Sorry it has taken me so long to update this one. I had to go back and re-read the story, it had been so long. Hope you guys like it! Thanks for looking. Please remember to review! Merry Christmas! Hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season!

~ Detective Olivia Stabler ~

Beautiful Stranger

(Chapter Twenty Three: Plans For The Future)

"Momma's coming baby," Olivia said softly as Bentley's impatient cries echoed over the baby monitor.

She climbed from the bed and slipped on her robe as she made her way down the hall to her four month old son's nursery.

"Hey," she cooed peeking over the side of the crib as he stared up at her with wanting eyes. "Sounds like somebody is hungry."

The baby fussed as she picked him up and she placed him against her shoulder, gently patting his back as she moved across the room.

"And wet…. Are you wet, too? Don't worry little man, mommy will make it all better," she said kissing the top of the infant's head and slipping the pacifier into his mouth.

She hummed a soft lullaby as she laid the little boy on the changing table and gave him a fresh diaper. Olivia cradled the baby in her arms and made her way into the kitchen to start her day.

"The sun is almost up," she said softly staring down at the little boy. "Daddy will be getting up soon."

Bentley grunted and blinked his little blue eyes at her.

"Let's start his breakfast, then mommy will feed you yours," she said pouring water into the coffee pot and pressing the button. "Your turn, my love," she cooed at the blue eyed boy waiting patiently for his mother's undivided attention.

Olivia settled into the recliner covering herself with a throw blanket, then shifted the infant offering him her breast.

"There we go," she whispered with a smile and a yawn. "Mommy is still tired. I was thinking maybe today after daddy goes to work you and I could do a little last minute Christmas shopping. I have to return a this God awful sweater I received in the church gift exchange," she began to explain as Bentley grunted in understanding. "I know, I could re-gift it, but I wouldn't wish that thing on anyone. So we will do that first. It is from a department store down town, I wanted to look there anyway and see if we can find some more sleepers for you. You are getting so big, so fast that you have outgrown most of yours already."

She smiled and brushed the baby's hair with her fingertip.

"Well, that and daddy insists on helping out with the laundry and has shrunk a large portion of your clothes. I think he should stick to loading the dishwasher and let mommy handle the baby clothes. What do you think?"

She smiled again, wondering what Bentley was thinking.

"I want to pick up a few small things for Eli and the stocking stuffers for the girls. I have a grocery list for Christmas dinner. I got smart this year and ordered the turkey pre-cooked, but I have to pick that up. And later we have a lunch date with Aunt Casey. She is just dying to see you. Then I though we could go see daddy at work. After that I figured we would head back home and try to take a nap before we make supper. And maybe if I can talk you into going to bed early tonight, mommy and daddy can have a little time alone. What do you say, kid? Does that sound like a plan?"

"I like the sound of it," Elliot said from across the room.

Olivia smiled and laughed.

"I thought you might. Coffee should be ready. I'll get you some food going just as soon as your son finishes his breakfast."

"Good morning buddy," Elliot said kneeling to kiss the top of Bentley's head. "Morning baby," he whispered stealing a sweet kiss from his wife.

She watched as Elliot walked across the room and plugged in the Christmas tree.

"You know, I'd almost consider leaving this thing up all year. Bentley loves it," Elliot said admiring his wife's decorating job as he took a sip of coffee. "Three more days until Christmas. You guys have a big day planned?"

"We do. We're going shopping," she replied handing the baby off to Elliot to burp as she went to start his breakfast.

"That sounds like f….reaking torture. I couldn't do it. Over packed department stores and overpriced items. The traffic alone wakes me want to scream. I don't know why you don't just shop online like everyone else."

Olivia smiled.

"The hunt for the deals is half the fun. I got some things online, but there are a few things I need from around here. And Bentley likes looking at all of the Christmas decorations, don't you baby boy?" she asked kissing his chubby cheek adoringly.

"Maybe you should take him down to Macy's to see Santa while you're out. Get his first Christmas picture."

