one thing, Derek. For the future to change the past must too."
The ground was snapped out from under me and I sent hurling through darkness.
A/N: So thats the first chapter. I hope you liked it! Please review and tell me what you think!