"Are you serious?" she asked blowing the steam from across her coffee cup.

"Yea, why? You got something against fat men in red coats?"

"I do when they scare the hell out of my baby."

"How do you know he'll be scared? He's never been."

"Elliot, it is a well known fact that sitting on Santa's lap is a very traumatic experience for most young children. I don't want to put him through that."

Elliot laughed.

"A little over protective, don't you think? It is Santa Clause. He is harmless. But only go to the one at Macy's, the mall does not require a background check for their Santa's," he said buckling his son into the baby swing and turning it on.

"Who is over protective now?" she asked with a smile as she dropped two eggs onto a plate and handed it to him.

Elliot sat the plate on the counter and wrapped his arms around her. He lifted her dark hair and kissed slowly across the back of her neck. Olivia closed her eyes and leaned back into him as he began to massage her shoulders.

"It is just Santa, Liv. Give the kid a chance," he said softly working a tender area between her shoulders and she moaned. "If it scares him then we wont take him back until he is older."

Olivia moaned softly as she rolled her neck the other direction.

"Alright. But why don't we wait and take him when we have the other kids. It wont be as scary if Eli is there with him," she suggested batting her big brown eyes as she smiled at him.

"That is actually a great idea. Look at that," he said turning her to look at the now sleeping infant sitting in front of the Christmas tree.

"Is he not the most perfect thing in the world?"

"He is," Elliot replied kissing the back of her neck as she moaned again.

"You are going to have to stop that," he laughed nervously.

"Stop what?" she asked innocently.

"Moaning like that."

"Ahh," she said with a smile and a devious giggle. "You know, he is asleep. And probably will be for at least another hour," she replied untying his tie and reaching for his belt.

"Well, I think Fin can handle things on his own if I am a little late," Elliot said backing her down the hall kissing her.

"Your breakfast is getting cold," she sighed as he pushed her back against the bed.

"I'll heat it back up."

Olivia smiled.

"You don't like your eggs reheated."

"I'll make an exception," he growled playfully laying over her and kissing her as she pushed his pants down.

Later Olivia groaned raising up as the baby began to cry from the other room.

"One hour exactly," she said wrapping the sheet around her and picking up her gown from the floor.

Elliot kissed her then headed for the shower.

"Hey baby, mommy's right here."

She picked the little boy up and carried him to the nursery to be changed again.

"I have an idea. Let's go take a shower with daddy," she said stripping off the wet diaper.

She held her son against her and moved into the bathroom.

"El," she asked pulling back the shower curtain to look at him.


"Got room in there for us?"

"Sure. Let me rinse off and adjust the water so it isn't so hot."

Olivia laid another towel out for the baby, then dropped her sheet in the bathroom floor as she climbed into the shower behind Elliot.

"Hey pal, you wanna take a shower with daddy?" he asked taking the baby as Olivia readied a washcloth with baby wash.

She soaped up the infant, then washed his hair as Elliot held him.

"No peeing in the shower, okay kid?" he said and she laughed.

"You wouldn't pee on daddy would you?" she cooed and Bentley smiled.

"It wouldn't be the first time," Elliot reminded her.

Olivia laughed again. Elliot turned the baby under the rain fall of warm water letting the suds rinse away. He then stepped from the shower with Bentley and headed for the nursery to dress him while Olivia finished her shower.

"Daddy is going to be really late," he said fastening the dry diaper she had laid out and smiled at his son. "But that's okay, he would rather be here with you and mommy anyway."

He snapped the tiny snaps on Bentley's green frog sleeper and smoothed his hair over with the baby brush.

"You are so handsome," he said picking up his son and kissing him as he carried the little boy back into the living room.

It was daylight now and the snow was falling once more. Elliot opened the blinds and stood in front of the window while the baby stared out into the blizzard.

"Maybe next year when you are a little bigger daddy will take you out and show you how to build a snow man. Or you and mommy could stand in here and watch while daddy builds you one."

"I like that idea," she replied still towel drying her damp hair as she entered the room. "Maybe the year after he can help."

"I guess I am getting a little ahead of myself," Elliot confessed handing Bentley back to his mother as he made his way back to the bedroom to get dressed once more.

Olivia made a sandwich on toast with the reheated bacon and eggs and fixed him a cup of coffee to take with him.

"I'm really gonna miss spending all of this time with him when I go back to work again."

"That reminds me, did you ever return the call to that Dunnahan guy?"

"Donovan," she corrected him. "He is a reporter. He is doing a story about the shooting and wants to interview some of the people who were there. Most of the parents don't want him dragging all of this up with their kids he is now stalking the teachers. He says he wants to tell the story from my perspective."

"I take it you are not okay with that."

"It isn't really my story to tell. Some crazed man came into the school and killed innocent people. There isn't much else to tell. And those families are now facing Christmas without their loved ones. The six month anniversary of the shooting is right around the corner…."

"Hints the piece he is writing," Elliot replied taking a drink of coffee.

"I just don't want to be involved. He is just re-opening wounds these people are trying desperately to heal."

"I see your point."

"Do you? Cindy Thompson, one of the other teachers I work with said she would do the story."

"Then he can talk to her."

"He doesn't want her. He wants me. She saw the gunman walk down the hall and called the police. But I had to stand face to face with him and watch him shoot my son. We almost lost two children that day, Elliot," she said softly studying Bentley's little fist around her finger as he pulled it into his mouth. "We could have lost four. And I know I am not the only one who still has nightmares about it."

"Baby, you have to do whatever is right for you."

"But this is also a chance to tell the story for the victims of that day. Am I wrong to take that away from them? I heard him shoot Lisa Brennell and a group of kids in her classroom. Four of those kids will never see their families again. Lisa was a friend of mine. We had lunch together every day. Her daughter just had a baby girl last week. Lisa's first grandchild and she will never get to see her. She will never get to hold that baby or kiss her the way that we do him. She will never see any of her grandchildren, because some madman stole that when he took her life that day. And those kids….he told me he shot them because they wouldn't stop crying. Tell me what those babies did to him?"

"He was crazy, Olivia."

"Jenna Baker had been married for five years to her college sweetheart. They tried for years to get pregnant and finally used Invitro to conceive. We had the same due date. They gave us a joint baby shower the week before the shooting. Jenna was killed and her twin sons died inside of her. None of these people did anything to deserve what he did to them. Four weeks later we started school like nothing ever happened. In a different building, because our school building was still considered a crime scene. I heard they cut a deal to bulldoze the old building and just build a new one."

"It had a lot of repairs and upgrades that needed to be done anyway."

"They couldn't get the blood off the walls and floors. When the city was finished they turned the building back over and the blood was still everywhere. Clean up crews got most of it off the floors, but even after they had been repainted several times the blood on the wall could still be seen. That is why they are building the new school."

Elliot stood there watching the tears rise in her beautiful brown eyes unsure of what to say to comfort her.

"The building we are in right now is so old that the heat doesn't work half the time and sometimes the water pipes freeze up. The old furnace went out and has to be replaced so they let us go four days early for Christmas break. This is the building that was scheduled to be demolished."

"Have you thought about it?"

"About what?"

"Talking to him. About doing the interview. About telling their story, the whole story."

"Why so he can write the article? Then what, a book deal? Maybe a movie of the week. All the while gaining publicity for a madman murderer. I don't think I want to be any part of this."

"But you know, you not talking to him isn't going to keep him from doing the story. He will just go somewhere else and get what he can. Then he'll probably embellish the rest. But you were there. You actually know what happened in that school and in that room. You spoke to the gunman and you survived. You knew the people who lost their lives that day and if you talk to them they can base their article on actual facts. The truth of the people and the situation will come out. And readers will get the chance to actually know the people who were taken that day."

"You think I should do it?"

"Honey, it is completely up to you. I support you either way. But I think it is definitely something to consider."

"I give him the gory little details then he goes out and writes a book for profit. He pads his pockets with money made off their deaths! That isn't right!"

"Or there is another option."

"What is that?"

"You write the book. Cut him off at the pass. You write the book and tell the stories of the victims, the teachers and the children who lost their lives that day. All of the families with wounded loved ones who were effected by that day."

"I don't want to make money off it either, Elliot. I want to forget it ever happened!"

"You will never forget it. You will never forget them."

"I don't want to forget them."

"So write the book. Tell everyone the truth about what happened that day and do it in a way that shows the value of the lives that were lost. And find something productive to do with the profits from the book, donate to charity or something."

"Or start a scholarship fund. In memory of the people who were lost that day."

"Now that is a great idea," he said kissing her tenderly. "Let him write whatever he is gonna write. You tell the world the truth."

"You don't think it is too intrusive? Like I am poking into peoples lives where I am not wanted?"

"Take the time to think about it and decide how you want to approach this. You could even talk to some of the families and see if they would like to offer their stories as well. Make it a collective effort. It is just something to consider."

He watched as she began to nod.

"I love you," he said pulling her from the dark place her mind had began to wander.

Olivia smiled.

"You are going to be so late. I love you, too."

Elliot kissed her tenderly.

"Only about an hour or so. And I think I was much more needed here than there anyway," he said with a wink. "You be good for your mama little man. And don't have too much fun shopping and checking out the pretty girls," Elliot said kissing his son as he handed him off to Olivia.

"Have a good day."

"You be careful. It could be icy out there."

"We will be."

She held Bentley in front of the window and they watched as Elliot pulled out of the driveway and headed for work. She carried the baby into the kitchen and placed him in his bouncy seat on the counter as she fixed herself some breakfast, then cleaned up the kitchen.

After getting all bundled up, she put Bentley in his car seat and carried him out to the garage where her car was warming up.

"Here we go," she said with a smile kissing a chubby cheek as she buckled his seat in.

After a morning of Christmas shopping they finally made their way into a little diner two blocks down from the courthouse to meet Casey for lunch.

"I'm sorry I am so late. My trial ran a little longer than I thought it would," she said sitting sliding into the booth across from Olivia. "How are you guys?"

"We are good. Aren't we bubba? Happy to see Aunt Casey," she said as the baby made gurgling sounds and stared at her.

"Let me hold him," Casey said standing to take her godson into her arms. "You have grown so much since I saw you last."

"You were at the house three days ago, it hasn't been that long."

"Still, he is getting so big. And heavy. Not the same tiny little baby you gave birth to just a few short months ago."

"He didn't feel so tiny when he was ripping his way through my vagina."

"Well, he is absolutely perfect."

"Kinda makes you want one, right?" Olivia asked stirring sweetener into her tea with her straw.

"Oh yea, especially the ripping through the vagina part. Sounds amazing!"

"Seriously, Casey, you ever think about it? You are great with him. And our kids could grow up together."

"It is kind of hard to do on your own."

"What about Mike?"

"Oh, ehh," Casey gave a nervous laugh, "I guess I forgot to tell you….we sort of called it quits."

"I'm sorry. When did this happen?"

"About a month ago."

"A month ago? You were at my house three days ago and this never came up?"

"I'm sorry. At first I just didn't wanna talk about it, it was painful. Then after a while I guess I just forgot that I hadn't told you."

"What happened?"

"Cheating. What else?"

"Really? Mike didn't seem like the type who would cheat."

"Mike didn't."

Olivia's eyes shot up to look at Casey.

"You cheated on him?"

"Yea, not something I am proud of by the way. But it did happen. I felt completely horrible immediately after and so guilty. I called him the next day and told him. He was hurt. And we broke it off."

"Casey, what is going on with you? This isn't like you at all. And who was this other guy?"

"Just a guy. Someone I work with. An old fling back in town. We faced off in court and he asked me out for drinks afterward. One thing lead to another and the next thing I knew we were naked rolling around together in front of the fire place in his downtown loft."

"Is this someone you might be interested in?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Why not? It sounds like you had a good time together."

"I hate the guy!"

Olivia laughed trying not to spit her mouthful of tea across the table.

"You hate him so you have sex with him?"

""I'm not even sure how it happened….again."

"How did it happen the first time?"

"I won a big case against his client. Things had gotten pretty nasty in court and he offered to buy me a drink as a truce."

"And the sex?"

"Added bonus, I guess. I don't know."

"Is he cute?"

"SO HOT! And good in bed. But such a slime ball. He makes a living defending all of the scum that I am fighting so hard to put away. And he plays dirty in court."

"Someone has to defend them, Casey. They have a constitutional right to counsel. What's his name?" Olivia asked with a smile.

"Trevor Langan. He is the epitome of evil."

Olivia laughed.

"So you are literally sleeping with the enemy?"

"Cute. What the hell am I gonna do? It is only a matter of time before he finds some way to use this against me in court."

"Maybe he genuinely likes you. And if he is that hot and you guys are that good together….maybe that isn't a bad thing."

"Are you crazy? This could ruin my career!"

"Do you like him?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just play along. If the circumstances were different and you didn't work together…"

"Against each other."

"Okay, against each other. Would you consider dating him?"

"Olivia, if we weren't sworn enemies at work….I would marry this man. He is beautiful, and charming and so sexy. He has all his shit together. And he is living proof that chivalry is not dead."

"Oh yea?"

Casey smiled.

"He opened the car door for me. And pulled out the chair for me at out table. Took my coat at his apartment. And he did that thing I love…." she trailed off in a daydream.

"What thing would that be?"

"Some guys do this thing, you know where he places his hand in the small of your back and leads you into a room. Like he is proud to be there with you. Something about it is just so….sexy."

"Elliot has always done that."

"I know," Casey said with a smile. "And he is so sweet with you. I have to admit, girl, sometimes I am a little jealous. You have a great marriage with an amazing man who doesn't see past the light in your eyes. And now you have this beautiful baby boy and the new house, the family, the whole package. I am happy for you and I love you like a sister, you are my best friend in the entire world, but if you weren't I would probably hate you. You know that, right?"

Olivia laughed.

"Hang in there, Casey. It will happen for you, too. When this guy or the right guy, who ever he may be comes along….it will happen for you."

"But how do you know that?"

"Because you are an amazing person and any man would be lucky to have you."

Casey kissed the baby in her arms and hugged her friend as they stood to leave.

"You are still coming for Christmas dinner, right?" Olivia asked.

"Sure. It's not like I have anywhere else to be. Or anywhere else I'd want to be."

Olivia laughed.

"You'd better be there! We have all this food and I am so paranoid that no one will show up."

"Who all did you invite?"

"Well, it will be me and El and the kids. Then I invited the guys from his work, they are like family. Riley's parents, they have not seen the baby yet. And your date if you would like to bring one."

"No date for me. I'm flying solo this year."

"Alright. But there will be plenty of food if you change your mind and decide you would like to invite someone. Maybe someone from work," Olivia replied with a sly smile and a wink.

"I will keep that in mind," Casey said kissing the baby as Olivia buckled him back into his car seat. "Bye, bye sweet boy. Aunt Casey will see you in a few days."

Olivia hugged her friend and waved as she pulled away. After a few more hours of shopping she had concocted a plan.

"Hey there," Elliot said as she walked into the bullpen with the baby in her arms.

He kissed her tenderly and picked up their son.

"Hi buddy, did you come to see daddy at work?"

She smiled watching as he talked baby talk to their son. This was by far the best part of her life and there was no way she was about to let her best friend miss out on it.


"Yea, honey?"

"I need you to do me a big favor."


Olivia sat in his office chair as she began to explain her idea to him.